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ANKARA: Canadian Min, Turk MP Discuss Canada PM remarks on Genocide

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  • ANKARA: Canadian Min, Turk MP Discuss Canada PM remarks on Genocide

    Canadian minister, Turkish MP discuss premier's remarks about
    "Armenian genocide"

    Anatolia news agency, Ankara
    9 Jun 06

    Ottawa, 9 June: "We regretted Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's
    statements about the so-called Armenian genocide," said on Friday [9
    June] Egemen B agis, an MP from Justice and Development Party (AKP)
    and adviser to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for foreign

    Bagis, who is currently in Canada to attend the Bildergberg meetings,
    met Foreign Minister Peter MacKay of Canada in Ottawa.

    Referring to economic and commercial relations (between the two
    countries), Bagis noted that Turkey is willing to further increase
    trade volume, which is currently around 1bn US dollars, with Canada.

    Expressing regret over recent statements of Canadian Prime Minister
    Stephen Harper, Bagis said, "Prime Minister Erdogan sent a letter to
    his Canadian counterpart Harper a week before his statement. In his
    letter Erdogan asked Harper not to be involved in arguments over the
    Armenian issue. Harper's accusations against Turkey caused regret in
    Turkey. That statement has overshadowed our bilateral relations. We
    expect Canada to take steps in order to remove that shadow."

    "We think that the issue should be resolved by Turkey and Armenia
    themselves. Mr Harper's statements will not make any contribution to
    Turkey-Armenia relations," Bagis added.

    Meanwhile, MacKay said in his part that he appreciated the initiative
    of Prime Minister Erdogan, who asked Armenia to form a joint committee
    of historians. Noting that he would call on Armenian authorities to
    respond positively to Prime Minister Erdogan's proposal, MacKay added
    that they were aware of Turkey's sensitivity over the issue.