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Antelias: Ordination and consecration of bishops in Antelias

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  • Antelias: Ordination and consecration of bishops in Antelias

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
    Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
    Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
    Fax: (04) 419724
    E-mail: [email protected]

    PO Box 70 317

    Armenian version:

    Watch the recorded video here: sconsecration.wmv


    His Holiness Aram I ordained V.Rev.Fr. Anoushavan Tanielian (Ecumenical
    Officer of Norhtern America), V.Rev.Fr. Papken Charian (Primate of the
    Diocese of Isfahan) and V.Rev.Fr. Neshan Topouzian (Primate of the Diocese
    of Tabriz) as Bishops in the service of the Armenian Church. The Pontiff
    conducted the ordination and consecration services on June 3 and 4 in the
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Antelias.


    According to the rites of the Armenian Church, the calling service was held
    in the Cathedral on the evening of June 3 in the presence of His Holiness
    Aram I. Recommendations were read from the Executive Councils of each
    corresponding diocese asking the Pontiff to ordain the three candidates as

    The various ranks or spiritual servants in the Armenian Church, acolytes,
    sub-deacons, deacons, priests and bishops came up to His Holiness and bent
    down before him. The Pontiff read out prayers as a testimony to the true
    faith and the candidates then acknowledges the true faith according to the
    doctrine of the Orthodox Church.

    The candidates then knelt down and recited their oath, publicly pledging
    loyalty to the Catholiocsate of Cilicia, obedience to the Pontiff and their
    readiness to serve to the Armenian nation and Church.


    The ordination of the Bishops was held on June 4. Archbishop Oshagan
    Choloyan (Primate of the Eastern Prelacy of the United States) and
    Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian (Primate of the Diocese of Tehran) participated
    in the service alongside the Catholicos. The assistant was Bishop Khoren
    Doghramajian (Prelate of Greece).

    The Pontiff consecrated the foreheads of right thumbs of bishops Anoushavan,
    Papken and Neshan with Holy Chrism and gave them the bishops' ring and

    The Catholicos then delivered a sermon, pointing out that by taking up the
    responsibility to serve the people, the newly ordained bishops will become
    the servants of the Catholicosate of Cilicia's mission, showing commitment
    towards all the tasks expected of them. He stressed the importance of
    keeping the oath to remain loyal to the traditions and laws of the Armenian
    Church, as well as the principles of the Catholicosate of Cilicia.

    "The prayers of the ordination had one outlook: the oath and loyalty to it.
    The oaths of humbleness, integrity, holiness and obedience were mentioned
    there. Today, once again you pledged to be obedient to God above anything
    else and not to humans and their interests. To pledge and vow also mean to
    be accountable to God and to have not our selves in front of us, but God and
    our service. We are not in need of numbers, but spirituals who would be
    loyal to their pledges, who would work for the achievement of God's plan and
    not their personal agendas. As such, you will bring the people close to God
    and God closer to the people through your service and God-centered life,"
    said His Holiness.

    During "Voghtchouyn" members of the Cilician Brotherhood and other
    spirituals came up to the altar to congratulate the newly ordained bishops.
    A large number of the faithful from the Eastern Diocese of the United
    States, Isfahan, Tabriz and various regions in Lebanon expressed their love
    to the Pontiff by kissing his right hand after the ordination service. The
    faithful then received the first blessings of the newly ordained bishops.
    The Catholicosate's choir then performed the Pontifical Song and "Cilicia".

    View photos here: tm
    The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
    the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
    mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of the
    Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
    administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.