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Thousands Welcome The Olympic Champions

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  • Thousands Welcome The Olympic Champions

    06.06.2006 11:40

    Armenian chess players, who achieved the Olympic gold in Turin,
    arrived in Yerevan this night. The event was turned into a real
    nationwide celebration.

    Despite the late hour, thousands of people gathered at the Liberty
    Square of Yerevan to welcome members of our chess team.

    Olympic Champions Vladimir Hakobyan, Gabriel Sargsyan, Artashes
    Minasyan, Smbat Lputyan and Karen Asryan entered the Liberty Square
    accompanied by Chairman of the National Assembly, Prime Minister,
    Defense Minister, Mayor of Yerevan and other officials.

    "In team tournaments there is nothing higher than this cup, and
    we hope we' ll keep the Olympic Cup for as long as possible," said
    Artashed Minasyan in his address to the people.

    Lifting the Armenian tricolor, Karen Asryan said, "There was no doubt
    that we would win. The Defense Minister was accompanying us, and we
    had no right to fail to come up to the expectations of people." Gabriel
    Sargsyan was very excited and said he did not expect such reception.

    Head of RA Chess Federation, Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan
    congratulated everyone with the victory of Armenian sports, Armenian
    mind. "The chess players managed to fulfill the hopes of the people,
    and managed to bring the faith of the nation to victory in Turin. I
    sincerely assure you that your support from Yerevan was most essential
    for the guys. If not your support, they would hardly reach the Olympic
    peak," noted Serge Sargsyan, adding that this is the first serious
    victory and other victories are still ahead.