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Russia, Azerbaijan: No Row Over the Pipe

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  • Russia, Azerbaijan: No Row Over the Pipe

    Russia, Azerbaijan: No Row Over the Pipe

    Focus News, Bulgaria
    July 27, 2006

    By Vasily Zubkov

    To the surprise of some experts who had been predicting a chill in
    Russian-Azerbaijani relations because of the commissioning of the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, the two presidents sat next to each
    other at one of the events of the recent informal CIS summit.

    Meanwhile, the first Azeri oil has already reached the Heidar Aliyev
    terminal in the Turkish port of Ceyhan, but over a year later than
    it was originally planned.

    The BTC pipeline is the biggest non-Russian infrastructure project
    in the entire post-Soviet space all along the line - in investment
    (four billion dollars), the number of participants, and the
    potential geopolitical consequences. Russia's attitude to it is not
    unequivocal. It is happy for its CIS neighbor, but weary about the
    political anti-Russian fuss around its commissioning.

    During the construction of the BTC, there was talk in the West about
    the Kremlin's destructive propaganda, and its continued attempts to
    avert the implementation of this 'project of the century'. But in
    reality, it was back in the early 1990s, when the future project was
    only discussed in broad outline, that Moscow refused to take part in
    it for routine, non-political reasons.

    In those remote times Baku profited much less from its oil exports
    than from a million-odd Azeris who were selling vegetables and fruit
    in Moscow. The Azeri oil industry was stagnating and investment in
    it required much optimism. Besides, the BTC project was not likely
    to recoup because of low world oil prices. All figures rested on the
    dubious estimates of the Caspian deposits. The risks were too high
    also because the pipe was to pass through Turkish areas inhabited by
    Kurds and Georgian regions with a predominantly Armenian population.

    To sum up, Russia's reasons for refusing to join in the BTC building
    were clear and logical. Even BP, the BTC operator, might have not
    undertaken it if it had not been for the powerful pressure from
    the U.S.

    Many of these apprehensions have now become reality. There is
    not yet enough oil for the pipe to reach its rated capacity. The
    Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli deposits, which were supposed to be the BGC
    main supplier, produce no more than 20 million tons of oil per year.

    This compares with Azerbaijan's total output of 22 million tons
    in 2005.

    Russian-Azerbaijani bilateral economic ties are making steady
    headway. Under the intergovernmental bilateral agreements, more than
    two million tons of Caspian oil are pumped into the Baku-Novorossiysk
    pipeline every year.

    Transneft Vice President Sergey Grigoryev said that he was surprised
    to learn that the Azeri exports via Novorossiysk had even grown in
    the last few months, after the BTC was put into operation, though
    they are still considerably less than the 5 million tons annually
    reserved by Transneft.

    When asked what will happen if all Azeri oil goes into the new
    pipeline, Grigoryev said that such a small loss would be negligible
    for his company. Last year it processed almost 454 million tons of oil,
    and the share of Azeri oil was no more than 0.55%.

    Baku is seeking partners exactly because it does not have enough
    oil for the full operation of the first BTC extension. Not long ago
    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan invited Russia to take part
    in the BTC, but this proposal did not evoke much interest. The BTC
    rate of $21 for a ton of oil circulations cannot compete with $15.6
    at Baku-Novorossiysk.

    Eager to boost its oil exports, Kazakhstan has decided to go for
    the BTC and signed the agreement, which provides for the annual
    transportation of 7.5 million tons. In perspective, this figure
    may grow to 20 million tons, but not necessarily - Kazakhstan cannot
    provide any guarantees. It is also increasing its oil exports to China,
    and has much interest in oil supplies to Lithuania and Latvia.

    But cooperation with Kazakhstan is not problem-free. Kazakh oil is
    more sulfurous as compared with Azeri Light, one of the best crudes
    in the world, and hence the price for a barrel is different. Baku is
    racking the brains over how to avoid a drop in price and not lose a
    strategic partner. But will Astana agree to compensate for lowering
    the quality of Azeri brand?

    U.S. President George W. Bush, who did not take part in the BTC
    inauguration, called it the gates to the world oil market, and
    suggested their protection by the 'Caspian Guards', for which
    Washington intends to pay $150 million.

    Under this project, the U.S. will send a ground force to the BTC
    countries, and will monitor them from the air and space. Needless to
    say, the Kremlin cannot be happy about such close wardship, and the
    military presence of third countries in the post-Soviet space.

    This amounts to the formation of a new pro-Western bloc on Russia's
    borders. Maybe, this is another reason why Moscow is indifferent
    to the BTC as a pipeline for liquid hydrocarbons, and is so worried
    about everything around it. Russia is afraid that the BTC may turn
    into the Trojan horse on its frontiers.

    However, Moscow and Baku are linked by mutually beneficial long-term
    economic contacts; there is a huge Azeri diaspora in Russia; and
    the Aliyevs - father and son alike - have traditionally pursued
    a multi-vector foreign policy. These factors taken together will
    hopefully make bilateral relations stable and predictable, and serve as
    'an airbag' in case of collision.

    The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author,
    and may not necessarily coincide with those of the editorial board.