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Haigazian University: The Palestinian Christians,Immense Challenges

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  • Haigazian University: The Palestinian Christians,Immense Challenges

    Press Release
    From:Mira Yardemian
    Public Relations Director
    Haigazian University
    Rue Mexique - Kantari
    P.O. Box 11-1748
    Riad El-Solh 1107 2090
    Beirut - Lebanon

    Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb Lectures in Haigazian University
    The Palestinian Christians: Immense Challenges and Endless

    On Thursday, June the 8th, 2006, the Cultural Hour at Haigazian
    University hosted the Director of the International Center of
    Bethlehem, Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, to dwell on "The Present of the
    Palestinian Christians, and discuss their challenges, opportunities
    and threats facing this ever-diminishing, but quite potent community
    in Palestine.

    Among the presence were, the President of the Supreme Council of the
    Evangelical Community in Syria and Lebanon, Rev. Dr. Salim Sahyouni,
    the Secretary General of the Christian - Muslim Committee for
    Dialogue, Mr. Mohammad Sammak, the President of Haigazian University,
    Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, The President of the Near East School of
    Theology, Dr. Mary Mikhael, in addition to a large number of scholars
    and clergy.

    In her welcoming speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
    Dr. Arda Ekmekji, talked very briefly about Christian ethnicities
    in Palestine: "It is in fact tragic that in the ongoing polemic
    on Palestine, and in this eternal debate on whose land is the Holy
    Land, very often one tends to overlook a very important community:
    The Palestinian Christians, who in their turn could belong to various
    ethnic and diverse cultural groups: Arabs, Armenians, Copts, Syriacs,
    Abyssinians and even Franks", said Ekmekji.

    Rev. Raheb started his lecture by providing facts and figures on the
    Palestinian Christians. It's an urban society, concentrated mainly
    in the cities of Bethlehem, the West Bank region, and Jerusalem, the
    majority being orthodox, and catholics and evangelicals. Christian
    Palestinians are less than 2% of the total population of the country,
    yet they are a very active community. They possess 64 schools, 2
    universities, and 2 colleges. They also provide 30% of the health
    service in Palestine. Raheb presented the major challenges of this
    small community, which is the minority complex, and the fear of
    disappearing, the absence of law and order, the rise of the Islamic
    parties, the Israeli occupation and the system of segregation and

    A 20-minute moving documentary was shown during the lecture, featuring
    the city of Bethlehem, the construction of the dividing wall, and
    true stories and experiences of land confiscation and segregation.

    Finally, Rev. Raheb concluded his speech, by calling to a living hope
    in conditions of despair, as the Palestinian cause is more explicitly
    presented today than any other day, the developmental projects of the
    churches are increasing, and the Palestinian Christians have a pivotal
    role to play in building a Christian identity in the Middle East.