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BAKU: Poland Stands By Azeri European Integration

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  • BAKU: Poland Stands By Azeri European Integration


    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    June 13 2006

    Baku, June 12, AssA-Irada
    The chair of Poland's Seim (lower house of parliament) commission on
    European Union issues Karol Karski and a member of the commission
    Malgozhata Sadurskaya, met with members of the Milli Majlis
    (parliament) group for inter-parliamentary cooperation with Poland
    on Monday.

    Karski pointed to numerous common features between Azerbaijan and
    Poland, indicating that the developments in January 1990 in Baku
    had marked the beginning of the Soviet Union's break-up. The Polish
    MPs spoke in favor of a negotiated settlement of the Upper (Nagorno)
    Garabagh conflict.

    Hundreds of civilians were killed or injured by the Soviet troops
    in Baku on January 20, 1990 on an order from the USSR leadership
    that was trying to maintain the Communist regime in Azerbaijan and
    strangle the national freedom movement.

    The visiting MPs said Azerbaijan had enormous natural resources and a
    burgeoning economy, while its ancient history and culture could make
    it an interesting tourist destination. He said Azerbaijan was one of
    Poland's most important partners.

    "As a member of the EU, Poland stands by Azerbaijan's integration
    aspirations. We also encourage your country's cooperation with NATO,"
    Karski said.

    A member of the parliamentary group for cooperation and friendship
    with Poland, MP Eldar Guliyev, said Poland was the first country to
    recognize Azerbaijan's independence. MP Sabir Hajiyev, for his part,
    said Azerbaijan was doing a lot to become a member of the European
    family and expressed hope that European countries would support
    Azerbaijan's cause in the Upper Garabagh conflict.

    He said Azerbaijan was still in favor of peace talks despite the
    ongoing occupation of its lands and the existence of more than million
    refugees. It is for this reason, Hajiyev said, that Azerbaijan has
    been abiding by the ceasefire agreement reached over 10 years ago.

    "This has been possible due to the tolerance of the Azerbaijanis,"
    the MP said.