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Another Sad Story - Red Kurdistan

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  • Another Sad Story - Red Kurdistan

    By Nizameddin Rzayev
    Kurdish Media, UK
    June 5 2006

    As a Kurd born in Red Kurdistan, the Kurdish area tucked away between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan and speaking very little Kurdish, ever since
    my childhood I became aware of our certain cultural differences from
    the rest of people-Azeris and Armenians around us. Although, I grew
    up speaking Azerbaijani, a branch of Turkic languages and some broken
    Russian, we still had a lot of strange-sounding, different words in
    our everyday language which were not used by Azeris. Afterwards I
    found out that these words were borrowed from Kurmanci which was our
    original language before being assimilated into speaking Azerbaijani.

    Some of the oldest community members were still able to speak Kurdish
    but since they belonged to the past that Soviet citizens had to
    dispense with in order to absorb "progressive" cosmopolitan communist
    ideals, they were in no position to pass on our cultural heritage and
    native language to us. Later my Mom told me that whenever her father
    and aunt did not want the children and outsiders to understand what
    they were talking about they switched from Azeri to Kurdish. All this
    knowledge further inflamed my insatiable, childish curiosity to delve
    into the mysterious past of my small part of Greater Kurdistan.

    When we went to other parts of Azerbaijan and Armenia the locals
    called us Kurds or "Mountaineers" interchangeably. They sometimes
    sympathetically made fun of us because of our strict adherence to
    honor, self restraint and pride. For instance, we would seldom go to
    police or court if two people had any personal differences, viewing it
    a less manly means. There would always be older, respected member of
    our community there mediating to settle any problem. We could speak
    Azerbaijani fluently but with a distinct accent peculiar to only
    Kurds. We were on good terms with both Azeris and Armenians until the
    Karabax war threw us on the same side of battle with Azerbaijanis as
    their fellow citizens against Armenians.

    Armenians evidently made no distinction between Moslem Kurds and Azeris
    when they captured all districts one by one that made up former Red
    Kurdistan adjacent to Nagorno Karabax. The irony was that Yezidi
    Kurds living in Armenia were fiercest Armenian soldiers fighting
    against their own brethren in Lachin and Kelbajar.

    When I come to think about it, I tend to believe that the very same
    religious affinity with Azerbaijanis had been a big facilitating
    factor in the linguistic assimilation and loss of national identity
    of so many Kurds over the decades.

    I had so many questions yearning for answer in my head about our
    Kurdish roots and history that I always bombarded my grandfather
    who could speak a broken Kurdish and other older people with my
    never-ending questions. But I was always disappointed not to find
    any reliable source exploring our national saga partly because any
    form of asserting national identity under Soviet Union was strongly
    discouraged and partly because most of the people in this part of
    Kurdistan had lost their history. The assimilation policy ruthlessly
    pursued against Kurds by the central government of Soviet Azerbaijan
    and isolation from their brethren in the "mainland" Kurdistan had
    done irreparable damage to Kurdish culture and language.

    There were two theories voiced by elders as to the history of our
    community, one being that our grandfathers were moved as a part of 24
    Kurdish tribes by Shah Abbas of Iran in 16th century from different
    parts of Irani Kurdistan and Xorasan to the Caucasus to fortify the
    borders of Safavids against Ottomans. But my grandfather claimed
    that we had come to the Caucasus from modern-day Southern Kurdistan
    (around modern Mosul, Kirkuk cities) 300 years before since our tribes
    (Ferihkhani) was one of the recalcitrant Kurdish tribes refusing to
    pay taxes to Ottomans. Thus, our true history was lost in the clouds
    of history and ruthless fate that befell Kurds in all the parts of
    our rightful homeland. Later I found out that Kurds had lived in the
    Caucasus since time immemorial, establishing strong Kurdish dynasties
    like Sheddadites, Revvadites that ruled big parts of modern-day
    Azerbaijan in 9th -13th centuries. Thus, there had always been Kurds
    in Red Kurdistan and other parts of Azerbaijan such as Nakhchevan
    before we came to settle in these beautiful, picturesque lands.

    Kurds had left their indelible imprint on the folklore, music,
    literature and history of Azerbaijan. Old Mugams such as Kurd-Ovshari,
    Bayati-Kurd, Kurd-Shahnaz are still considered to be the best
    examples of classic music in modern-day Azerbaijan. In a famous epoch
    "Koroglu", the bravery of "Kurdoglu" (Kurd's son) against feudal
    pashas and landowners in redressing their injustices towards the
    poor and dispossessed is so exulted and praised. The world-famous
    classic of Azerbaijan literature Nizami Gencevi (1141-1209) devoted
    his famous poem "Xeyir and Sher" to the good deeds and virtues of
    a Kurdish girl and her rich farther, praising in so many words her
    beauty, compassion, generosity towards the helpless "Xeyir" by saving
    him from hunger and death.

