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EU Is A Horizontal Organization

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  • EU Is A Horizontal Organization

    07 June 06

    Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament,
    thinks there is no reason why Armenia should not become member of
    the European Union within the upcoming decade. However, it is clear
    that the EU views the South Caucasus as a single unit and in the
    majority of cases Armenia suffers from the non-constructive approach
    of Azerbaijan. Edward McMillan-Scott says he personally would prefer
    separate approaches to separate countries, considering the visible
    cultural and historical differences. He stated that this approach
    had been applied to the Balkans, and it could be applied to this
    region as well. He stressed that this was his personal opinion,
    not the opinion of an MEP.

    Edward McMillan-Scott vowed to speak to his colleagues on his return
    to Brussels to prevent any artificial obstacles to EU membership. The
    EU official thinks that membership to this organization is an active
    process, and even Palestine is seeking for membership. However,
    it is impossible in the nearest future, says Edward McMillan-Scott.

    However, very soon Bulgaria, Romania and several Balkan states,
    Croatia and Serbia will become members of the EU if the problem of the
    criminals of war is solved. The EU refers to Ukraine as its potential
    member, whereas Turkey's membership has caused a lot of concern within
    the EU.

    Edward McMillan-Scott thinks that the recently circulated term "EU
    absorbability" is just an artificial excuse, for the EU is an open
    and horizontal organization.