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BAKU: AGO Group visit program announced

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  • BAKU: AGO Group visit program announced

    TREND, Azerbaijan
    June 10 2006

    AGO Group visit program announced

    Source: Trend
    Author: S.Agayeva


    On June 13 to 15 AGO Group Mission is making t visit to Baku, headed
    by Roland Wegener, German Ambassador to CE, Trend reports with
    reference to Azeri Foreign Ministry.

    The mission consists of Swiss, Swede, Austrian, French and Romanian
    ambassadors to the CE and employees of AGO Group Administration. The
    visit aims at discussion of the current level of relationships
    between Azerbaijan and the CE, the country's commitments to the
    council, in particular those on election regulatory, legal reforms
    and Nagorno-Karabakh problem.

    The visit program suggests meetings with chief of President's
    Executive Administration Ramiz Mehtiyev, Foreign minister Elmar
    Mamedyarov, Justice Minister Fikret Mamedov, chairman of Central
    Election Commission Mazahir Panakhov, members of parliamentary
    mission to PACE. The meeting with Azeri president Ilham Aliyev is
    also expected.

    AGO Group was established in January 2001 alongside Armenia and
    Azerbaijan joining the CE. It is engaged in monitoring commitment to
    assumptions before the CE and operates within the Cabinet of
    Ministers of the CE.