Prime News Agency, Georgia
June 1 2006
Tbilisi. June 01 (Prime-News) - 44 items of Russian military equipment
left the Autonomous Republic of Adjara on Thursday, Prime-News was
told by representatives of the Ministry of Defence.
Train loaded with two infantry vehicles (BTR 60), trucks and other
equipmentheaded to Giumri, Armenia at 12.05 am.
The equipment had been withdrawn from 90th regiment in Khelvachauri
district for several days.
Another train loaded with Russian military equipment will leave Adjara
within a week form June 1. The other one will leave on June 8.
Prime News Agency, Georgia
June 1 2006
Tbilisi. June 01 (Prime-News) - 44 items of Russian military equipment
left the Autonomous Republic of Adjara on Thursday, Prime-News was
told by representatives of the Ministry of Defence.
Train loaded with two infantry vehicles (BTR 60), trucks and other
equipmentheaded to Giumri, Armenia at 12.05 am.
The equipment had been withdrawn from 90th regiment in Khelvachauri
district for several days.
Another train loaded with Russian military equipment will leave Adjara
within a week form June 1. The other one will leave on June 8.