    During the heydays of perestroika launched by the last head of
    former Soviet Union, Gorbachov, there was a renewed interest in
    Kurdish culture and language. Late Shamil Askerov, a poet, tireless
    researcher and scholar on Kurdology born in Kelbajar were able to
    introduce Kurdish language classes in some Kurdish village schools. I
    remember how proud little Kurdish boys and girls were of new Kurdish
    words and phrases they had learned in school in my village called
    Zeylik. Unfortunately those good days were short-lived when the bloody
    Karabax war put an end to this initiative by dispersing all the Kurds
    around different corners of Azerbaijan.

    Kurds lived in Red Kurdistan made up of four administrative
    units-Kelbajar, Lachin, Gubadly, Zengilan and part of Jebrail
    until 1993 when a long lasting bloody conflict between Azerbaijan
    and Armenia over Nagorno Karabax drove all the Kurds out of their
    ancestral homeland. The founding and abolishment of Red Kurdistan is
    somewhat shrouded in mystery.

    The tale related by our elders had it that Lenin personally gave the
    order to establish the Red Kurdistan. Nevertheless, there are certain
    facts that shed some light on the real story of this first-ever
    Kurdish Autonomy in modern history. Red Kurdistan was officially
    set up on July 7, 1923 by the decision of a Special Committee (The
    official Russian name was Kurdistanski Uezd), confirmed on July17
    by the Executive Board of the Committee headed by S. Kirov, a high
    Bolshevik functionary. But the degree of autonomy granted on us paled
    in comparison to that of neighboring ethnic Armenians in Nagorno
    Garabax Autonomous Province. Kurdistanski Uezd was dissolved on April
    8, 1929 after the Sixth Azerbaijani Congress of Soviets authorized
    the structural reshuffling of the administrative units.

    Again on May 30, 1930 Central Executive Committee of Azerbaijan
    made the decision to establish Kurdistanski Okrug, Lachin chosen
    as its capital which also included other Kurdish districts-Zengilan
    and part of Jebrail rayonys (districts) that had been left out when
    Kurdistanski Uezd was created. But the Okrug only existed 2 and half
    months before the Central Executive Committee of Soviets and Council
    of People's Commissar liquidated the Kurdistani Okrug on July 23,
    1930. Interestingly, liquidation sidestepped the neighboring Nagorno
    Karabax Autonomous Province mostly because of the influence and strong
    resistance of Armenian communists in Moscow and Baku.

    The role of nationalist Azeri beauracrats in this unjust decision
    for Kurds was probably substantial since there they had all the
    interest in the total assimilation of Azerbaijani Kurds and did
    not face any strong resistance from the mostly uneducated Kurdish
    Communities. By that time almost half the Kurds (mostly young
    generation) in this autonomous province had been assimilated into
    substituting widely-spoken Azerbaijani for their native Kurdish. The
    different official sources put the size of Kurdish population in Red
    Kurdistan at 60.000 after the October Revolution (1917) excluding
    the sizable Kurdish communities in Nakhchevan and other parts of
    Azerbaijan. To make matters worse, the official census taken in 1921
    manipulated the real number of the Kurds by reclassifying those who
    did not speak Kurdish as a first language as "Azerbaijanis". It is
    not surprising since Baku had no interest in the revival of Kurdish
    culture and national awareness among the young generation.

    During this short-lived relative autonomy and a short period afterwards
    there were several government-sponsored expeditions led by V. Susoev,
    Chursin, orientalist V. Gurko, Kriyazhin, into the region to study
    the language, culture of the highlander Kurds.

    Several articles on the Kurds of Soviet Azerbaijan were published in a
    communist newspaper "Zariya Vostoka" as a result of these expeditions.

    Conference on national minorities was held in Baku in June 1931.

    Soviet author A Bukhspan published a very useful detailed booklet
    on the Kurds of Azerbaijan, traveling to lots of Kurdish villages
    and settlements in Kelbajar, Lachin and Nakchevan after the Moscow
    reproved Baku for its neglectful and chauvinistic policy towards the
    Kurdish minority. Around 30 Kurdish books were published in Azerbaijan
    between 1930 and 1938 despite the red tape and purposeful neglect
    by official Baku. Red Kurdistanis were briefly able to take Kurdish
    summer classes in 1931; the same year the newspaper "Soviet Kurdistan"
    was founded in Lachin; Kurdish Department was established at Shusha
    Pedagogical College In 1932 where my late grandfather, Jafar Ahmedov
    was sent as a teacher. For many years to come he would be deeply
    involved in the education of mountainous communities of Kelbajar and
    Lachin. His leadership and commitment to spreading education among
    the Kurdish villagers earned him a Lenin Order, one of the highest
    awards of Soviet Union.

