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Black Sea Summit Open In Romanian Capital; Smuggling Routes, Energy,

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  • Black Sea Summit Open In Romanian Capital; Smuggling Routes, Energy,

    Alison Mutler

    AP Worldstream
    Jun 05, 2006

    Leaders of Black Sea countries met on Monday for a summit aimed at
    combatting the region's drug- and people-smuggling networks, finding
    ways of tackling pollution and discussing alternative energy routes.

    The Black Sea region faces "new threats caused by criminality and
    terrorism, and insecurity caused by the security of energy (supplies),
    and we are called to manage this and improve it," Romanian President
    Traian Basescu said. "We know our problems ...

    they are problems inherited from a difficult past, but there is the
    real potential for development."

    The main topics on the summit's agenda would be environment protection,
    regional cooperation, joint energy projects, combatting cross-border
    crime and improving infrastructure.

    "Putting the Black Sea on the map is a challenge in itself," Romanian
    Foreign Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu said in opening the summit.

    Among those attending were Presidents Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine,
    Mikhail Saakashvili of Georgia, Robert Kocharian of Armenia, Vladimir
    Voronin of Moldova and Ilham Aliev of Azerbaijan, as well as officials
    from Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece and Lithuania.

    Top officials from NATO, the Organization for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe, the United Nations and the Council of Europe were also
    attending the summit.

    Russia declined to send a high-level official to the summit, but
    requested observer status. In his speech, Basescu called on Russia
    to take part in the region's future development.

    "Romania considers that a regional cooperation process cannot take
    place without Russia," he said, pointing to the "rich social, political
    and economic resources," that Russia has. Russia was represented at
    the summit by its ambassador to Romania, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
    Corina Vintan said.

    J.D. Crouch II, the U.S. deputy national security adviser, praised
    the Black Sea initiative, and said that Washington would contribute
    to a public-private partnership called the Black Sea Trust, which
    will fund programs to strengthen cross-border cooperation, democratic
    governance and the rule of law.

    "The American people understand that secure borders in the Black Sea
    region enhance their own security, because they impede the global
    trade in weapons, dangerous technologies and human beings."

    Kocharian and Aliev were expected to discuss the status of
    Nagorno-Karabakh on the sidelines of the summit. Talks between the two
    leaders in France in February ended in failure, despite international
    mediators' efforts to push the leaders to resolve the enclave's status.

    Aliev's spokesman, Novruz Mammadov, told Azerbaijani state television
    OTV Sunday that a settlement for Nagorno-Karabakh could only occur
    "within the framework of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and
    according to the norms of international law," something he said
    Armenia did not agree with. He added that talks were difficult, but
    "there are hopes that certain steps forward will be taken."

    Nagorno-Karabakh is inside Azerbaijan but populated mostly by ethnic
    Armenians, who have run it since an uneasy 1994 cease-fire ended six
    years of full-scale war. Sporadic border clashes have grown more
    frequent since the breakdown of talks. The lack of resolution has
    hindered development throughout the strategic region.

    On Sunday, Basescu met separately with Kocharian and Aliev to discuss
    ways to reach a settlement for Nagorno-Karabakh, Basescu's office
    said in a statement.

    Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia directly border
    the Black Sea, which is one of the world's most polluted seas.

    Its only outlet is via Turkey's Bosphorus Straits.