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Nairobi: Armenians declared 'persona non grata'

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  • Nairobi: Armenians declared 'persona non grata'

    Capital FM, Kenya
    June 10 2006

    Armenians declared 'persona non grata'
    By Bernard Momanyi

    The government has finally deported the two controversial Armenians
    and two other foreigners following Thursday night's fracas at the
    Jomo Kenyatta International Airport where they roughed up customs

    Artur Margrayan and his brother Sargsyan left the country last night
    to Dubai after they were declared persona non grata by the Kenyan

    They were deported alongside two foreigners Arman Damidri and
    Alexander Tashchi.

    Police Commissioner Major General Hussein Ali said in a statement
    faxed to newsrooms last night that the foreigners will not be allowed
    to come back to the country either on transit or through any other

    Ali says the deportation follows Thursday night's serious breach of
    security at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport involving the
    Armenian brothers and their two colleagues.

    The deportation follows a series of high-profile meetings held
    yesterday by top security officials where it was resolved that their
    continued stay in the country was undesirable and posed a major risk.

    On Thursday night, the foreigners roughed up customs officials at the
    airport and refused to have their luggage inspected, prompting a
    night-long raid at their Runda residence and subsequent arrest.

    They further claim to have been denied access to their lawyers, and
    have not recorded statements with the police.

    The Armenian brothers, who made headlines in March, after allegations
    that they were mercenaries, say their arrest is a political frame-up,
    blaming Langata MP Raila Odinga for the turn of events.