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ASBAREZ Online [06-09-2006]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [06-09-2006]


    1) Krekorian Wins Democratic Primary for California's 43rd Assembly Seat
    2) Armenian Community Condemns Anti-Armenian Attacks during California
    Democratic Primary Election
    3) Cyprus Blocks Opening of First Chapter in EU-Turkey Talks
    4) Commission Finishes Decoding Black Box from Jet Crash
    5) 'In The Absence of Burial Sites:' Letter urges Armenians to visit and
    contribute to website database
    6) Outrage Continues to Grow over Ambassador Evans' Recall
    7) Ambassador Markarian's Letter to The New York Times
    8) Can You Sue Characters in A Novel? Only in Turkey
    9) ANCA-WR Supports Construction of Genocide Monument in State Capitol
    10) ANCA-WR among Exclusive California Leaders Honoring Mexican President
    11) ANCA-WR Chairman Meets with Ukraine's First Lady
    12) Millennium Children's Vaccine Fund Meets Avian Flu Challenge in Karabagh
    13) Ford Amphitheatre Sets Stage for Element Band Solo Performance: By Heran
    14) Critics' Forum: Visual Arts: By Ramela Grigorian Abbamontian
    15) So Many Lessons: By Garen Yegparian

    1) Krekorian Wins Democratic Primary for California's 43rd Assembly Seat

    --Armenian community unites in support of candidate

    GLENDALE--The Armenian American community united in support of Paul Krekorian
    during the Democratic Primary election for the 43rd California Assembly
    district on June 6 and drove the candidate to decisively defeat Glendale city
    councilman Frank Quintero, sending a clear message to Sacramento.
    Armenian American voters turned out in large numbers to vote for Paul
    Krekorian in order to also send a message to Councilman Frank Quintero, whose
    campaign and advisors engaged in dirty campaign tactics during the last week.
    It is widely believed that the Quintero campaign collaborated with the
    California Latino Leadership Fund in sending out mass mailers and automated
    callers to non-Armenian voters labeling Krekorian and his wife, the Armenian
    National Committee of America (ANCA), and the Armenian community as
    "terrorists" in a desperate attempt to scare away non-Armenian voters.
    of having its intended effect, the unethical and racist tactics galvanized
    Armenian and non-Armenian voters in support of Krekorian.
    "Having Paul Krekorian representing the citizens of the 43rd district will
    usher in a new era of empowerment and vision," said Leonard Manoukian,
    of the Armenian National Committee Political Action Committee (ANC-PAC).
    "As a
    person who has a strong connection to all parts of the community, we believe
    Paul will fill a huge void that has existed and be a driving force for
    bridges and inspiring positive changes."
    Throughout the campaign for Paul Krekorian, Armenian Americans volunteered in
    record numbers, including on the day of the election where volunteers helped
    get out the vote, assisted at polling stations with translating while also
    monitoring and reporting problems and irregularities that occur during every
    election. During the weeks leading up to the election the local ANCs mounted
    an unprecedented voter education and get-out-the-vote campaign informing large
    numbers of voters of the issues at stake and getting people to vote.
    "If it wasn't clear before, we hope it is now," said Stepan Boyajian from the
    Burbank ANC. "The Armenian American community's voice will be heard and we
    will have our rightful seat at the table." Local ANCs who represent different
    parts of the 43rd Assembly district led community-wide efforts in support of
    Krekorian that made the difference.
    "This was a historic victory for the Armenian community and all Americans who
    care about justice and preserving the democratic process. It was a victory of
    hope over hatred, optimism over cynicism, common vision over ethnic division,"
    said Paul Krekorian.
    "I am grateful by the outpouring of support from my fellow Armenian Americans
    and non-Armenians alike. The overall community of the 43rd district came
    together to reject the politics of hate and division instead favoring respect,
    understanding, and unity, that should be an inspiration for everyone."
    Unofficial results show Krekorian with 56.6% of the votes to Quintero's
    with 100 percent of precincts reporting; these figures do not yet include
    provisional and absentee ballots, which are still being counted. While the
    43rd California Assembly seat has historically been a Democratic seat,
    Krekorian, as the Democratic candidate will face Republican candidate Michael
    Agbaba in November's general election.

    2) Armenian Community Condemns Anti-Armenian Attacks during California
    Democratic Primary Election

    GLENDALE--On Wednesday, June 7, the Armenian National Committee of America
    Western Region (ANCA) organized a post-election press conference with a broad
    cross-section of Armenian American community organizations to recognize the
    milestone in political empowerment and address the anti-Armenian campaign
    attacks intended to derail Paul Krekorian's election as the democratic nominee
    for the 43rd California Assembly seat.
    "This is a historic day in achieving a new level of political presence in
    California for the Armenian community, which is a symbol of our increasing
    political and collective strength--this is something we achieved together as a
    community," said Zanku Armenian, Board Member of the ANCA-WR. "It is our hope
    that this will usher in a new era of unprecedented cooperation, bringing
    together all of our strength so that we may lead the Armenian community to new
    levels of achievement."
    Community leadership representing organizations throughout the southern
    California Armenian American community also uniformly delivered a clear
    by condemning the mailer and calling campaign sponsored by the California
    Latino Leadership Fund but widely believed to have been orchestrated by Frank
    Quintero's campaign and his political advisors. During the last several weeks
    of the campaign Paul Krekorian, the ANCA and the Armenian community were
    characterized as "terrorists" or terrorist sympathizers. In addition, the
    Quintero campaign, through several mail pieces, demonized the Armenian
    community's participation in the democratic process by making allegations of
    wide-spread voter fraud.
    "Unfortunately, during this campaign, ugly, anti-Armenian racist acts were
    committed against Paul Krekorian, the ANC, and our community," said Armenian.
    "Together, we are standing before you today to say that this is unacceptable,
    we are outraged and we will hold all those individuals, organizations and
    institutions involved in this accountable."
    During the press conference each of the Armenian American organizations and
    Armenian American public officials pledged to stand together to fight the
    racist attacks and to declare that those responsible for these unethical and
    vicious attacks against the community will be held fully accountable.
    In closing the press conference, Armenian said "Let me close with this
    symbolic statement: On June 6th we took our people's ladle and dipped it into
    the pot of 'Herriseh' to get our just share... and this time our ladle was
    made of steel."

