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Azerbaijan Won't Be Allowed to Start War in Karabakh

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  • Azerbaijan Won't Be Allowed to Start War in Karabakh


    Azerbaijan Won't Be Allowed to Start War in Karabakh
    28.07.2006 13:26 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The military operation in the Codori canyon is just
    a political PR campaign launched by Mikhail Saakashvili, head of the
    International Relations Department at the Institute of the Political
    and Military Analysis Sergey Markedonov told a PanARMENIAN.Net
    reporter. In his words, neither Georgians nor Abkhazians control the
    territory where the operations started. `This operation gives
    Georgians the opportunity to hold talks with the `other state
    structure' of Abkhazia bypassing official Sukhumi. However this
    territory is too small to talk about it seriously. It doesn't even
    include the Galsky region mostly inhabited by Georgians,' Markedonov

    At the same time the Russian political scientist underlined that
    Azerbaijan's wish to follow Georgia's example and launch hostilities
    against Nagorno Karabakh is just unsound. `The operation in Kodori is
    just a walk while incursion into Karabakh is a lingering and bloody
    war Azerbaijan can lose. Karabakh's security zone is a deeply
    echeloned defense while the Defense Army of Karabakh cannot be
    compared to a group of Georgian `guerrillas' led by Emzar
    Kvitsiani. The territory of Nagorno Karabakh is really controlled what
    cannot be said about the Kodori canyon. There is one more nuance: late
    Heydar Aliyev has created an image of a victim for Azerbaijan in the
    West. Now, if military operations start in the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict region this image will immediately crack. It will be the end
    of Ilham Aliyev and I suppose he understands this. It's just a
    political move. From time to time he just has to tell his people that
    `Azerbaijan will liberate its territories. Moreover, Europe, the
    U.S. and of course Russia will be against Azerbaijan's
    aggression. Thus, adding the factor of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
    pipeline Azerbaijan will not start war. It just won't be allowed,'
    Markedonov said.