05.06.2006 18:54 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian and Azerbaijani governments themselves
have decided to request the international community for assistance in
establishing a dialogue on the Nagonro Karabakh conflict settlement,
Daniel Fried, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and
Eurasian Affairs stated. In his words, the parties were close to an
agreement in Key West, however failed to achieve real progress. "May be
this time the sides will succeed. The OSCE MG Co-chairs will not exert
pressure upon the sides. They have just advanced some ideas, which
can serve as a good basis for the conflict resolution. The decision
depends on the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents," Mr. Fried said.
He remarked that as a U.S. representative he wishes "return of as many
regions as possible to Azerbaijan and return of refugees to their
homes." He also underscored that the OSCE MG framework serves for
finding ways of settlement. "However, I reiterate, everything depends
on the Presidents," Daniel Fried said, reported Azertag news agency.
05.06.2006 18:54 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian and Azerbaijani governments themselves
have decided to request the international community for assistance in
establishing a dialogue on the Nagonro Karabakh conflict settlement,
Daniel Fried, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and
Eurasian Affairs stated. In his words, the parties were close to an
agreement in Key West, however failed to achieve real progress. "May be
this time the sides will succeed. The OSCE MG Co-chairs will not exert
pressure upon the sides. They have just advanced some ideas, which
can serve as a good basis for the conflict resolution. The decision
depends on the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents," Mr. Fried said.
He remarked that as a U.S. representative he wishes "return of as many
regions as possible to Azerbaijan and return of refugees to their
homes." He also underscored that the OSCE MG framework serves for
finding ways of settlement. "However, I reiterate, everything depends
on the Presidents," Daniel Fried said, reported Azertag news agency.