    Below are excerpts of statements delivered during the press conference:

    Prelate, Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America

    "Faith without toil is dead, and during this campaign we transformed faith
    work, and embodied faith to successfully carry-out that which is kind and
    worthy. At times, this campaign departed the acceptable norms for a
    environment, resorting instead to mudslinging in an attempt to shake our honor
    and unity, and to divide us. But we, as law-abiding citizens did what we
    had to
    with clear intent and knowledge. What has happened to us is unacceptable and
    must be pursued to secure justice and accountability."

    Representing Prelate Hovan Derderian, Primate, Western Diocese of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church of North America

    "We, as Armenians, have a mission to carry-out in this community. We are not
    intimidated by anyone because we are legal and long-time citizens of this
    country. We are here today under one name. We are Armenian and will not allow
    anyone to tamper with our pride."

    Minister to the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America

    "There is no doubt that we are shaken by these hurtful announcements against
    us~E when attempts to divide us are thrown our way, we will make them fail with
    our commitment to stand as one. We are an outstanding nationality, God-fearing
    and one. We will fight for justice."

    Armenian Catholic Exarchate of North America

    "We are amazed that the guarantee to the right of freedom of expression in the
    Unites States is manipulated by certain individuals in an attempt to gain
    political victory, with excuses that are based solely on deceit and

    We urge all Armenians to stand in support of all our national, social and
    religious organizations and institutions, specifically the Armenian National
    Committee, which work with dedication, sacrifice and persistence to protect
    just rights and national identity."

    Glendale City Councilmember

    "There are acceptable norms to conducting campaigns, but Paul Krekorian's
    opponents not only crossed the line, but dared to do the unthinkable by
    attacking his wife, family, and nationality. In an attempt to inject fear into
    the community, they even accused Armenians of being "terrorists."

    Believe me, this matter is not over; now comes the matter of accountability,
    which we will demand from all those who created this environment."

    Glendale City Councilmember

    "This victory is for what is honorable, what is right. The people unanimously
    rejected horrible accusations by a candidate, and rejected Quintero's attempt
    to divide and conquer. We were tested, but sent a message that we are together
    and it did not work."

    Glendale City Councilmember
    "June 6th brought heights of elation for me, but also a deep wound~E The attack
    was not just on Paul but also on the ANC, and was totally baseless. Imagine
    attacking the work of the ANC which is to educate children; to educate and get
    justice for the Armenian Genocide. This is a continuation of the genocide,
    where the victim is demonized one more time; it's reprehensible.

    And I pledge never to forget; I will fight like I've never fought before. Look
    who we have gathered here. We are united and one force."

    Chairman Armenian National Committee-Political Action Committee

    "The ANC-PAC selected Paul Krekorian not because he is Armenian but because he
    is the right man. He proved himself; his popularity grew, and when his
    discerned this, they resorted to tactics that are an abomination, and
    disrespectful to the community.

    The ANC-PAC appealed to the community, the Armenian electorate to stand upnot
    for the organization but for what is rightto bring participation to the
    political arena and they did.

    We now have a community that is well-aware of their ability, energy and
    whereas before they only saw the mere potential of its strength."

    Organziations and representatives at press conference: Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of
    America; representing Primate Hovan Derderian, Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian,
    Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America; Joe Matossian
    to the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America; representing Fr. Anton
    Saroyan Armenian Catholic Exarchate of North America, Antoine Karamalian;
    Glendale City Council Members Rafi Manoukian, Ara Najarian, Bob Yousefian; Dr.
    Armine Hacopian, Vice President of Glendale Community College Board of
    Trustees; Angela Savoyan, Chairwoman ARS Western Region Board; Hrair
    Hamazkayin Western Region Chairman; Parsegh Kartalian representing AGBU; Nora
    Khatchadourian, Armenian Society of Los Angeles; Vahig Zadourian, Davidian &
    Mariamian Educational Foundation; Sari Shirinian, AYF; Vahe Shahinian, ANC
    Burbank; Khatchik Khalatian, Homenetmen Ararat Chapter; Steve Dadaian, Zanku
    Armenian and Steve Artinian, ANCA Western Region Board representatives;
    Manoukian, ANC-PAC; Alina Azizian, Glendale ANC.

    3) Cyprus Blocks Opening of First Chapter in EU-Turkey Talks

    BRUSSELS (EU Observer)--Cyprus has blocked the opening of Turkey's first
    negotiating chapter with the EU, with intense weekend diplomacy expected
    meeting of the Foreign Ministers on Monday.
    The opening of the "science and research" legislative chapter is scheduled
    Monday at a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers with their Turkish counterpart
    Abdullah Gul in Luxembourg.
    The move would mean the first concrete work on one of the 35 negotiating
    chapters that EU candidate state Turkey has to go through before acceding to
    the bloc.
    As there is no real EU legislation on science and research, the EU
    intended to
    close the chapter on the same day--Monday.
    But at a meeting of the member states' ambassadors on Friday, Cyprus fiercely
    resisted the closing of the chapter, demanding political concessions from
    Ankara first.
    Diplomats said Nicosia wants to see progress on Turkey ending its continued
    non-recognition of Cyprus and its blockade of Cypriot shipping and air

    "The Austrian EU presidency regrets that we did not reach a unanimous
    agreement in Coreper [Member States' Permanent Representatives Committee],"
    said an Austrian spokesman.
    "We stand ready for further negotiations in order to solve this issue, also
    over the weekend," said the spokesman. "The topic will now be handed over to
    Foreign Ministers on Monday."
    A compromise text on the chapter prepared by Vienna contained a reference to
    the EU's September 21 statement, which requires Turkey to recognize EU member
    Cyprus, as well as open its ports and airports to Cypriot vessels and planes
    Nicosia has now made clear that if Ankara makes no progress in meeting these
    demands, it could veto the opening or closing of any chapter in Turkey's EU
    entry talks.
    The starting and finishing of each of the 35 legislative chapters requires
    unanimous consent of EU member states.
    Diplomats said, however, that Cyprus may, after an intense weekend of
    diplomacy, back down on Monday, amid Turkish media reports that Gul could snub
    the EU by boycotting Monday's meeting.
    Meanwhile, the row is unlikely to affect the membership bid of Croatia, which
    received the green light from EU ambassadors to open and close the science and
    research chapter on Monday.
    Zagreb could enter the EU around 2009-2010, while 2015 is seen as a more
    likely possible accession date for Ankara.

