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Romania: Crouch Says US Backs Development Of Black Sea Forum

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  • Romania: Crouch Says US Backs Development Of Black Sea Forum


    Rompres news agency
    5 Jun 06

    Bucharest, 5 June: The United States backs the development of
    the Black Sea Forum for Dialogue and Partnership, Jack D. Crouch,
    deputy national security adviser to US President George W. Bush,
    told the summit meeting of the Forum held at Parliament Palace,
    in the Romanian capital, on Monday 5 June.

    The United States backs the efforts for the creation of a more
    prosperous, freer and safer Black Sea region, said Crouch, a former
    US ambassador to Romania.

    He underscored the importance of the dialogue among the region's
    leaders with a view to finding solutions to the threats to the region's
    security and stability such as "frozen" conflicts, the trafficking
    in weapons, drugs and people.

    The US supports the Black Sea Forum since it deems it a foundation
    for the creation of viable economic development and investment
    opportunities in the region, as well as for providing the transport
    routes for the energy resources of the Caspian Sea and Central Asia,
    for building a regional mechanism of mutual support in the crises
    provoked by natural disasters, Crouch stressed.

    The US official highlighted the role played by the respect for the
    democratic values and human rights and hailed the progress made in
    this respect by Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.

    The US deputy national security adviser announced the US government
    will donate "a significant financial contribution" to the Black Sea
    Fund that is to be set up with a view to financing the projects that
    have common goals with those of the regional initiative.

    The initiative to establish a Black Sea Forum was also welcomed
    by the representatives of France - Frederic Baleine du Laurens,
    director general at the French Foreign Ministry; Germany -
    special representative Norber Baas; Italy - State Secretary Famiano
    Crucianelli; Spain - special representative Pablo Zaldivar; Belgium
    - Foreign Minister Karel de Guht; Poland - Undersecretary of State
    Stanislaw Komorowski.

    Messages of appreciation for the launching of the Black Sea Forum
    were communicated by Sergey Ordzhonikidze, Director General of
    the Geneva-based UN Office; Terry Davis, the Council of Europe's
    secretary-general; Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, OSCE secretary-general;
    Brunson McKinley, director general of the International Migration
    Organization; Erhard Busek, special coordinator of the Southeastern
    Europe Stability Pact; Marek Belka, executive secretary of the
    UN Economic Commission for Europe; Robert Simmons, NATO special
    representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia; Peter Semneby,
    the EU special representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia.