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"You Do Nothing"

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  • "You Do Nothing"

    Naira Vanian
    06 June 06

    6 Armenians have been killed for national hostility in Moscow in 2006.

    Ten public organizations organized action of protest in the RA in
    front of Embassy of Russia and then Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The
    organizers of the action were accusing our authorities of being
    indifferent towards those incidents. The action started by quarrel
    between journalists and security officials at the Embassy. The latter,
    seeing the participants of the action from distance, and their cameras
    stopped their progression. "Don't shoot", I'll take your camera and
    I'll be responsible for it", - the security official said.

    The journalist of "Hetq" was surprised at that behavior; "I have
    always taken photos and I haven't been forbidden anyway, why do you
    forbid?" "It isn't my problem what you do anywhere elseĀ", - was the
    answer. Anyway the initiators of the action had closed the way of
    entrance to the RF Embassy with "STOP" posters. Demonstrators made
    an announcement to the Embassy where it is said; "Demonstrations of
    racism and hatred in Russia in last years are too anxious.

    28 foreigners were killed and 402 suffered from attacks by
    racist groups in 2005. Foreigners from Caucasus and Middle
    Asia become the victims of attacks in most where there
    are also Armenians. Nationalistic groups cry anti Armenian
    expressions... Improhibitive actions of racist, fascistic groups
    and unpunishment of crimes and actions make us think that the
    above-mentioned groups act by support of the RF state structures. We,
    the representatives of public organizations of Armenia and citizens of
    Armenia strongly condemn actions of racist groups and not correspond
    steps of the RF authorities to arrest and punish the killers." To
    the question whether the sponsorship of some Russian state structures
    addressed against Armenians or against other foreigners too, one of
    the organizers of the action Avetiq Ishkhanian answered; "Let give
    me an example. Sergey Baghdasarian's trial which was spread in media
    as if he had wanted to violated a Russian girl wasn't true. There was
    a severe murder by a drunk woman Ivankova. And she was justified and
    all people gathered round the court, including the members of Russian
    liberal-democratic party were crying anti-Armenian expressions. We
    can say that the court authority in this case and other powers which
    have some influence on him assist that hatred".

    But can we say that those incidents are small demonstrations of foreign
    relations between our country and the RF. Mr. Ishkanian answered; "I
    see a great logic in it. When you bow more you lose you respect. There
    is a truth in it.

    If the authorities of Armenia sent a serious note in time the situation
    would calm down, while the authorities of Armenia don't want to offend
    Russia as a lot of things depend on it, even the authority of Armenia."

    The member of "In favor of development of science" initiating group
    Arsen Kharatian criticizing indifference of the Armenian authorities
    said; "Doing nothing is also a sin, not expressing a position is
    a part of crime itself. The frightened behaivior of the Armenian
    authorities is shameful. Naming such a privilege, about which we have
    spoken for many years, having the Russian Army in Armenia which as if
    defends the Republic of Armenia and its citizens but at the same time
    Armenians are killed in Russia must cause a serious anxiety for the
    Armenian authorities. If Russian authorities punished such groups,
    demonstrations wouldn't be repeated. We have never seen the reply of
    our country to that reality. If they have sent a note of protest we
    aren't introduced to its text. We want to break the stereotype that
    it isn't allowed to say anything to Russians. The problem must be
    raised to diplomatic level and to influence on Russian authorities
    in that way."