    4) Commission Finishes Decoding Black Box from Jet Crash

    YEREVAN (Armenpress/RIAN)An intergovernmental commission has finished
    deciphering the cockpit voice recorder from an Armenian A-320 passenger jet
    that crashed into the Black Sea on May 3, reported the Russian Transportation
    The Ministry said that the recorder had captured 33 minutes of exchanges
    between the pilot of the plane and air traffic controllers at Russia's
    Adler airport, which services the popular resort of Sochi.
    "It was established that most of the conversation between crewmembers took
    place in the Armenian language. Armenian Embassy representatives helped
    translate the talks into Russian and verified the translation," the Ministry
    The statement also said the transcript would not be published in line with
    standards and practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
    the Chicago aviation convention, information from the decoded black boxes is
    not subject to publication until the end of the accident's examination.
    Work on deciphering the second black box continues.
    According to Armenian Ambassador to Russia Armen Smbatian, the decoding of
    just one of the black boxes does not give a complete picture of what caused
    Smbatian said that decoding the second black box will take two or three
    after which authorities can comment on the cause of the plane crash, which
    resulted in the deaths of all 113 on board.
    Meanwhile, friends and relatives of those killed are preparing to mark the
    40th day after the tragedy occurred, in a ceremony to honor the dead.
    Relatives will be transported to the crash site in Southern Russia by the
    Armenian-Russian and Armenian-Georgian Business Association, who pledged to
    cover the costs of the trip.
    The ceremony will take place June 14 near the spot where the airline plunged
    into the Black sea. On the same day a local Armenian church in Adler will
    conduct a church service for the crash victims.

    5) 'In The Absence of Burial Sites'

    --Letter urges Armenians to visit and contribute to website database

    In a letter addressed to their fellow Armenians, over fifty prominent Armenian
    community leaders from around the world are urging all those who lost family
    members in the Armenian genocide to visit a website (, which
    will allow them to document the losses suffered by their families.
    Visitors to the website will be able to see the map of Armenia and Turkey as
    the Treaty of Sevres had intended it to be. Visitors can click on cities that
    had a significant Armenian population prior to the Genocide and see the names
    of its residents who were killed during the Genocide. They can also add the
    names of their loved ones who perished in the Genocide.
    The website aims to not create a database of all those who disappeared in the
    Genocide, but also to help reunite families that have been separated and
    scattered around the world since 1915.
    The following are excerpts from the letter signed by Charles Aznavour, "Our
    Dead Have Names" Campaign organizer Jean Eckian, Director of Armenian Studies
    at Cal State Fresno Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, and President of the Coordination
    Council of Armenian Organizations in France Alexis Govciyan:
    "~EWe are asking men and women from all continents to stand vigilant, as the
    memory of the Martyrs is decried, as unprecedented violence is being inflicted
    on the sons and daughters of the survivors of the Armenian genocide, and as
    very existence of our identity, symbolized by the vestiges of our culture, is
    being willfully wiped out.
    Today, Armenians are the target of the denial of the crime, of which their
    parents were innocent victims.
    Scorned, bruised, exasperated, but nevertheless Armenian, we have to tell the
    world, once and for all, that the time for geopolitical procrastination has
    passed. We are not claiming to be victims, but protesters for simple justice.
    In the absence of burial sites, enables every one of us to
    write in the names of those who lost their lives on our ancestral soil. Once
    this has been done, another task will be invoked: to ensure the permanent
    recognition of the Genocide of the Armenian people and the inevitable
    consequences of recognition~E
    ~EJust like a petition, the recording of the names of the victims will
    become a
    recognized document rendered to the United Nations, the only institution whose
    competence in this area is acknowledged by Turkey~E
    ~EThe time has come for all Armenians to resist.
    Therefore, on the occasion of the 91st commemoration of this human cataclysm,
    we call upon each of you to resist falling into silent consent by visiting the
    website now at to see for yourselves and to help show that
    dead have names. This is our duty."

    6) Outrage Continues to Grow over Ambassador Evans' Recall

    Outraged by the news of the Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans,' official
    over his truthful comments regarding the Armenian genocide, Retired Air Force
    Lt. Col. John A. Keusseyan addressed a letter to the Armenian community and
    leaders, calling for continued and unwavering support in hopes of saving his
    "It is every Armenian American's duty to write to the State Department and
    raise hell," he said. "Let's flood the State Department with our letters of
    The following is his letter:

    "Rumors finally materialized. An honorable man who told the truth about the
    Armenian genocide is being punished by "evil forces."
    This country is (supposedly) founded on freedom of speech, freedom of
    religion, etc. Apparently this does not apply to US Diplomats; they are
    punished if they tell the truth. What kind of message does this send to the
    rest of the diplomatic corps? Your career will be cut short if you told the
    truth and that it is okay to lie and you will be rewarded if you lied.
    The Armenian Americans were unable to save the career of this honorable and
    honest man. Why did we fail? Did we do all that we could? These are the
    questions that our (Armenian) leadership should be asking them selves.
    Now that the damage is done, how can we recover?
    If we do nothing, no one would dare to support our cause anymore. What we can
    do and should do is reward this man. We can hire him as a consultant to one of
    our political organizations i.e. ANCA or AAA (and believe me he will be a very
    valuable asset). Or an Armenian owned company can hire him and give him a
    prestigious position. Then we can tell the whole world that we don't let our
    friends down. Tell to the civil servants of America: don't be afraid to tell
    the truth about Armenian genocide! We will take care of you and we even let
    practice your first amendment right! Even if the Government does not."

