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Flawless Power Alteration Is Improbable In Armenia

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  • Flawless Power Alteration Is Improbable In Armenia


    [03:16 pm] 06 June, 2006

    "Certain people think that pressure must be exerted on the Armenian
    authorities and they should make unilateral decisions so that
    the society might have a chance to recover and change the present
    authorities," claims Albert Bazeyan, chairman of the party "National
    Revival" and adds that such approach is inadmissible for them as the
    Karabakh conflict is all national and the representatives of each
    power will inherit what we have today.

    Today Albert Bazeyan who was invited to the club "Pastark" noted that
    the power change is not end in itself and added, "In 2003 there was
    election fraud and ballot stuffs. The power is forcibly taken today and
    the President of the country is not legitimate. If the power change
    is improbable they shouldn't constantly speak of it." He also urges
    that judging from our reality flawless power is improbable in Armenia;
    after the power alteration one separate power or the alliance of a
    few forces cannot take the whole responsibility in their hands as the
    same people who are in power today will remain and govern the country.

    Bazeyan and his adherents neither predict nor wish the power change
    caused by outer pressure as outer forces will not interfere into the
    home affairs of our country for nothing.

    Albert Bazeyan announced that they will go to the Parliament with
    the Opposition representatives based on the same ideology but so far
    he doesn't want to give their names and adds that the final decision
    will be made in the party assembly.