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Beat Jews - save Azerbaijan

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  • Beat Jews - save Azerbaijan

    DeFacto Agency, Armenia
    July 28, 2006


    Azerbaijan's National Democratic Party leader Iskender Hamidov made a
    statement, in which he charged the Jews with creeping annexation
    against Azerbaijan. The Azeri gray wolves' leader, in part,
    complained of the fact that `almost all areas of land in the northern
    regions of the country - Guba, Gusary and Khachmaz' belong to the
    Jews, `and they succeed in seizing other treasures of our country as
    well'. We do not know to what gender and tribe Hamidov himself
    belongs, who is well known in Karabakh under the nickname `a wolf,
    which eats children', in any case, whoever he is he should have known
    that Guba, Gusary and Khachmaz have never been the Azeri territories.
    The lands had belonged to the Lezgins, Avarians and Tsakhurs long
    time before the Turks appeared in the region. As it is said, the
    Turks are asked not to worry. Comprehending `national - democracy'
    expression in a peculiar way, Hamidov charges the Jews with all
    current troubles of Azerbaijan. He alleges that the Azeri historians,
    realizing the Zionists' order, `affirm that the mountain Jews of
    Azerbaijan are our country's native inhabitants. Thus, they are
    preparing the ground to lay further claims to our country'. I have to
    upset a wolf with the fangs torn by the deceased Aliyev: the mountain
    Jews, former Khazars, really appeared in Azerbaijan a few centuries
    before the Turks. The Jews and Turks had to go there because of
    natural-climatic cataclysms. A part of Khazars turned into Denme
    Tats, another part is registered as the mountain Jews. If Hamidov has
    got literate assistants, they will help him to find the Jewish sites
    in Internet, where it's explained clearly enough even for wolves to
    understand that Tats and mountain Jews are one nation.
    However, Hamidov pounces on the word `Jew', like a wolf on raw meat.
    For him the Tat is an incomprehensible phenomenon. Meanwhile, the
    Tats and mountain Jews have always been at the progressive front of
    the struggle for Azerbaijan's Turkization. The scientists -
    historians Sysoev, Yampolski, Polonski; politicians Khan Khoyski, M.
    J. Bagirov, A. Mutalibov - each of them contributed to the
    Turkization of an artificial state formation in the east of
    Nowadays Turkish nationalism has appeared on the territory, striking
    representative of which is mangy Hamidov. He considers that,
    according to the plan of Washington and Tel Aviv, `after the
    occupation of Syria and Iran the Israelites will take up Azerbaijan'.
    Perhaps, to precipitate the realization of the plan Azerbaijan sends
    oil to Israel. Or is I. Aliyev a Jew as well? As far as I know, both
    Aliyev and Chairs of SOCAR and Azersun are Kurds. If the Jews are
    relevant to Azerbaijan's oil business, then only in gray Hamidov's
    fevered imagination.
    The little wolf's resume made me really happy: `If two soldiers were
    stolen in Israel, then in Azerbaijan 24 servicemen were stolen only
    last year, it is time to open hostilities with Armenia'.
    I confess that I know nothing about 24 or any stolen Azeri soldiers.
    However, I hope that if the `time' really comes, Hamidov will leave
    his Baku apartments and will be among his own soldiers. The Karabakh
    people remember and wait for him.