    --John A. Keusseyan, Lt. Col. USAF (Retired)

    7) Ambassador Markarian's Letter to The New York Times

    In response to a letter denying the Armenian genocide by the Turkish
    to the US, Armenian Ambassador Tatoul Markarian wrote a letter to the
    editor of
    The New York Times, which was published on May 31, 2006. The following is the
    letter as it appeared in The New York Times.

    Although Turkey's ambassador to the US asserts arguably that "history
    should be
    left to historians," (NYT, May 24), the Turkish Government makes history a
    precondition for normalizing interstate relations with Armenia.
    Turkey needs first of all reconcile with its own history, and it must remove
    all taboos and stop persecution of Turkish authors who dare address the 1915
    Turkish scholars will then be able to examine the rich historical record,
    including the 1919 Turkish military tribunal which passed a death sentence
    against the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide.
    It is the Turkish state's denialist policy that forces growing number of
    nations to intervene and express their position on the subject. Historical and
    legal experts, including Raphael Lemkin who invented the term genocide, and
    International Association of Genocide Scholars, have long recognized that the
    1915 events fit the definition of the 1948 Genocide Convention in all its

    Tatoul Markarian
    Ambassador of Armenia
    Washington, May 27, 2006

    8) Can You Sue Characters in A Novel? Only in Turkey

    --Repression of free speech reaches new heights in Turkey

    (The New Anatolian/AP)--The case faced by Turkish writer Elif Shafak will
    demonstrate not only a judicial but a philosophical question: "Can you sue
    characters in a novel?"
    If you ask Kemal Kerincsiz--an Istanbul-based lawyer and a member of the
    Jurists Union Association who had his 15 minutes of fame when he sued the
    organizers of the Armenian Conference in Istanbul and European Parliament
    Deputy Joost Lagendijk for "insulting Turkishness"then the answer is yes. If a
    fictional character cannot be sued, then the author who created it certainly
    He has, after all, filed a complaint against Shafak and her publisher for
    remarks made by one of several characters in Shafak's latest best-seller,
    ve Pic" (Father and Bastard). Kerincsiz says that certain remarks made by
    fictitious characters violate Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK), the
    infamous article about "insulting Turkishness."
    The novel tells the story of two families, a Turkish-Muslim one and an
    Armenian one, over a period of 90 years. The book's characters are strong
    womenwho subsequently express their strong opinions, prejudices, and memories.
    "I am the grandchild of a family whose children were slaughtered by the
    Turkish butchers," and "I was brought up having to deny my roots and say that
    genocide did not exist," are the sentences accused of "insulting Turkishness."
    Shafak went to court to testify on Tuesday, claiming that she didn't believe
    that taking certain parts or sentences from a novel could either be legal or
    accurately portray the story.
    "If a character in a book describes a murder or commits one, does that mean
    that the writer approves of it?" asked Shafak when she testified with her
    publisher, Semih Somken of Metis Publishing House.
    Shafak's somewhat surrealistic case comes during a week when freedom of the
    press and freedom of expression cases are high on Turkey's agenda, including a
    case against Perihan Magden, one of Turkey's best new writers.
    Turkish author and journalist Magden went on trial Wednesday, charged with
    turning people against military service after she defended the rights of a
    conscientious objector in a weekly magazine column.
    In her column published in the weekly Yeni Aktuel magazine in December,
    defended conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan who was sentenced to a record
    four year term in a military prison for disobedience after refusing to wear
    military uniform. Turkey, she wrote, needed to establish a civilian service as
    an alternative to compulsory military conscription.
    Magden could face up to three years in prison if convicted of the charge of
    "alienating the people against military service."
    Radikal columnist Professor Murat Belge was also scheduled appear in court
    this week for "trying to influence the judiciary" by criticizing an
    administrative court decision that postponed last year's Armenian
    Conference in
    His article entitled "A Court Verdict" falls under the scope of Article
    288 of
    the TCK. Radikal newspaper reporter Ismail Saymaz is also accused under the
    same article for his news report entitled "Torture allegation involving an 11
    year old child."
    Another publishing house owner, Ahmet Onal, sentenced last week in
    relation to
    another book is being tried on charges of insulting modern Turkey's founder
    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk by publishing the book "Being an Alawite in Dersim." The
    book, authored by Munzur Cem and Huseyin Baysulun, is only one of 27 charges
    leveled against the publisher.
    In the most high-profile case, novelist Orhan Pamuk stood trial earlier this
    year on charges of "insulting Turkishness" for commenting on the Armenians
    genocide. The charges were dropped amid intense international pressure.
    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government has made clear it has no
    plans to change laws used to prosecute Pamuk and others despite heavy pressure
    from the EU--which Turkey hopes to join--to scrap repressive laws and improve
    freedoms. Ankara said that the charges are eventually dropped and defendants
    are acquitted.
    EU officials argue, however, that even if the charges are dropped the threat
    of prosecution remains as a deterrent against people wishing to express

    9) ANCA-WR Supports Construction of Genocide Monument in State Capitol

    GLENDALE--The Armenian National Committee of America Western Region (ANCA
    demonstrated it support this week for AB 1210, legislation that calls for the
    construction of an International Genocide Monument in Sacramento's State
    Capitol Park.
    The California State Legislature took the first step this year in working to
    construct an International Genocide Memorial in the State's Capitol.
    Authored by State Assembly member Lloyd Levine, AB 1210 was introduced in
    and is currently in the Senate Appropriations Committee. If passed, the
    legislation would call for the establishment of an International Genocide
    Memorial Commission to determine the design, construction, and dedication
    for a
    memorial, on the grounds of Capitol Park, to honor genocide victims.
    The State of California has a longstanding history in protecting the rights,
    history and culture of all its citizens, including those who are survivors and
    descendents of genocide and crimes against humanity. An International Genocide
    Monument in the State Capitol would not only serve as a symbol for remembrance
    of past genocides, but also as a tool to educate thousands of students who
    visit the State Capitol annually for class trips. If constructed, the monument
    would recognize crimes perpetrated against the Sudanese in Darfur and the
    Tutsis in Rwanda, the Armenians, and the Jews, among others.
    Noting the ANCA-WR's support of AB 1210, Chairman Steven Dadaian said, "The
    passage of this legislation that would bring about a permanent reminder of
    atrocities, is especially important in the face of genocides that are still
    shamefully denied today, such as the Armenian genocide."
    On behalf of all Armenian Americans, the ANCA-WR commends the California
    legislature and Assembly member Levine's leadership for their efforts to
    a enduring symbol of remembrance and recognition in California for all victims
    of genocide and injustice.

