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Consensus in Wales recognising the Armenian Genocide

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  • Consensus in Wales recognising the Armenian Genocide

    Wales-Armenia Solidarity
    c/o Temple of Peace, Cathays Parc Cardiff Wales
    Tel 07876541681
    [email protected]

    The Majority of Welsh Members of the UK Parliament Recognise the
    Armenian and Assyrian Genocide

    Following intensive lobbying from the above organisation,over half the
    eligible Welsh Representatives of the UK Parliament have signed a
    motion recognising the Armenian and Assyrian Genocide of 1915. The
    Motion is called "Early Day Motion number 1454" and the Welsh Members of
    the London parliament, in doing this, follow the example of
    1 the majority of National Assembly of Wales Members who did the same
    on 30th october 2002. and also
    2 Gwynedd County Council, North West Wales who did so in March
    2004(The first municipality in the UK to do so) and
    3 Cardiff City Council which did so in September 2004

    "This is a historic day for Wales" said a spokesman for Wales-Armenia
    Solidarity. "There can no longer be any doubt that Wales has recognised
    the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides. For seven hundred years during
    the period of English rule,, our voice was silenced on international
    issues.We have now a consensus on a serious international issue that
    differs signifigantly from UK government policy

    We accuse Britain of the betrayal Armenia for its own self-interest
    ever since the nineteenth century.

    Britain's four betrayals of Armenia are spread over a century.
    1 British Foreign policy in the nineteenth century,expressed through
    the The Anglo-Turkish Convention and The Berlin Treaty in the 1 870's,
    (depriving Armenia of its protection by Russia), which led to Armenia
    being totally exposed to the massacres of 1894-96, and eventually the
    Genocide of 1915
    2 The refusal to take up the mandate for an independent Armenia
    following the Treaty of Sevres, allowing Armenia to be overrun in
    1920-23. Lloyd George's promises of an independent Armenia, made during
    the war ( to aid the war effort) were not honoured.
    3 The refusal to countenance the return of Kars and Ardahan to
    Soviet Armenia from Turkey in 1945-46
    4 Today's shameful denial of the historical reality of the 1915

    We will continue to expose this shameful government denial of the
    genocide in order to protect British investment in Turkey and to further
    Britain's strategic interests in the region.

    Our priority will be to put the issue of restitution and reparations
    for the genocide on the political agenda.The reunification of Armenia
    must no longer be a taboo suibject during Turkey's accesion talks. We
    in Wales can raise our voice to insist that Turkey should yeild back
    land to the Armenian nation if she is to acceed to the European Union.