    This relative revival of Kurdish national awareness was cut short by
    Stalin's notorious 1937- 1938 repression that was implemented with
    unheard of brutality by Mirrcefer Bagirov, the communist leader of
    Soviet Azerbaijan. The repression resulted in the closing of all
    Kurdish language schools and publication. Thousands of Kurds from
    Nakhchivan and Red Kurdistan were deported to Central Asian republics
    -Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. My grandfather's family
    was one of these unfortunate Kurdish families who were deprived of
    all their possessions and property, declared the "enemy of people"
    because of their former landowner's status, and exiled under inhuman
    conditions to Central Asia.

    Later, some but not all of these families made it back to their
    homeland after this nightmare period was over. Unsurprisingly, most
    of the Kurds in Central Asia nowadays are the descendents of those
    Kurdish families deported from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia during
    the repression years.

    The deplorable situation for Kurdish culture and self-awareness did not
    change much even after the repression was eased with Stalin's death.

    Nevertheless, there were sporadic expeditions and published work by
    Russian kurdologists such as T. Aristova (1957), K. Kromov(1961) Ch.

    Bakaev(1960), a Yezidi Kurd by background, that dealt with the dialect
    and culture of Azerbaijani Kurds despite obstructions of Baku.

    Bakhaev found out the presence of considerable concentration of
    Kurdish communities in other parts of Azerbaijan such as Xachmaz,
    Ismayilli, Yevlax. He also noted that Kurdish language fluency had
    remarkably deteriorated among the Azerbaijani Kurds, particularly
    among the young generation, Nakhchevani Kurds being an exception.

    Their studies provide some useful but not convincing information on
    the size of Kurdish population and Kurdish settlements in the country
    since they extensively relied on official census data.

    The policy of wiping out all the traces of Kurdish culture is
    confirmed by the official census taken in 1959, 1970, 1979, and 1989
    in Soviet Azerbaijan which manipulated the size of Kurdish minority
    of Azerbaijan to a greater extent by reclassifying most of the Kurds
    as "Azerbaijani". The result was ridiculously low statistic for the
    size of Kurdish population in the country: 1,487 Kurds in 1959, 5,
    488 Kurds in 1970, 5,676 Kurds in 1979, 12,226 Kurds in 1989.

    Besides, all the other new settlements in Red Kurdistan that had
    brunched out from the older Kurdish villages were reclassified
    as Azerbaijani villages purely because of the fact that the young
    brainwashed inhabitants in these settlements used Azerbaijani as their
    first language. (The widely-accepted consensus today is that there are
    at least 500,000 Kurds in Azerbaijan, a country of 8 million, excluding
    those who have been completely assimilated whereas the official data
    only admits the presence of 13-14 thousand Kurds in Azerbaijan)

    The biggest disaster was still ahead for Red Kurdistan. The
    Upper Karabakh War Btween Armenia and Azerbaijan broke out
    in 1988 after the Armenian nationalists of Nagorno Karabakh
    and Armenia demanded separation of this autonomous province
    from Azerbaijan. The long-lasting conflict(1988-1995) had dire
    consequences for the population of Red Kurdistan: All the Kurdish
    settlements and districts were occupied by Armenian forces with the
    military support of Russia. The fierce rivalry for power in Baku
    and consequent confrontation between the different factions of
    unorganized National Army rendered Azerbaijani troops completely
    unable to defend the territories of the Republic, losing all
    the districts of Red Kurdistan - Lachin (1992), Kelbajar(1993),
    Zengilan(1993), Gubadli(1993),Cebrayil(1993) to Armenian forces
    without any resistance. As a result, the inhabitants of this former
    Kurdish Autonomy were driven out of their homelands and scattered
    around different parts of Azerbaijan.

    Most of the displaced Kurdish population still lives in refugee tents
    and temporary settlements under harsh circumstances, waiting to turn
    back to their native homelands for over 13 years. The negotiations
    between Azerbaijan and Armenia to find a peaceful solution for
    resolving the conflict has produced no results so far. The Kurdish
    Cultural Center -"Ronayi", is virtually unable to promote the Kurdish
    culture and language among the young assimilated Kurds because of lack
    of funding and watchful eye of government with evident pressure from
    Turkey. The dispersal of the Kurdish communities around the different
    corners of the country further complicates the task of putting up
    a common front to save our culture and language from the verge of
    extinction. However, a lot can be done to help revive the Kurdish
    culture in Azerbaijan by working towards practical goals such as
    opening Kurdish language courses and schools, providing the material
    to teach Kurdish, sending the young Kurds of Azerbaijan to study in
    cities like Suleymani, Hawler of Southern Kurdistan. In this respect,
    the Kurdish Diaspora in Europe, Kurdistan Regional Government and
    higher Kurdish officials of Iraq today can play an important role in
    improving the lot of these communities and facilitating the revival
    of our cultural heritage on the brink of extinction.