    10) ANCA-WR among Exclusive California Leaders Honoring Mexican President

    LOS ANGELES--The Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region (ANCA
    - WR) was among a select group of civic and business leaders at a dinner
    by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to honor Mexican President Vicente
    ANCA - WR Chairman Steven Dadaian attended the May 26 event at the Getty
    Center Museum and had a chance to brief President Fox about Armenian genocide
    recognition efforts and urge the President to consider passing such
    in Mexico.
    President Fox, who was on a four-day trip through Utah, Washington, and
    California, repeatedly stated that Mexico must regulate the migration of its
    citizens to the US and must bolster its economy so would-be migrants no longer
    see leaving as an economic necessity.
    In his remarks during the dinner, Mayor Villaraigosa lamented what he called
    "so much heat and so little light illuminating the debate over the
    between our two countries."
    Addressing the economic ties between the two countries, the mayor said, "Our
    economy is driven by the labor of Mexican immigrants."

    11) ANCA-WR Chairman Meets with Ukraine's First Lady

    LOS ANGELES--Los Angels Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and ANCA-WR Chairman Steven
    Dadaian welcomed Ukraine's First Lady Kateryna Yuschenko to Southern
    during a private reception on Friday, June 6 at Los Angeles International
    During his conversation with the First Lady, Dadaian touched on the common
    history of oppression and genocide suffered by both the Armenian and Ukrainian
    people during the 20th century and the need to work together in addressing the
    issue of genocide. Mrs. Yuschenko thanked the ANCA for its support of genocide
    awareness in the United States, noting ANCA's valuable support in passing
    Ukrainian genocide remembrance legislation recently. She also fondly recalled
    her involvement, in the 1980s, in Ukrainian-American public affairs in
    Washington, DC.
    Accompanying the First Lady were Ukraine's Ambassador to the United States
    Oleh Shamshur, Consul General of Ukraine Mykola Tochytskyi, and Ukrainian
    American leader Peter Borisow.
    The First Lady's visit to the US includes meetings with health care
    professionals, businessmen, economic development experts, government
    and leaders of the Ukrainian diaspora in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, San
    Francisco, and Los Angeles, in an effort to garner support for the Ukraine
    Foundation and for healthcare programs for Ukraine's youth.
    Explaining the goal of the foundation, Mrs. Yuschenko said it is to help
    "Ukraine create its own future and realize its global destiny. Hence, the
    mission of the foundation is to facilitate the search for an optimal path to
    Ukraine's strategic development and making this clear for the Ukrainian
    Dadaian wished the First Lady success in advancing the worthy mission, as
    as a safe trip home.

    12) Millennium Children's Vaccine Fund Meets Avian Flu Challenge in Karabagh

    LOS ANGELES--Recent reported cases of the Bird flu in Azerbaijan and Georgia
    prompted the Ani and Narod Memorial Foundation (ANMF), through its Millennium
    Children's Vaccine Fund (MACVF), to expand its health awareness program in
    Armenia into the Mountainous Karabagh Republic (MKR) to implement preventative
    measures against the spread of the deadly H5N1 virus.
    MACVF, with the cooperation of UNICEF, USAID, The Global Alliance for
    and Immunizations, and the Republic of Armenia's Ministry of Health, currently
    provides seven basic vaccines--Diphtheria, Hepatitis B, MMR (Measles, Mumps,
    Rubella), Polio, Pertussis (whooping cough), Tetanus, and Tuberculosis--to all
    of the approximately 37,000 children born in Armenia each year.
    The threat of an avian influenza pandemic in Karabagh caused great alarm
    amongst health administrators. "We cannot afford a disruption in the health
    economy of this vital region," states Raffy Ardhaldjian, ANMF Chief Volunteer
    Officer, "We had to nip this potential epidemic in the bud."
    Training in Stepanakert, the capital of Karabagh, was initiated by ANMF/MACVF
    on March 27, with the Ministries of Education and Health along with the
    Hanganak NGO actively involved in the training of nurses and teachers from
    Stepanakert, Askeran, and Shushi. Frida Yeritsyan from Armenia's National
    Institute of Education trained the participants on innovative and effective
    methods for working with children to avoid the spread of the avian flu.
    Representatives from the MKR Ministry of Agriculture and Department of
    Emergency Situations were invited to answer specific questions of the
    With the main objective to enhance public awareness on avian influenza
    preventive measures, ANMF organized reproduction and dissemination of
    informational materials in MKR: 2000 copies of two-sided leaflets, 500 copies
    of posters for schools, and 800 copies of teacher's manuals with the detailed
    description of new interactive methods for working with children.
    Training was also conducted in the Martuni, Hadrut, Martakert and Lachin
    regions of Karabagh.
    MACVF continues to strive toward its goal of immunizing 560,000 in Armenia
    within the next ten years. To learn more about the organization, visit

