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27th Session Of PABSEC Started In Yerevan

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  • 27th Session Of PABSEC Started In Yerevan

    07.06.2006 15:45

    The 27th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black
    Sea Economic Cooperation Organization started today at RA National
    Assembly. The event was attended by delegations of legislative bodies
    of 11 states (except for the delegation of Serbia and Chernogoria)
    and representatives of international organizations.

    In his opening speech Chairman of the National Assembly, President
    of the PABSEC Tigran Torosyan noted that as a powerful structure
    of the region, the Assembly is gradually expanding its activity,
    becoming a powerful factor of political and economic stability in the
    region. Economic cooperation between the countries of the region and
    development of infrastructures will result in establishment of an
    atmosphere of trust, which will in its turn promote the resolution
    of existing problems in the region.

    IN Tigran Torosyan's words, a number of steps for fostering economic
    cooperation have been taken during the six months of Armenia's
    presidency over the Assembly; the legal base of the structure has
    been reinforced. Different Committees of the Assembly held sittings,
    discussing issues related to fighting economic crimes and elaboration
    of concrete steps to deepen the dialogue between countries. The coming
    two days provide the best opportunity to discuss a whole circle of
    issues. He expressed the hope that this work would be effective.

    According to the Chairman, by continuing the work in the direction of
    primary issues in fostering economic cooperation, the Parliamentary
    Assembly is representing the interests of all countries and the region
    as a whole.

    Accomplishment of joint economic programs will make it possible to
    attract new investments and technologies.

    Tigran Torosyan emphasized also that the Parliamentary Assembly's role
    in the development of diplomacy. He highly appreciated the work of
    the International Secretariat, due to which all events are organized
    on the highest level.

    President Robert Kocharyan issued a message, wishing effective work
    to the Assembly. "Up until now the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
    Organization has been effective in launching economic cooperation
    in the region. Nevertheless, there is still a great potential. It is
    necessary to promote joint investments in the infrastructures of the
    region, particularly in the spheres of energy and transport. Cultural,
    educational, scientific programs and development of tourism may also
    be of great importance. Such contacts allow to know each other better,
    promotes the dialogue of youth in our country, which is an important
    precondition for active business ties. Through legislative activity
    you can create a favorable legal field for effective cooperation,"
    Presidents message says.

    An address was issued also by RF D Foreign Minister, BSEC
    chairman-in-Office Sergey Lavrov. In his words, the structure should
    direct its efforts at establishing peace in the region, since the
    work of the organization allows settling the problems of cooperation
    more coordinately.

    To remind, Armenia undertook presidency over PABSEC last year during
    the 26th session held November 23-24 in Tirana. Representatives
    of Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan are also in Armenia to undertake the
    presidency for the next six months.