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`Skinhead' Was Scared, And Not Only Him

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  • `Skinhead' Was Scared, And Not Only Him

    28 July 06

    A well-known political scientist of Armenia, who is also known as a `devoted
    servant' of the defense minister Serge Sargsyan, recently wonderedwhy his `
    boss' blundered and became united with the Republican Party and took the
    corrupt officials and representatives of the criminal business along with him.
    Probably, the political scientist thought that Serge Sargsyan was so ingenuous
    as to fail to realize that people would get disappointed with him.
    Of course, it is difficult to explain to the political scientist that unlike
    him Serge Sargsyan and his `team' know that they are not going to solve
    their problems thanks to the sympathy of the society. They have got used to
    other preferable technologies, gaining the ability to make the public accept and
    not foil their plans. Certainly, we won't insist that this time they
    calculated everything perfectly. More exactly, they made a mistake in their
    calculations, as it became clear immediately after the conference of the Republican
    Party. It does not mean, however, that their belief in their almightiness has
    As formerly, we again deal with a rather delicate strategy in Armenia with
    underlying confidence (at least), reliance on fear to gain political
    influence. In other words, the belief that consistent preaching of fear isthe best
    means of affecting public consciousness and consequently ruling the public.
    This political practice is typical of the criminalized societies of the
    post-Soviet space. Those years of unlawfulness reinforced the false beliefthat
    justice is something unattainable in the public consciousness. And in those
    years political groups emerged, for whom this public consciousness is excellent
    basis to guarantee power for them. These figures realized that they only
    need to instill in the public that it is impossible to change anything in this
    life because THEY will not allow. In other words, a political methodology
    emerged, which was based on having the public accept their fate.
    It is absolutely clear that this methodology is the only hope of regimes the
    political essence of which is clear to the public. These regimes cannot
    speak with the public about national interest, their usefulness, and so on. These
    talks are useless and are Pharisaic. Therefore this talk is turned into a`
    fair' dialogue with such a scheme, `We are criminals, but it will not help
    you, because we are powerful, so let us get on well with one another.' In other
    words, it is a dialogue, intended to lead to the recognition of their right
    to rule. That is to say, the bluff of `almightiness' is the only hope of the
    people who believe that there is no other means of making or persuading the
    public to recognize their right. It can be seen with the naked eye that the
    peculiarity of preaching of the government forces in Armenia is
    self-praising. These forces are reluctant to display other merits, such as
    awareness of
    the country's strategic goals, ability to strengthen and develop the state and
    so on. It is only said why this force cannot be defeated.
    It would be ingenuous to think that someone will give up this strategy in
    today's Armenia. Meanwhile, there is another reason why the plans of these
    forces are a failure. The native `heroes' failed to understand that they have
    become too many. In this state of things, the atmosphere of fear imposed on the
    public does not produce its effect. The `greatness' of theRepublicans
    encountered the `greatness' of 210 thousand of Gagik Tsarukyan. The machine of
    fear broke down. Now they have to scare each other with the public laughing at
    them. Here the imagination of our `heroes' expired. And the well-known
    political scientist perhaps started worrying about his fate. And not only the
    political scientist.
    It was curious to follow the brave young Republican Armen Ashotyan explain
    quite recently to the Armenian public that Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous
    Armenia) Party is a trade office with advertisements, whereas now he denies his
    words, accusing the press of having distorted his words. Whereas it happened
    so that Gagik Tsarukyan solemnly remembered the name of the poor guy,
    promising to give an `appropriate' answer to everyone likehim. And so on...
    Yes, the time of the `bluff of almightiness' and the policy of struggle for
    power based on it is over. Access to the government camp is restricted for
    self-declared lords. Forgetting about the public, different types of political
    coincidences encountered the problem of frightening each other. For the
    Armenian public, all they can do is to gather them in a box and send them where
    they should be. For political scientists, all they can do is to mourn for the `
    fall of Rome' and cry, `whereas we told you should not have...'