    13) Ford Amphitheatre Sets Stage for Element Band Solo Performance

    By Heran Kerashkenian

    LOS ANGELES--Element Band will present its first solo performance at the Ford
    Amphitheatre on Friday, June 16, at 8:00 PM, with an evening that promises a
    dynamic concert and many surprises by a band that has taken Southern
    by storm.
    With its recently released premiere CD "Yev O Phe," Element has attracted an
    incredible mix of listeners to give the band a fan base that spans not only
    three generations, but has also transcended the diverse musical preferences
    prevalent in Armenian culture. It has also left fans wanting to hear more of
    their selections.
    "The time was right," says the band's arranger and musical director Ara
    Dabandjian, who also plays an array of instruments in Element. "We usually
    five or six songs when performing, but we have so much more that has never
    In its two years together, the band has performed at the Kodak Theatre with
    legendary Greek singer Demis Roussos and at the Ford Amphitheatre with French
    Gypsy Band Bratsch, but has yet to give a solo performance.
    Their concert at the Ford Amphitheatre will feature 24 mostly Armenian songs
    and several English selections, enhanced by the grace of dancers and the
    of a drum circleall in the open-air setting of the Ford Amphitheatre.
    The band's sound is bold: Flamenco, Tango, Rembetika waft in and out of
    performances of traditional Armenian songs as well as their English songs. And
    to achieve this, the band uses the accordion, bouzouki, mandolin, classical
    guitar, violin, and the purity of the band's vocalists to serve up a
    combination of fiery Mediterranean and European sounds that are partnered with
    hauntingly raw Armenian.
    Tickets for the June 16 performance are $30/$50 and can be purchased through
    the Ford Amphitheatre box office: (323) 461-3673 (Wednesday - Sunday 12:00 PM
    to 7:00 PM) or by visiting
    <>w The Ford
    Amphitheatre is located at 2580 Cahuenga Blvd. East, Los Angeles, CA 90068.

    14) Critics' Forum: Visual Arts

    The Community's Museum: Art And History At the Ararat-Eskijian Museum

    By Ramela Grigorian Abbamontian

    Like many of the artifacts contained within, the Ararat-Eskijian Museum (AEM)
    is a hidden treasure awaiting discovery. Nestled quietly in Mission Hills on
    the campus of The Ararat Home of Los Angeles, the museum is the physical
    manifestation of the dream of one individual, Genocide survivor Luther
    Eskijian, who created the museum "to preserve our Armenian culture and
    historical treasures for generations to come."
    In 1989, at the age of 78, Genocide survivor Luther Eskijian embarked on a
    quest to realize his 30 year old dream of creating a museum where his
    collection could be used to preserve the cultural identity of the
    Armenians. "I
    have been a collector of historical artifacts, coins, maps, art, documents and
    books since my early childhood. I was drawn to collecting these items first
    their historical value, second, because of their beauty, and finally, to
    preserve these collections for others to enjoy," notes Eskijian in the
    Founder's Statement. Using his connection with the Ararat Home (as its
    volunteer advisor of many years), he proposed adding a museum and a sanctuary
    to the site. Working diligently as architect and general contractor for about
    four years, Eskijian, at the age of 82, witnessed the fruits of his dream when
    the museum opened its doors in 1993.
    The mission of the museum is clearly articulated on its website
    (< /> "The
    Ararat-Eskijian Museum~E was created to enrich, inspire and educate the
    community through the display of artworks and exhibits, presentation of
    programs, and collection of research materials featuring the history and
    cultural heritage of the Armenian people." A detailed list that follows
    expounds how the museum aims to achieve this mission, including collecting
    valuable items, accepting the community's contributions of artifacts, focusing
    on research and education, housing a library (of primarily Genocide-related
    materials), and offering cultural programs. These are ambitious aims for a
    museum, yet as a review of its most recent activities will soon illustrate,
    museum appears to tirelessly strive for these goals. These efforts fill a
    critical need because, as its mission statement reminds us, the museum "serves
    the largest Armenian community in the diaspora and is the only Armenian museum
    on the west coast."
    In its 6,000 square feet--relatively small exhibition space--the museum's
    impressive and eclectic collections include antiquities, decorative arts,
    drawings, historical documents, musical instruments, paintings, prints, rugs,
    sculptures, stamps, coins, and textiles. Considering the inspiring story of
    museum's founder, its collections, its programming, its role as a site of
    remembrance, and its close relationship with the community, we might conclude
    that though young and still nascent, the museum is nonetheless an important
    thread in the fabric of the community and a powerful vehicle of its
    Like most small museums, AEM is staffed primarily by volunteers and a few
    employees. The powerhouse behind the museum's operations is Maggie
    Mangassarian-Goschin, who began volunteering at the museum in 1998 and has
    since dedicated countless hours to making its mission a reality. In fact, she
    can easily be considered the museum's unpaid director and--as most
    directors in
    small museums will attest--wears a number of different hats, including
    programming, staffing, curating, and even housecleaning and maintenance.
    the small group of staff and volunteers are clearly dedicated to the museum,
    more volunteers are always needed to achieve the large-scale goals of the
    A key feature, though not the entire focus, of the museum is its presentation
    of the 1915 Armenian genocide. Visitors to the museum are greeted by the
    "Mother Armenia Rising Out of the Ashes," the bronze sculpture flanking the
    entrance. Dedicated to the victims as well as survivors of the Genocide, this
    living memorial has elicited a myriad of reactions from viewers, most notably
    prayers, tears, and flowers placed at her feet. Museum staff has often
    the elderly residents of the Ararat Home deep in thought beside the woman and
    child figure. One wonders: what are they thinking and remembering? What are
    their personal stories? And more to the point, who preserves them? These
