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Bush Will Bring Together Aliyev And Kocharyan

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  • Bush Will Bring Together Aliyev And Kocharyan

    by Sokhbet Mamedov

    Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 1 June, 2006, p.6
    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    June 5, 2006 Monday

    BY WASHINGTON; A regular meeting of the heads of the two countries
    which are in the conflict is planned to take lace at the beginning
    of next week in Bucharest, during the summit "The Black Sea is for
    partnership and dialog".

    The West doesn't give up attempts to reconcile Presidents of Azerbaijan
    and Armenia, Ilkham Aliyev and Robert Kocharjan, and to get from them
    effective steps in settlement of the problem of Karabakh. A regular
    meeting of the heads of the two countries which are in the conflict
    is planned to take place at the beginning of next week in Bucharest,
    during the summit "The Black Sea is for partnership and dialog". The
    fact that both Aliyev and Kocharjan will take part in this event
    is confirmed in the process of the visit of the delegation of these
    countries - co-chairmen of the Minsk group of OSCE, the corresponding
    declarations were made by Head of MIA of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov
    and Press-secretary of the President of Armenia Victor Sogomonyan.

    It is interesting that the mission of mediators was reinforced
    with Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Grigory Karasin,
    Under-secretary of state of the USA Daniel Fried and Adviser to the
    President of France on international questions Pier Morel. Commenting
    upon the results of the meetings, which took place, Elmar Mamedjardov
    reported to the journalists that this time mediators had some "new
    ideas" concerning settlement of the conflict of Karabakh. Though,
    mediators, as well as official figures of Azerbaijan and Armenia
    preferred not to plant the details of these proposals.

    Meanwhile, Azerbaijan mass media states that according to the results
    of the meeting in Baku and Yerevan "the mediators were able to find
    a way to some compromise". Special attention is paid to the fact
    that the overture in the process of settlement of the conflict is
    tapped step by step by Washington, which together with the partners
    in the Minsk group of OSCE is intended by any means to solve the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict in 2006. This aim was confirmed in the
    felicitation to Ilkham Aliyev concerning the Day of the Republic on
    the 28th of May in Azerbaijan by President of the USA George Bush.


    According to the opinion of Baku analysts, "impatience" of President
    Bush is a hint to some agreements, which were achieved during the
    negotiations in Washington. In Baku, it is not excluded that this
    is all about some American preferences in return to signing the main
    principles of the peace settlement of the conflict.

    The wish of Washington to make the process more intensifying
    is accounted for by two reasons. First of all, petrol pipe
    Baku/Tbilisi/Dzheikhn has already started operating, and the USA
    together with the other countries of the West want to exclude any
    opportunity of destabilization of the situation in the region, to
    say nothing of starting battle-actions. Secondly, peace in Southern
    Caucasia is necessary for the USA taking into consideration the real
    perspective of using this region for pressure on Iran.

    According to the information, which appeared in press, Baku and Yerevan
    were suggested to sign an agreement, which was based on the methodology
    "step by step". It is possible that it will be about stage-by-stage
    liberation of the territories which had been occupied around Nagorny
    Karabakh, and about return of forced emigrants to the territories of
    their former houses, as well as about creation of a system of security,
    which will guarantee impossibility of renewal of military actions with
    engagement of peacekeeping forces and demilitarization of the region,
    restoration of the economic relations and communication between the
    sides of the conflict. As far as the status of Nagorny Karabakh is
    concerned, the solution of this problem will be delayed.

    To what extent the participation of the USA in this process concerning
    Karabakh will be effective, only the Azerbaijan-Armenian meeting will
    show, which will take place in Bucharest. (...)