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Karabakh Was Spoken About During The Summit

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  • Karabakh Was Spoken About During The Summit


    [08:41 pm] 05 June, 2006

    Today Robert Kocharyan made a speech in the Dialogue and Cooperation
    Black Sea Summit. Representing the importance of the work and
    cooperation within the framework of the structure for Armenia Robert
    Kocharyan mentioned what separated the members of the structure from
    each other, "Unresolved ethnic conflicts and certain deficit of trust,
    caused by the negative experiences of the history of the region".

    "I am confident that we shall concentrate on those elements which
    unite us. We shall take steps to harmonize our reforms, achieve
    unification of trade regimes and transportation tariffs. There is
    a need for joint investment projects in the infrastructures of the
    region. First of all, for energy and transportation projects, covering
    the entire Black Sea basin, and increasing its economic attractiveness.

    This will create favorable environment for resolution of existing
    conflicts. Through cooperation to the settlement, through communication
    to a bigger trust - that is the best formula for overcoming the
    controversies, based on a search for a common interest", Kocharyan
    said and added, "In this context we are ready to continue dialogue
    with Azerbaijan for the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    and with Turkey on establishing relations without any preconditions".

    Later on Kocharyan briefly represented the essence of the Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict and the attitude of Armenia in this connection, "The
    people of Nagorno Karabakh have implemented in practice the right for
    self-determination. It was done fully in line with the requirements of
    international law. Results of the referendum on independence were later
    defended in the war forced on that people. These events developed in
    the timeframe of global changes, related to the collapse of the Soviet
    Empire. That situation is classical for cases of self-determination
    through secesion. Now for fifteen years Nagorno Karabakh Republic
    continues to prove its right for independence by own achievements in
    effective statecraft. A whole generation grew up there, which watches
    itself as possessors and defenders of that statehood. We believe that
    there is a need for effective efforts for a full-scale integration
    of the Republic in the international society".