    critical questions further reinforce the essential role of the museum in the
    In another section of the small area dedicated to the Genocide, artists Nora
    Nalbandian and Guilda Deirmendjian have painted "The Der Zor Memorial
    Mural," a
    tortured desert landscape pervaded by light and vibrant colors from above, in
    what seems to represent the hope of God. A box of human bones retrieved on a
    mission to Der Zor by some museum members sits in front of the mural, a
    reminder of the unmarked graves of the victims.
    Initially, the alcove was intended as a silent site of meditation. Yet as the
    number of non-Armenian visitors increased, so did their questions. "What is
    this mural about?" "Where are the bones from?" The museum has since recognized
    the visitors' concerns and has added extensive wall text and photographic
    reproductions to tell the story of the Genocide. Though the text at times
    almost overpowers the silent testimony of memory, it is a necessary addition,
    since one of the museum's goals, as Goschin reiterated in a recent interview,
    is to introduce Armenian culture and history to the non-Armenian public.
    Without the labels, there is always the risk that visitors would admire the
    objects simply for their beauty, instead of as emblems of historical value.
    The rest of the collection, as delineated earlier, is quite diverse--not
    uncommon among collectors like Eskijian, who amass an assortment of objects
    through the years. That large collection of objects, along with the museum's
    small exhibition space, poses a challenge in creating appropriate and cohesive
    displays. But surprisingly, the varied selection also presents a more
    view of Armenian history, marking its origins (the oldest items date from 2500
    years ago to the Urartian and Hittite periods), its Christian faith, its
    persecution, and its contributions to various neighboring countries.
    Like its collection, the museum's programs are also eclectic and varied, and
    include film screenings, art exhibitions, lectures, and musical performances.
    Its programming has burgeoned rapidly in the last couple of years,
    triggered--according to Goschin--by the exhibition organized by three UCLA
    graduate students who temporarily adopted the museum to curate a student art
    exhibition entitled "In Celebration of Life: Armenian Identity and Culture of
    the Diaspora" (April 2002).
    The museum's impressive list of programs features such prominent scholars and
    artists as filmmaker Michael Hagopian, historian George Bournoutian, art
    historian Levon Chookaszian, and Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian. Audience
    numbers at these events number anywhere from 50 to 100. Another step in the
    right direction has been the museum's recent collaboration with other major
    Armenian institutions, a move they intend to--and in fact, should--pursue, in
    order to introduce the museum to new audiences and continue offering quality
    programs. Notably, AEM has joined forced with NAASR (National Association for
    Armenian Studies and Research) and recently jointly hosted the lecture, "'Kiss
    My Children's Eyes': A Search for Answers to the Armenian Genocide through One
    Remarkable Photograph" (March 2006). The lecture featured Pulitzer-Prize
    winning Boston Globe investigative journalist Stephen Kurkjian, who discussed
    his quest to identify the group of Armenian men standing under Turkish
    guard in
    front of a building in Gesaria (Caesarea) in 1915.
    Currently, the museum is in the midst of preparing a teacher workshop for the
    Fall to introduce teachers--first from Armenian private schools and then from
    area public schools--to the collections and the different ways of integrating
    the various items in the collection into educational courses, including Social
    Studies, History, and English. Also in the works are a High School Volunteer
    Program and the continuing development of relations with university professors
    to help them encourage their students to visit the museum.
    Another long-term goal of the museum is supporting local artists. To that
    the museum recently curated "The Visual Poetry of the Homeland: The
    of Vahé Peroomian and Ara Meshkanbarian," (September to October 2005). In the
    accompanying "Dialogues with the Artists: Interview and Reception," the public
    was introduced more intimately to the artists' motives and inspirations. While
    the museum would like to do more in terms of supporting local artists, it does
    not yet have the manpower, time, or funding to organize exhibitions on a more
    consistent basis.
    The Founder, Eskijian, reminds the public on the museum's website that, "The
    Ararat-Eskijian Museum belongs to all Armenians." And in its mission
    the museum "encourages the community to contribute historical artifacts and
    actively participate in the preservation of family histories and experiences."
    In this way, the museum has become a living repository, each donated item
    breathing new life into its growing collection.
    While the museum endeavors to be a place for the community, it also
    desperately needs support. This need is especially critical for a museum
    dedicated to a small ethnic community. Ideally, a reciprocal relationship
    should exist between the two--the museum preserving the community's culture
    heritage and allowing it to take pride in its accomplishments, with the
    community in turn allowing the museum to thrive with its support. In Ron
    article "In Praise of the Small Museum" (Museum News, March/April 2002, p.38),
    Steve Olson, Assistant Director of the Museum of Church History and Art at the
    time the article was written, warns that "if you added up all the collections
    in the country, numerically, most of the artifacts would be found in small
    museums. If we don't help the small museums, we're literally risking the
    of our own heritage."
    Is the museum, then, solely for Armenians? Goschin and other museum staff
    would reply that it is not, and like most Armenians, express their desire to
    share their rich culture with others. But the museum also inspires Armenian
    non-Armenian visitors alike to reflect on their own cultures and recognize
    similarities with those of others by emphasizing the common need to preserve
    their stories for future generations.
    The museum is currently open only on Saturdays and Sundays, between 1:00 and
    5:00 PM, as well as the first Tuesday of every month after the Women's Guild
    Luncheon at the Ararat Home. Admission to the museum and to all events is

