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BAKU: Mahmoudali Chohraganli: I Was Deported From Azerbaijan

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  • BAKU: Mahmoudali Chohraganli: I Was Deported From Azerbaijan


    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    June 12 2006

    Leader of the South Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement Mahmoudali
    Chohraganli gave an exclusive interview to APA.

    In his interview, Mr.Chohraganli touched on his visits to Turkey and
    Azerbaijan and commented on some issues related to his sending back
    to the United States.

    -This was a special visit. I have never paid such a visit to Turkey.

    We were met with special importance and respect in this visit. We had
    fruitful talks with heads of a number of Turkish organizations and
    intellectuals as well. Turkey's security service officers detained
    me while I was being interviewed by the "Turkey" newspaper.

    -What have you been told about the causes of your detention by
    security police?

    -There was no illegal cause. High raking officers talked to me at
    the police station. They told me that there is a treaty on security
    between Turkey and Iran. If I do not leave Turkey, relations with Iran
    can be broken. They also said there was a danger to my life. I was also
    told that a special gang is in Istanbul to kill me. I must remind that
    when I was holding a press conference in Istanbul one day before that
    event, 40 or 50 people provoked by Iran were posting pickets outside
    the building. They were shouting anti-US slogans and praising Iran.

    -Did you arrive in Azerbaijan by your own wish?

    -Yes I did. Thus, my upcoming arrival at Baku was made public a month
    ago, and I had given an interview regarding this visit.

    -What have you been told in Azerbaijan?

    -We were registered at a hotel in Baku. I was interviewed by ANS and
    two more TV channels of Azerbaijan within few hours. Security police
    detained us when we were going to lunch. Though we were told to be
    taken to the station first, I realized that they were going to take
    me and my family to the airport. It was my wish to leave for New York
    City from the airport.

    -Do you know the reason why the Azerbaijani law enforcement bodies
    detained you?

    -My presence in Baku troubled some and the Azerbaijani government
    took a step taking account Iran's intention fulfilling the Farsi
    chauvinism's intention. There was nothing illegal in my arrival at
    Baku, I had a visa. However, I was deported from Azerbaijan.

    -What are you going to do after that?

    -The Azerbaijani government did not do rightly. I lost my confidence
    in the Azerbaijani police. I have thought my family's safety could be
    guaranteed. However, I and my family were taken to the airport in a
    very disrespectful manner. They did not even let us take our things
    and say goodbye to our friends. After being detained at the airport
    for ten or twelve hours, we set off for New York. This event is likely
    pleased the Farsi regime, Armenians and enemies of Azerbaijan.

    -Did US Embassies in Turkey and Azerbaijan have any interference in
    these events?

    -No, I was not informed about this. On the other hand, I was told that
    was a state decision. I think there was no need for the US interference
    in this matter. I'll make serious changes to our further steps. Though
    our target remains the same, our tactics needs changing. It was clear
    that 35 million of nation will determine its fortune by themselves
    and if they want freedom, they will achieve it.

    It turned out that the ruling party here does not care about the
    freedom of South Azerbaijan. The northern Azerbaijani authorities
    have never rendered any support to their southern compatriots and
    they neither want to raise this issue. These processes disappointed
    Azerbaijan's friends. We realized that we should get better knowledge
    of ourselves and our power. We think about whether we have brothers
    around us.