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Moscow prepared to strengthen positions in the post-Soviet republics

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  • Moscow prepared to strengthen positions in the post-Soviet republics

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    June 9, 2006 Friday

    Moscow is prepared to strengthen its positions in the post-Soviet

    Russian Defense Minister held the 50th meeting of the CIS Council of
    defense ministers in Baku last week.

    Unfortunately, the majority of the CIS defense ministers failed to
    attend the meeting. No one was surprised that representatives of
    Georgia, Moldova and Turkmenistan did not arrive they always ignore
    such meetings. However, it's unknown why the defense ministers of
    Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan refused to attend the meeting.
    They sent their representatives. The Ukrainian defense minister
    participated as an observer. The delegation from Armenia did not
    arrive, though this country is an active participant in military
    cooperation within the framework of the CIS. Armenian representatives
    feared that Azerbaijan would not ensure their security. This is a
    reasonable argument. There was a tragic precedent: an Armenian
    officer sent to a course in English in Budapest was murdered by an
    Azerbaijanian officer. Azerbaijan declared the murderer person of the
    year in 2005...

    Only four ministers (from Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan)
    participated. However, the meeting proved to be very fruitful. They
    discussed the progress of realization of the Conception of military
    cooperation within the CIS until 2010. The ministers focused on the
    joint anti-aircraft system and the CIS coordinating committee in
    charge of anti-aircraft issues. In particular, they considered issues
    linked with funding the anti-aircraft system in 2007. There are plans
    to allocate around 240 million roubles for its development.

    The ministers analyzed the performance of the CIS coordinating
    committee of meteorological services and determined its tasks until
    2010. In addition, they passed joint requirements to the
    communications system and discussed planning of joint operational
    exercises in 2007.

    The ministers analyzed the performance of the peacekeeping contingent
    in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhazia conflict and decided to extend
    its commander's term in office for six months.

    Sergei Ivanov made a range of important statements about Moscow's
    policy in the post-Soviet republics after the end of the summit.

    He noted that 1,500 peacekeepers stationed in the Trans-Dniester
    territory prevent military conflicts between Moldova and the
    Trans-Dniester territory. Several hundred servicemen guard ammunition
    depots of the former 14th army.

    The minister said that Russia has withdrawn heavy weapons from the
    Trans-Dniester territory in compliance with the conventional arms
    agreement. However, he noted that Russian servicemen must remain in
    this region in order to prevent terrorists from obtaining the
    remaining ammunition in the Trans-Dniester territory.

    The Russian minister noted, "We will be protecting these ammunition
    depots until a political solution to the Trans-Dniester problem has
    been found."

    To all appearances, this means that Moscow has begun to defend its
    interests in the post-Soviet republics. It's no secret that many
    Russian politicians reproach the government for being too diplomatic
    in solving some problems, for instance with Georgia and Ukraine.

    The demonstration of such serious a position is probably linked with
    the fact that the OSCE chairman, who arrived in Moldova, stated that
    the OSCE is prepared to allocate EUR10 million for the withdrawal of
    Russian weapons from the Trans-Dniester territory. The OSCE chairman
    said that his organization intends to make Russia withdraw troops
    from Moldova.

    Sergei Ivanov again noted that the West uses double standards for
    evaluating Russia's and the US' military presence abroad. In
    particular, he focused on the agreement reached by the US and
    Bulgaria to create an US military base in this country. The strength
    of the base (2,500 servicemen) can be doubled in critical situations.
    In addition, the US will be able to store heavy military vehicles at
    the base. The US states that this is "insubstantial military
    presence". At the same time, the US demands that Russian withdraw
    peacekeepers from the Trans-Dniester territory.

    Sergei Ivanov stated that at a conference in Vienna, Russia noted
    that the mechanism of control over conventional arms in Europe won't
    work. This makes Russia worry because Moscow meets its commitments,
    including in the North-Caucasus.

    It should be noted that the OSCE chairman informed the Moldovan
    reintegration minister that Kosovo and Montenegro can serve as a
    precedent for the Trans-Dniester conflict. The Trans-Dniester
    territory disagrees. Its president Igor Smirnov stated that the
    Trans-Dniester territory will organize a referendum concerning its
    independence by October. He noted that the Trans-Dniester territory
    may join the CIS. The Abkhazian leader has similar plans.

    Ukrainian defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko met with his
    Azerbaijanian counterpart Safar Abiyev in Baku. The Ukrainian
    minister announced the idea of creating a peacekeeping unit within
    the framework of GUAM.

    Some media called this statement a sensation. GUAM allegedly will
    weaken Russia's positions. It's not new that GUAM competes with
    Moscow and its allies. In principle, such a turn of events cannot be
    ruled out. However, many political analysts state that the political
    union of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova died long ago.

    Such statements encourage Russia to more active moves. Sergei Ivanov
    noted in Baku that in the prospects peacekeeping units will be sent
    to Nagorny Karabakh because this problem cannot be solved. It should
    be noted that Russia previously made similar statements. This is why
    it's possible that Moscow will soon initiate the issue of sending a
    peacekeeping group to this region. The Russian Ground Force has a
    peacekeeping brigade consisting of contract servicemen. One of its
    battalions is deployed in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhazian

    The Russian defense minister held a meeting with his Ukrainian
    counterpart Anatoly Gritsenko. They determined the destiny of the
    An-70 project - Russia will not build this transport plane. The Black
    Sea fleet became the main topic of negotiations.

    Anatoly Gritsenko said that Sergei Ivanov plans to visit Ukraine in
    summer in order to discuss this issue with the Ukrainian military

    Ukraine was stirred up by preparations for the Sea Breeze
    international exercise in which Ukraine has been participating since
    1997. Ukrainian residents protest against the exercise. They state
    that the Ukrainian leadership seeks to join NATO and deploy a
    military base of the alliance in the Crimea. The Crimean local
    government bodies support the protesters.

    In other words, the summit and statements made by some defense
    ministers in Baku testify that military problems remain one of the
    main issues in the relations between the former Soviet republics.

    Russia has a lot of problems with some CIS nations. These problems
    aggravate. Anyway, Moscow seeks to react to these problems.
    Meanwhile, Moscow will probably have to make more decisive moves in
    order to solve these problems and defend its interests in the
    post-Soviet republics.

    Source: WPS observer