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Heritage Case Delayed for Three Days

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  • Heritage Case Delayed for Three Days

    The Heritage Party
    Yerevan 0033, Armenia
    Tel.: (+374 - 10) 58.08.77, 52.22.38
    Fax: (+374 - 10) 54.38.97
    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    June 9, 2006

    Heritage Case Delayed for Three Days

    Yerevan--The hearing of Heritage Party Chairman Raffi K. Hovannisian's case
    against defendants Paronian Theater and the government's Department on State
    Property Management (DSPM) reconvened today at the Court of First Instance
    of Yerevan's Central and Nork-Marash communities, Judge Edward Avetisian
    presiding. The previous hearing, held on June 1, was postponed a second time
    for one week because Aram Ghlechian, the legal representative of defendant
    DSPM, had requested a continuance in order to study further the details of
    the claims made by Hovannisian.

    Opening today's hearing of the case, Judge Avetisian again presented the
    causes of action of the lawsuit, citing that it includes the plaintiff's
    claims against both defendants to remove the unlawful encroachment upon the
    right of access, control, and usage of his property, as well as those which
    derive under the law by consequence of defendants' nullification of
    contracts. Thereupon, following a brief recess, the judge urged the parties
    to settle the matter out of court and so ordered a three-day continuance for
    that purpose.

    In compliance with the Court's April 14 injunction against the defendant
    theater's restriction of access to Hovannisian's premises and property,
    bailiffs from the Service for Mandatory Execution of Judicial Acts (SMEJA)
    of the Ministry of Justice had reopened the Heritage Party headquarters on
    May 29. During the inspection of the latter it became clear that on March 8,
    exactly four days after the main office was put under lock and further
    access to it was blocked, someone had gained entry to the main computer
    where all information regarding the party, its membership and activities is
    maintained. With a call for an official investigation sent to the chief of
    police and attorney general regarding this second break-in at his
    headquarters, Hovannisian demanded that this incident be investigated
    thoroughly and its architects be brought to justice.

    This, however, did not complete the saga. The SMEJA officials returned to
    Heritage's office the same day, on May 29, commanding that the staff vacate
    the premises in order that the outside door, which had been unlocked by the
    very same officials just six hours before and in compliance with the ruling
    of the Court, be resealed. And this unlawful demand became a reality the
    next day, on May 30, when SMEJA bailiffs forcibly vacated the premises,
    evicting Hovannisian and his staff from the headquarters. All office doors,
    external and internal, were then sealed.

    Hovannisian then filed a new suit against the SMEJA bailiffs and their
    supervisors "of all kinds," demanding the immediate removal of their seals
    from his office doors and urging their criminal prosecution by the attorney
    general. The Heritage Party chairman also sent a letter to Armenia's
    ombudsman, asking for the latter's assistance in the restoration of his
    violated civil rights.

    Founded in 2002, Heritage has regional divisions throughout the land. Its
    central headquarters are located at 7 Vazgen Sargsian Street, Yerevan 0010,
    Armenia, with telephone contact at (374-10) 580.877, fax at (374-10)
    543.897, and email at [email protected]