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Trafficking: Dark Colors Of Armenia

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  • Trafficking: Dark Colors Of Armenia

    08 June 06

    The Unites States has published the Trafficking in Persons Report
    2005. Like the annual report on drug trafficking, the TIP 2005
    Armenia's country narrative is in dark shades. The shades are even
    too dark, even threateningly dark. Americans say Armenia is on Tier
    2 Watch List of countries of trafficking; the second is better than
    the third but worse than the first. However, if anti-trafficking
    efforts do not improve, Armenia may possibly appear on the dangerous
    Tier 3. On June 7 the Armenian news reporters had an opportunity to
    enquire about the cause and consequences of this description from
    almost the prime source.

    John Miller, U.S. State Department Office to Monitor and Combat
    Trafficking in Persons answered the questions of Armenian journalists
    via telebridge between Yerevan and Washington at the U.S. Embassy.

    Mr. Miller did not add details to the report. He only repeated
    that Armenia is a source of trafficking, the government efforts to
    combat trafficking and investigate government officials complicit
    in trafficking are insufficient. John Miller cited the UN estimate
    that over 2000 Armenian women are trafficked to United Arab Emirates
    and Turkey for sexual exploitation. John Miller says the outcome of
    anti-trafficking efforts is insufficient to have the public trust
    the government.

    The State Department official says there are also problems with
    protection of trafficking victims. Mr. Miller says a delicate
    attitude to the victims is required for them to cooperate with the
    NGOs and law enforcement agencies in prosecuting persons engaged in
    trafficking. According to John Miller, the confidence of the public is
    very important in combating trafficking, whereas the U.S. official says
    the government efforts are anemic. If the situation does not improve,
    it is possible that Armenia will appear on the Tier 3 Watch List. On
    appearing on Tier 3 the country is given three months, if the country
    fails to improve the situation, it becomes even worse.

    John Miller says if the country appears again in Tier 3 after these
    three months, American assistance, , including military assistance is
    cut or stopped. The American government stops assisting the country in
    the World Bank and the IMF. According to him, the aim is not penalty
    but joint effort for improvement.