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BAKU: Azerbaijan rebuffs media reports on congratulatory message

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan rebuffs media reports on congratulatory message

    TREND Information, Azerbaijan
    June 9 2006

    Azerbaijan rebuffs media reports on congratulatory message sent by
    Azeri speaker to chair of Armenian parliament

    Source: Trend
    Author: R.Abdullayev


    Media reports on congratulatory message reportedly sent by the
    Azerbaijani speaker Oktai Asadov to the chairman of the Armenian
    National Assembly, Tigran Torosian are groundless and lying, Akif
    Nasirov, the spokesman for the Milli Majlis [Azerbaijan parliament]
    told Trend.

    `It is wrong information, which is part of anti-Azerbaijani
    propaganda held by Armenia,' Nasirov stressed.

    Spread of such reports is behind the ethic norms. `Azerbaijani
    journalists should not fall under tricks of the Armenian intelligence
    services,' he underlined.

    Earlier the Armenian media spread reports on congratulatory message
    as though sent by the Azerbaijani Speaker to the chairman of the
    Armenian National Assembly. In accordance with article, the message
    was read by Azerbaijani MP Asef Hajiyev at the plenary session of the
    Black Sea Economic Cooperation's Parliamentary Assembly in Yerevan on
    8 June.