    Ramela Grigorian Abbamontian is a PhD candidate in Art History at UCLA. She
    been with the Ararat-Eskijian Museum since 2001. You can reach her or any of
    the other contributors to Critics' Forum at [email protected]. This
    all other articles published in this series are available online at
    <>www.critics To sign up for a weekly
    electronic version of new articles, go to
    <>www.cri Critics' Forum
    is a
    group created to discuss issues relating to Armenian art and culture in the

    15) So Many Lessons

    By Garen Yegparian

    I really hope this'll be the last election related piece for a while. Three
    back to back on the same topic can become boring. But, it's necessary.
    The Armenian community is savoring a sweet victory right now. Paul Krekorian
    has won the Democratic Party nomination in the 43rd Assembly District of
    California, which houses the largest concentration of Armenians in an
    district outside Armenia. But since I last wrote, much has transpired in this
    race beside the victory.
    On Friday June 2, a despicable mailer, targeting the Armenian community and
    calling us terrorists hit selected homes in the 43rd AD. Which homes? Those
    of non-Armenians, of course. It points out that Tamar, Krekorian's wife, is a
    "representative" of the ANC [Armenian National Committee]-whatever that's
    supposed to insinuate. Then, the mailer proceeds to make a Burbank ANC
    project, "Books for Burbank," through which books were donated to the Burbank
    Public Library, seem sinister. Through all this it purports to connect
    Krekorian to terrorism. It bears the name of the California Latino Leadership
    Fund (CLLF) as the source of this "independent expenditure" mailer.
    Of course the community, and all decent human beings, were incensed and a
    weekend of intense TV programming on local cable ensued. Some of our old
    friends, the EI's (electoral idiots), took their usual contrarian, destructive
    positions. They attempted to minimize the harm done by the mailer. They
    argued that Frank Quintero, the other candidate for the seat, was unaware of
    the "independent expenditure" mailer described above. As if all this were not
    despicable enough, on Sunday, June 3, automated calls commenced, conveying
    the same message as the mailer.
    As the cable TV battle between the sellouts and genuine representatives of
    Armenian interests raged, other efforts were bearing fruit. A number of
    elected officials representing parts or all of the 43rd AD issued letters
    condemning the mailer and the hate speech it utilized. But there was a
    silence too. Quintero, who claims to represent Armenian concerns, had nothing
    to say, at least until mid-day Monday when a poorly written condemnation was
    received in the ANC offices. The same letter was posted to Quintero's website
    along with an equivalent sent to the CLLF. If someone is not familiar with
    Armenian community and details of this issue, he/she would never know what the
    letter is about. The ANC (only as an acronym), the mailer, and the issue as a
    whole are cited, with no clear explanation or references to what has
    transpired. It is assumed the reader knows.
    Clearly, it is just a ploy, a facade to mask guilt. Otherwise, why would it
    take so long to issue a statement? Everyone knew about it on Friday. Why
    would it be so poorly written? Finally, why would the version sent to the ANC
    contain the sentence "We suspect this is another one of the Krekorian
    campaign's dirty tricks" when the version on the campaign website did not?
    did the condemnation by Quintero and his defense by Armenian supporters focus
    on the Armenian community, not the non-Armenian community which had actually
    received the mailer?
    Some of the connections suggested by following the money and probing the
    publicly available information about the CLLF are truly chilling. Add to this
    that over three weeks ago I'd heard that such a mailing was brewing but the
    Quintero campaign had been talked out of doing it by its Armenian supporters,
    at least one in particular. On election night I was told a first-hand story.
    The relater, upon learning of the mailer, had called one of Quintero's
    supporters and told the latter of it. That supporter had replied "I told
    that... weeks ago not to do it," referring to a conversation with Quintero.
    But of course all this is hearsay; it wouldn't stand up in a court of law.
    the court of public opinion has a different standard.
    The backlash from all this hurt the Quintero campaign more than it helped.
    it is, this dirty level of hit piece represents a last, desperate gasp by a
    campaign that knows it is fighting a losing battle. It came on the heels of
    polling information showing Krekorian leading significantly with very little
    time left till Election Day. So, they gambled, and lost.
    It was heartening to hear story, from a non-Armenian, of friends she had who
    would have never voted for an Armenian. But after seeing the mailer, they
    voted for Krekorian. Couple this with the righteous indignation felt, because
    of this assault on our dignity, by an overwhelming portion of our community,
    and the actionvoting--it engendered, and you have a fundamental cause for
    Krekorian's victory. Ironically, if those who issued the mailer sought to
    the developing strength of the Armenian community, they served the exact
    opposite purpose. It brought Armenians together in the service of a shared
    community interest, not the inane unity-for-unity's-sake, but unified action
    backing up an appreciation of what was going on and what had to be done. It
    served to build our community.
    Unfortunately, the news is not all good. Let's start with the specific and
    expand to the general. Stepan Partamian, who was profiled by the Los Angeles
    Times and has become quite a cable personality with his acerbic descriptions
    and critiques of our community's foibles and failings became a focus of the
    clash in this election. For the record, Stepan and I happen to have opposing
    Armenian political party affiliations. But, as a fundamentally decent human
    being, it is easy to relate to him and what he went through. His Monday
    morning show was cancelled because of repairs to the studio that were not
    completed on time. Fair enough. But that got cast into doubt when on his
    Tuesday morning (Election Day) show, while replying to another programmer's
    criticisms of his positions regarding the campaign and deploring those
    Armenians supporting Quintero, Channel 26's management (evidently
    turned off the audio to his program. It's a call-in show, and he realized
    happened. So he packed up his things, on air, and walked off fifteen minutes
    before the show's ending time. He will return to the air Monday morning, June
    12, on Channel 55. So much for freedom of speech, decency, and courtesy.
    But that's not the only lesson to be learned here. Clearly, we will always
    have slimy Armenians who are willing to do anything, not for our collective
    interests, but for either personal or partisan interest. The Hnchagian
    Party/Armenian Council of America's support of Quintero seems to have been
    based on an approach of "wherever the ARF/ANC is, we're not." While this is
    depressing, it's not surprising, since we are human. It just behooves us to be
    aware of this situation and act accordingly. Perhaps in the future, some
    creative, preventive measures can be taken to avoid this kind of
    contentiousness within our community and allowing external political forces to
    roil it so much. But we are in a learning, growing process as we mature
    politically. The same is true of those who supported Quintero, not out of any
    vindictiveness, but purely self interest. As a practical matter, these
    considerations too must be integrated with our growth so to not fray our

    However, the positive approach I advocate in the preceding paragraph does not
    mean that the meddlers are off the hook. These, who attempted to play
    spoilers--be they inside or outside the community--must be taught a lesson.
    How is not quite clear to me, but political pain must be inflicted on those
    stooped to unacceptable lows in this campaign. If not, I fear they or others
    like them might do the same thing in the future. The clear message "don't
    with us" must be sent loud and clear.
    Finally, to the extent that this became an Armenian-Latino clash, is
    I do not advocate and find contemptible--pitting two disenfranchised groups
    against one another. But an interesting notion was posed to me. Could it be
    that this excited Latino voting interest less than that of Armenians
    because it
    is just another seat for Latinos, but the ONLY one for Armenians?
    It has been an interesting electoral season, these last two months. Let's
    lick our wounds, rest, and prepare for the next round of political battle
    as we
    creep forward in our struggle to complete the triad of securing a free,
    independent, UNITED Armenia--that is regaining Western Armenia.
    On a completely different note, those in the Los Angeles area on June 18
    should seriously consider going to the Alex Theatre in Glendale for the
    of "The Long Journey from the NFL to Armenia," a documentary of professional
    football player Rien Long's trip to Armenia and his connection to his Armenian
    roots. This is the kind of movie that bridges the gap between Armenian
    and what appeals to the average American. Go to for

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