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BAKU: EU can undertake responsibility for maintenance of peace in NK

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  • BAKU: EU can undertake responsibility for maintenance of peace in NK

    TREND Information, Azerbaijan
    June 9 2006

    EU can undertake responsibility for maintenance of peace in
    Nagorno-Karabakh - EU special rep for S Caucasus

    Source: Trend
    Author: A.Mammadova


    Exclusive interview of Trend with the European union (EU) special
    representative for South Caucasus, Peter Semnebi

    Question: How do you estimate the last visit to the South Caucasus
    countries? Did you manage to achieve any accord during the talks?

    Answer: The purpose of my first visits to the South Caucasus was not
    to achieve accords but to see how the EU can later be useful in
    supporting a settlement of the conflicts. I was encouraged by the
    depth of discussion on conflict resolution among experts in
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. But I was also discoraged by the harsh public
    discourse. In Georgia, the conflicts have to be seen in the context
    of the problematic relation between Russia and Georgia. There is much
    more that could be done on the part of both countries to enhance
    dialogue and resolve problems. But there have been some positive
    signs recently of a mutual willingness to at least discuss the
    problematic issues. The EU is prepared to engage where it can be
    helpful. Russia has a special responsibility because of the
    difference in size: any move on the part of Russia may be seen as an
    existential threat in tiny Georgia, but the opposite is obviously not
    Ultimately, it has to be in Russia's interest to help resolving the
    conflicts in order to make sure that it has a stable and friendly
    neighbour on its border.

    Question: At which stage are the consultations on the preparations of
    the Act Plan on the implementation of the EUs New Naborhood Policy?

    Answer: The negotiations are almost finished with all three
    countries, although there are some issues that are still open. The
    European Neighbourhood Policy does not involve a membership
    perspective, but if Azerbaijan and the other countries take the
    Action Plans seriously, they will be able to move very close to the
    EU and to European standards in most areas of society. This will not
    be an easy path, but I am certain that the trip along this path will
    ultimately be rewarding. The trip itself will be an important
    learning experience for the individual countries as well as for the
    EU. This learning experience will inevitably bring us closer
    together. At the end of the road, I am convinced that there will be a
    strong sense of common identity. The Neighborhood Policy is also
    supposed to strengthen regional cooperation. I have seen from my
    previous job in the Balkans how this became much easier within a
    larger European framework based on certain common principles and

    Question: How is the mandate of the Special Deputy of EU on South
    Caucasus countries practically enlarged?

    Answer: The participation of the three countries in the European
    Neighbourhood Policy means that the EU has a direct interest of
    prosperity and stability in the region. As a result, the interest of
    the EU for the conflicts is growing.
    The EU marked this interest in a subtle way by reinforcing the
    mandate of the EUSR when I was appointed. While my predecessor was
    supposed to "assist" in conflict resolution, I am supposed to
    "contribute" to conflict resolution. This change is particularly
    important as a political signal.

    Question: Are any recommendations on the issue on the settlement of
    the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict on Nagorno Karabakh supposed to be
    prepared to the governing body of EU?

    Answer: The EU is not involved in the actual negotiations, which are
    the responsibility of the OSCE, and more specifically of the OSCE
    Minsk Group. But the EU supports and follows the work of the Minsk
    Group, and one EU country is involved in it as co-chair. The main EU
    role is likely to come after a settlement. The EU will, of course,
    help to ensure that a settlement is implemented. In addition to a
    strong sense of responsibility for two countries that have suffered
    because of war and ethnic conflict, there is also a growing notion
    that it is in the self-interest of the EU to support a settlement.
    A settlement will create the conditions for stability and
    prosperity in an important neighboring area of the EU, which is
    becoming tied more closely to the EU and which is embracing the
    fundamental values of the EU. After a settlement, it will be
    self-evident for the EU to make a major contribution to the
    reconstruction and rehabilitation of the war-torn areas. The EU may
    also consider a peacekeeping engagement, but I have to mention that
    there are other options for peace-keeping as well.

    Question: Do you think that there is still a chance to settle
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 2006?

    Answer: I'm neither a pessimist nor an optimist. For too long the
    pessimists have been proven right over and over again. I will stretch
    so far as to say that I hope the optimists will be right this time. I
    also hope that those who look upon the conflict in a rational way
    will prevail in both countries. The advantages of a settlement for
    both countries are obvious. The reopening of contacts between the two
    countries and particularly in the conflict area will finally create
    the conditions for long-term stability and prosperity. By contrast,
    if the conflict continues, there will always be missed opportunities.
    Societies that live on a war footing will always devote a large
    amount of resources to purposes that could have been used in other
    ways if there had been peace. A settlement will require bold and
    statesmanlike decisions on the part of the political leaders of the
    two countries. The fact that both countries have exceptionally
    capable leaders gives me reason to hope that this is possible.

    Question: What do you think about collaboration in the energy field
    between Azerbaijan and the EU?

    Answer: There is already collaboration in the energy field with EU
    companies active in Azerbaijan. As the EU is continuing to diversify
    its energy resources, not only in terms of types of energy, but also
    in terms of suppliers and supply routes, Azerbaijan will have a
    growing importance. But again, the full potential of this
    collaboration will only be realized if there is lasting peace.