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Kocharian Met with Ago Monitoring Group of CE Committee of Ministers

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  • Kocharian Met with Ago Monitoring Group of CE Committee of Ministers

    From: Sebouh Z Tashjian <[email protected]>
    Subject: Kocharian Met with Ago Monitoring Group of CE Committee of Ministers


    Kocharian Met with Ago Monitoring Group of CE Committee of Ministers
    10.06.2006 13:51 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Armenian President Robert Kocharian met with
    the Ago Monitoring Group of CE Committee of Ministers, lead by
    Germany's Permanent Representative to the CE Roland Wegener, reports
    the Press Service of the Armenian leader. During the meeting Kocharian
    said that during the period after Ago Group's visit to Armenia, the
    republic has passed a long way, specifically the package of changes in
    the Constitution were adopted. Serious work is being done today to
    make the legislation comply with constitutional changes. According to
    Roland Wegener, the goal of the Ago Group visit is to monitor the
    process, provided for by article 67 of the Constitution of Armenia.
    Besides, matters referring to freedom of expression, amendments to the
    Electoral Code were also discussed. The parties specially stressed the
    importance of holding fair and transparent parliamentary elections in
    2007. The interlocutors also discussed the process of settlement of
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.