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CSTO peacekeeping force may be used for managing conflicts

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  • CSTO peacekeeping force may be used for managing conflicts

    Interfax News Agency
    Russia & CIS Military Newswire
    June 9, 2006 Friday 11:59 AM MSK

    CSTO peacekeeping force may be used for managing conflicts in various
    regions of world - secretary general

    The peacekeeping contingent being tailored under the auspices of the
    Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) may be employed for
    managing conflicts in various regions of the world under the UN
    aegis, CSTO Secretary General Nikolai Bordyuzha told
    Interfax-Military News Agency.

    "Judging from the situation, conflict intensity and its possible
    impact on the developments in the region, the Collective Security
    Council of the organization may request a mandate of the UN Security
    Council to mount a peacekeeping operation," Bordyuzha said.

    He noted that the secretariat of the organization has almost
    completed the package of peacekeeping documentation. "Almost, because
    not all the members of the organization have finished ratification
    procedures. The final decision will of course be made by the
    presidents of the CSTO member-states," he said.

    If peacekeeping operations are to be held outside the territories of
    the Collective Security Treaty state parties, the UN Security
    Council's mandate will be obligatory, he said.

    The UN will be also informed immediately if such an operation is
    going to be held on the territories of the CSTO nations, he noted.

    Bordyuzha also said that peacekeeping will be voluntary in the
    Collective Security Treaty Organization. "Which means that even if
    the Collective Security Council adopts the decision on a peacekeeping
    operation in the region, it will not mean that all its six members
    will have to contribute personnel for the mission. Each of the
    member-states reserves the right of unlimited participation of its
    peacekeeping contingents in operations under UN mandates or under the
    aegis of other regional organizations, including the CIS and the
    Shanghai Cooperation Organization," he said.

    The CSTO is developing a Collective Peacekeeping Force, its state
    parties contributing specially trained units of own peacekeeping
    contingents to it. "Such units are now available in almost all member
    states," Bordyuzha emphasized.

    The summit of the organization will be held in Minsk on June 23 and
    24. The CSTO includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia,
    Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.