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Holland Moves To Ban Holocaust Denial

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  • Holland Moves To Ban Holocaust Denial

    By Hilary Leila Krieger

    Jerusalem Post
    June 11 2006

    When a Dutch family comes back to Holland after eight years of living
    in Israel, people tend to assume its members are Jewish.

    So says Leon Meijer, and he should know. Meijer, who completed his
    doctorate at the Technion, learned that lesson the hard way when his
    11-year-old daughter was told by a classmate soon after her return:
    "It's a pity Hitler didn't finish the job."

    Meijer was shocked not only by the comment, but by the discovery that
    the Netherlands has no laws clearly outlawing Holocaust denial.

    Now, six years later, he has drafted legislation which would do just
    that. Under his proposal, individuals who deny or glorify genocide
    with the intent to hurt others could be fined or sentenced to up
    to a year in jail. The law would be added to current legislation
    prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of race and religion.

    Meijer, who serves as an adviser to the Christian Union party,
    which is sponsoring the legislation, described the measure as more
    urgent now that "echoes" of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad's
    denials of the Holocaust could be heard in Holland. "People copy these
    kinds of remarks," he said, also noting that the number of Holocaust
    survivors who can personally testify to what happened during World
    War II is dwindling.

    Though the Christian Union holds only three seats in the 150-member
    parliament, Meijer said that his bill enjoys a good deal of support.

    Even so, it would take at least six to nine months to approve.

    He noted that possible pitfalls include fears that the law would limit
    free speech, which is one reason he offered to explain why Holland -
    unlike its neighbors - hasn't banned Holocaust denial outright.

    France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Romania, Slovakia,
    Czech Republic, Lithuania and Poland all have made Holocaust denial
    illegal, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

    Dutch Jewish community leader Ronny Naftaniel said the proposed
    law could also encounter political obstacles. Since the law isn't
    limited to the Holocaust but includes all genocide as defined by the
    International Criminal Court, objections could arise based on other
    conflicts, such as the current crisis in Darfur or the past experience
    of Armenians in Turkey.

    "I can imagine that there will be political difficulties, but maybe
    it will get through," said Naftaniel, director of the Center for
    Information and Documentation on Israel.

    Even so, he praised the initiative as "a step forward." He noted that
    there has been prosecution of Holocaust denial under the existing
    Dutch anti-discrimination laws on the basis that negation of the
    Holocausts insults survivors and their children. But he said that
    any move to codify the offense was welcome.

    "There are fewer and fewer survivors and even their children are not
    numerous anymore, and we think it's important to keep the symbol of
    the Holocaust complete and without debate. It should not be dependent
    on the survivors and their children," he said.

    The general climate toward Jews worsened starting in 2000, with an
    increase in instances of spitting, name-calling and other forms of
    abuse, according to Naftaniel. But he said that the attacks - none
    of which were violent - had levelled off in the last few years.

    Still, ADL associate national director Kenneth Jacobson said "any
    kind of effort for a Holocaust denial law is a way of dealing with
    the trend that's developing and to stop it in its tracks."

    He noted, however, that "all the polls indicate the vast majority of
    Europeans" are aware that the Holocaust happened.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress