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BAKU: We Support Azerbaijan's Just Aspiration To Liberate ItsTerrito

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  • BAKU: We Support Azerbaijan's Just Aspiration To Liberate ItsTerrito

    Author: R.Agayev

    TREND Information, Azerbaijan
    June 8 2006

    "We support Azerbaijan in its fair aspiration to liberate its
    lands which are under [Armenian] occupation," Ekmaleddin Ihsanoglu,
    the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Organization
    (OIC), as stating to a news conference in Moscow on 7 June in reply
    to question to Trend special correspondent.

    "We support any peace talks between the sides. We support Azerbaijan
    and call on Armenia to cooperation in international arena with all
    who endeavor to the resolution of the conflict, no matter whether
    within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group, European Union, UN and
    other international organizations," he underlined.

    Besides, Ihsanoglu spoke about the chairmanship of Azerbaijan at OIC.

    "As to role of Azerbaijan as a chairing country, that it will take
    at the next summit of the OIC in Baku at the level of the Foreign
    Ministers, we are glad to see Azerbaijan in this position. I expect the
    Baku meeting to yield positive results. It will come as the first of
    OIC held in the former Soviet country CIS, where the communist regime
    reigned. It leads to two major conclusion that Islam is striving
    to refusal from extremist manifestations and on the other hand all
    Muslim countries will feel that none of them is forgotten and lost. I
    think all allies worldwide support this position, which have gained
    independence recently and joined the OIC. No matter where they meetings
    are held the conclusion will mirror that Islam is keen on moderation,
    calmness and peaceable co-existence with all religions," he said.

    Touching upon the disorders staged by Azerbaijanis in Iran, the OIC
    Secretary General noted that he did not have relevant information.

    "However, I should say that in respect to these issues we came out from
    the aspect of respect to the territorial integrity of the country,
    urge all countries to respect the human rights and achieve peaceable
    solution to all similar problems."

    Ihsanoglu also informed about the results of talks with Russian
    present Vladimir Putin on the situation with Russian diplomats in
    Iraq. The meeting also focused on the Palestinian issues.

    In his turn Aslambek Aslakhanov, the adviser to the Russian
    President, stated that soon there will be set up the construction of
    shopping-hotel center business center in the Center of Moscow, which
    will serve as a representation of the OIC member-countries. An area
    with the square of 5h has been selected in this respect and accorded
    with the Moscow's Mayoral Office.