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History of War Is Written by Dishwashers

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  • History of War Is Written by Dishwashers

    27 July 06

    Several commanders of squads in Karabakh war wrote a letter to the
    president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan, demanding to improve the hard
    social state of the liberation soldiers. The liberation soldiers
    offer a list of social demands, starting with the status.

    "The most important of these demands is the adoption of a status of
    participants of Artsakh liberation war. You see, there are participants
    of the Patriotic War, veterans of foreign legion, in Ethiopia, where
    a civil war took place, there are two groups of veterans. How about
    us? Are we Tahiti? They do not recognize the independence of Karabakh,
    let alone they recognize that there was a war. They are afraid of
    losing their money," stated the commander of the squad Artsakh Mikael
    Apresyan July 27 at the Pastark Club.

    "Hence, we have something interesting. Everybody says we won the war,
    but there are no people, in other words, there is not a category of
    people who participated in the war. It is very strange, the nation
    fought, but there are no warriors," adds Arkady Karapetyan, one of
    the pioneers of the Karabakh movement and commander during the war,
    who is presently the head of Yerkrapah Union in Artsakh.

    The veterans of war say most of the real fighters are now jobless,
    homeless, can hardly make both ends meet, whereas heroes, who emerged
    out of nowhere, live in villas, ride in expensive cars, get different
    awards for military service.

    "Now that they distribute awards, they mainly distribute them to
    people who did not participate [in the war]. It makes us furious.
    Hence people who were in Russia, in Moscow, anywhere else in those
    years, are now making decisions and it is not clear who they are
    and what they do," says Arkady Karapetyan, one of the pioneers of
    the Karabakh movement, who assures that he knows who did what during
    the war. Karapetyan points the books, which allegedly tell about the
    movement and war in Karabakh but in fact tell nothing about those
    years of the movement, in which the present government had no role.
    Mikhael Apresyan, the commander of the squad Artsakh gives an example
    of such a book.

    "You should read it, it is entitled "Liberation", by a certain Martin
    Baghdasaryan, who deserves a punishment. Imagine these people were
    awarded posthumously, whereas these people are driving about here in
    jeeps," says Mikhael Apresyan.

    "This Martin, for instance, who wrote the book, used to wash dishes
    in a squad in the village of Hatsik," says Arkady Karapetyan. He says
    it is also a service, which cannot be ignored. Karapetyan says they do
    not want to be alone to get the laurels. "However, Martin who used to
    be a dishwasher, he does not know how it was in the trenches, and who
    was in the trenches. This is the problem," says Arkady Karapetyan. The
    veterans of war, who extended their demands to the president, set a
    timing of ten days. These ten days have passed but there is no answer
    yet. However, the veterans do not answer either what they will be doing
    next. More exactly, they answer but they say they won't do anything.

    "We are still working out this process, it is early to tell you
    something," says Mikael Apresyan. "We are gathering signatures among
    our guys, among the population, who will join us. Then we'll see.
    Maybe after the holidays they will start thinking anew. It will be
    clear in late August," says Arkady Karapetyan with a smile.

    The veterans do not think there is someone in the ruling elite, who
    will solve the social problems of thousands of liberation soldiers.
    "This disorder, I do not know how to call it, will not solve. One
    hundred million, will they give one hundred million to pay benefits
    to these guys?" says Mikael Apresyan.

    "You see, we do not believe Tsar Batushka, we do not believe that
    someone will solve the problems. Why? He's a weak guy, we haven't
    lived normally after independence to get rid of this weakness, and
    now they are imposing this slavery on our youth. This man comes to
    power, they take him to Paris, America, this poor guy sees, is afraid,
    and he cannot understand what he can do to recover the country he
    heads from this state. In other words, if we, the people, do not get
    a firm footing on this land, not an official will solve this problem
    normally," states Arkady Karapetyan.