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Nairobi: Unveil puzzle on Armenians

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  • Nairobi: Unveil puzzle on Armenians

    Daily Nation, Kenya
    June 10, 2006

    Unveil puzzle on Armenians

    Publication Date: 6/10/2006

    The Government owes Kenyans a lot of explanations following the
    dramatic events that led to the arrest of the controversial Armenian

    This is the Government that officially assured us that the alleged
    mercenaries were honest and genuine investors.

    It is the Government that made all manner of accusations against
    those raising queries about who the Armenians really were, what they
    were doing in this country and why they seemed to enjoy State

    Even when the fellows started acting in an arrogant manner that
    should have been embarrassing to their hosts, they remained
    untouchable as if confident that they enjoyed protection from the
    highest office in the land.

    Well, the chickens have come home to roost. The fellows have gone a
    bit too far and somebody finally has had the courage to act.

    The so-called investors are finally in police custody and now we
    expect that the Government will be constrained to take the necessary

    If they have committed any crimes, then they must be made to face the
    law. Any move to spirit them out of the country before a full
    investigation into their activities will be seen for what it is - a
    desperate attempt at a cover-up.

    The Government must also answer so many lingering questions. In the
    first place, an embarrassing and very scary security breach was
    witnessed at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi.

    Some individuals refused to open their luggage for inspection by
    customs officers and brazenly forced their way out as the police
    looked on helplessly.

    An airport, especially in these days of terrorist threats, arms
    smuggling and drug trafficking, is a high security area. How a few
    individuals can send the entire airport security force cowering as
    they defiantly drive away calls for a very serious probe.

    Who gave them the security clearance to strut like tausi freely
    around the most sensitive areas at the airport? Whom did they call to
    seek intervention before making their getaway? How did they manage to
    leave the airport without being challenged despite all the heavy

    There followed a police raid at their Runda residence, where items
    were seized. A proper explanation must be provided for the haul of
    car number plates - including for GK and diplomatic cars - and other
    items found in the house. There was even a GK vehicle parked in the

    The investigations must be thorough and culminate in the two men
    being charged in court.

    Deporting them before full and proper investigations are concluded
    will be a pitiable attempt to prevent the truth from coming out.