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There Is A Way to Fight The Criminal Republican Resource

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  • There Is A Way to Fight The Criminal Republican Resource

    28 July 06

    In the parliamentary election 2007 the Liberal Democratic Party
    (Ramkavar) will ally with all the forces, which place fair and free
    elections above all.

    The leader of the Ramkavar Party Harutiun Arakelyan said there is
    definite expectation and arrangement on partnership with the Hzor
    Hayrenik Party. The leader of the Ramkavar Party declines to specify
    other alliances or allies, saying it is a question that the political
    party will solve. However, Harutiun Arakelyan hints at new allies,
    saying that they have allies among the new political parties. It
    means, perhaps, that the Ramkavar Party may ally with two political
    parties established recently, Bargavach Hayastan and Dashink.

    `Yes, it means, because we do not think that Dashink Party and
    Bargavach Hayastan Party were set up for electoral fraud. I think they
    will have a dominant role in holding a fair election. On this way,
    even if we are opponents, in this matter we will have supporters and
    we will work together,' says Harutiun Arakelyan. According to him,
    there is a definite way of fighting the administrative criminal
    resource of the Republican Party.

    `It is a universal truth that force should be encountered by
    anti-force. At least one must show that they get ready for the war,
    ready for struggle. In my opinion, there should be consolidation. The
    leaders of political parties need to get rid of their ambitions and
    manage, I do not know, sometimes they use the word `ideological' very
    often, but at the moment this union must have a definite goal, and
    they must sit at a table and try to create an equal force, or at least
    two forces,' says Harutiun Arakelyan. Accordingto him, if they
    participate separately, there will be local intensive struggle but
    itwill not be a general success.

    `But if there are serious violations, and violence like before, wewill
    be doing the same. I am saying again, we will have supporters, and we
    will not be alone in this struggle,' states the leader of the Ramkavar

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress