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Romania: Black Sea Forum Discusses "Frozen Conflicts" In Armenia,Mol

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  • Romania: Black Sea Forum Discusses "Frozen Conflicts" In Armenia,Mol


    Rompres news agency, Bucharest
    5 Jun 06

    Bucharest, 5 June: The Black Sea Forum for Partnership and Dialogue
    organized in Bucharest was an opportunity for Armenian and Azeri
    Presidents Robert Kocharian and Ilham Aliyev to resume dialogue
    regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave.

    Romanian President Traian Basescu specified during the Forum
    discussions that the heads of the two Caucasian states have taken
    advantage of their presence at the event to resume negotiations on
    the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

    According to the Romanian chief of state, Presidents Aliyev and
    Kocharian had a round of talks on Sunday 4 June and top-level
    negotiations will continue with a new round scheduled for after the
    end of the summit in Bucharest.

    President Kocharian stated at the summit that the Caucasian states
    are divided by ethnic conflicts and the Forum organized by Romania
    "offers the favourable setting" for the solving of these conflicts.

    "We are willing to continue the dialogue with Azerbaijan in order
    to have the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh settled, and with Turkey,
    with a view to establishing relations free of any preconditions,"
    said the head of the Armenian state.

    On the other hand, President Aliyev hailed the initiative of the
    launch of the Black Sea Forum, because it offers the possibility for
    a common approach of the "continuous threat of the frozen conflicts
    in Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Dniester Region,
    that all have the same causes and the same effect, the infringement
    of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Republic
    of Moldova".

    Aliyev underscored that a discussion regarding the territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan is out of question, that the authorities in
    Baku cannot tolerate or acknowledge illegal entities on the national
    territory and called on the international community not to legitimate
    these breakaway regimes.

    Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili too underscored that the
    Black Sea region includes areas with lasting oppressive regimes that
    infringe on human rights every day by forbidding people to speak
    their mother tongue and freely use their culture, tradition and
    religion. Saakashvili called the separatist regimes in the region
    that have survived here for more than a decade "the democracies of
    the cannibals" - built on crimes and territory violation of sovereign
    states in the early '90s - and asked the international community not to
    accept the legalization thereof. The Georgian president underscored
    that his country would continue negotiations with the Russian
    Federation for the withdrawal of the troops from Georgia's national
    territory, but insisted that the talks be carried on equal footing.

    President of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, voiced
    discontent that the statement adopted by the summit of the Forum in
    Bucharest "mentions only in passing the failure to settle the frozen
    conflicts" and that the subject is not approached "directly and
    unambiguously". "The separatism of Dniester Region, which challenges
    the Republic of Moldova, is induced and supported from outside. We can
    no longer keep silent because we are convinced that only by publicly
    and straightforwardly asserting this can we get closer to the quick
    settlement of this conflict," said President Voronin.

    The final statement adopted in Bucharest by the state representatives
    of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, the Republic of
    Moldova, Romania, Ukraine and Turkey points out that the "unsettled
    conflicts in certain states in the Black Sea region are a challenge
    to regional security and stability".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress