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After Encouragement Of Chernogoria

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  • After Encouragement Of Chernogoria


    DeFacto Agency, Armenia
    June 13 2006

    Interview of a political scientist, professor Alexander Minassyan
    Mr. Minassyan, some home politicians predict drastic amplification of
    pressure on Armenia and Azerbaijan by the OSCE MG cochair-countries
    within the next three months in Karabakh issue. They motivate their
    opinion by the fact that the OSCE MG Cochairman Stephen Mann had
    predicted a break-through achievement in the negotiation process for
    the Karabakh conflict settlement just for summer, 2006. What is your
    vision of the existing situation?

    I cannot say how much strong is the pressure. Those, who put pressure
    and those who undergo pressure, can shed a light on it. However,
    I should say that both the Russian, French and American Co-chairmen
    permanently emphasize in their official statements that they do not
    want to press down on the parties and they have to reach settlement
    by themselves. By parties one should imply three parties, as it
    has already been determined by the OSCE Minsk Group. The third
    party is NKR. But how many years the meetings of the Presidents of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, which cannot be called negotiations, have
    been taking place. These are meetings which prepare a wide format of
    negotiations. Many political scientists and many in Karabakh perceive
    the last negotiations just so. The NKR authorities had made it clear
    more than once that no issue will be resolved without taking their
    opinion into consideration and that they are a full-value negotiation

    As for the pressure, availability of balance of global geopolitical
    forces on a region scale should be noted. Suffice it to say that the
    cease-fire regime is maintained since 1994 without interference of
    outer forces and without presence of peace-making forces. It means
    that the region is in the area of forces balance and undertaking of
    drastic steps is favorable to no of any great powers. It is quite
    another matter that it has been ten years already we observe how each
    of the great powers, I mean the USA, Europe, Russia, try to enter the
    region, strengthening their positions by invisible successive steps,
    prima facie, in order to change the balance of forces in the region.

    The official meeting of the Presidents of USA and Azerbaijan, held at
    the end of April, was in the center of attention of the regional Mass
    Media. The meeting was followed by the letter of George Bush to Ilham
    Aliyev. Do you consider this letter as an evidence of realization of
    the White House's plans with respect to Iran?

    The open letters do not coincide with the reality in times and purpose
    agitation aims in times, though I cannot apply it all particularly to
    this letter. It's not the first time the Co-chairmen state that some
    months are left till the Karabakh conflict settlement, however, nothing
    of the kind happens. Such a tendency gets explanation through the prism
    of the political line of the USA, European Union and Russia, aimed at
    the strengthening of own positions in the South-Caucasian region. As
    for Azerbaijan, one should not forget that the republic itself is
    an explosive formation, where there are numerous contradictions
    between the Shiites and non-Shiites, Azerbaijan Turks and non-Turks:
    Lezghins, Tats, Talyshes, Avars, which can become vitally important
    for Azerbaijan if Baku undertakes a gamble.

    How much important is the Iranian factor in Azerbaijan? I mean a
    political and religious influence of Iran.

    The recent years, Turkey is working more actively in Azerbaijan than
    Iran. It is quite clear since collision of interests takes place
    today between Azerbaijan and Iran, there are contradictions in
    definite programs, in the oil one, in particular. Mosques not for
    Shiites are built in the present Azerbaijan with special aplomb,
    it is permanently advocated that Azerbaijanians are Turks, though
    Azerbaijanians do not represent themselves, even today, as a society
    with a homogeneous origin. I think, the anti-Armenian hysteria in
    Azerbaijan is partly explained by a strive to join all these ethnic
    groups into a united nation under pretence of unification necessity
    in the face of the common enemy.

    If Turkey has an influence in the so-called South Azerbaijan, and in
    your opinion, if the Turkish special services can be connected with
    escalation of the situation in Eastern Iran?

    Undoubtedly, they are. But I think, Iran is not the country, with
    respect to whom adventurous steps can be undertaken. Although,
    the case with Yugoslavia and Iraq indicates that there are forces
    in the USA, ready to make such crazy attempts. Having not digested
    Yugoslavia, the United States launched a war against Iraq, having not
    digested Iraq, they started to undertake steps against Iran. However,
    it cannot last endlessly. Especially as voices are heard in Europe,
    which call up to a common sense in order to sober up Washington. Of
    course, peace is favourable for the whole region and economies of
    all countries of the region are need of peace.

    Contradictory opinions are heard with regard to the geopolitical
    situation in the South Caucasus. Some people say the great investments
    in Azerbaijan and the problem of Baku-Tbilisi-Jeikhan oil line safety
    will force the West to hinder from attempts of destabilization in
    the region. Others assure that the USA will try to use the security
    area around Nagorno Karabakh as a base in possible operations against
    Iran, emphasizing that in view of the Law adopted by Azerbaijan's
    Milli Mejlis on prohibition of foreign military bases disposal in
    the country's territory, allocation of peace-makers is the only
    possibility for the American military men to take stands on the border
    with Iran.

    There are many players in the region, therefore, it can be affirmed
    that political forecasts concerning the regional development are
    an ungrateful thing. The matter is that each side has its scenario,
    and not one but tens of possible scenarios and it is difficult to say
    which scenario will be used by either. In my opinion, sober analysis
    of events for the recent two years indicates that Azerbaijan does
    not want to have peacemaking forces in its country, Baku understands
    the danger of such a step. It proceeds from the vital interests of
    Azerbaijan, since it is obvious that blood was inevitably shed where
    the so-called peacemaking forces were allocated. The fact that official
    Baku shows caution and even adopted a Law on prohibition of foreign
    military bases disposal, allows to hope that one will be sober enough
    in Azerbaijan not to make drastic steps, in the issue of peace-makers
    allocation, in particular. Although, I have to repeat that it is not
    easy to make forecasts regarding such an intricate region.

    One question more, which had bored to death but which did not loose
    its urgency, nevertheless. A precedent, created by separation of
    Chernogoria from Serbia and, in future, gaining of independence
    by Kosovo autonomy. What can the Armenian party undertake in this

    Undoubtedly, efforts are required from us to give a correct comment
    to the events in the former Yugoslavia for the welfare of Nagorno
    Karabakh. Certainly, the President of Russia and other high-ranking
    persons stated that the approach to the Kosovo problem should
    become universal for the conflicts in the post-Soviet territory
    for recognition of unrecognized states. We have to activate our
    efforts and I treat with comprehension those means of agitation and
    those state officials who emphasize the significance of Chernogoria
    precedent. However, I should note that encouragement of Chernogoria was
    a political decision. I think it's incorrectly to make a political
    precedent a corner stone. We should permanently emphasize legal
    aspects of the Karabakh problem and to represent these events as
    legal precedent. However, I should note that gain of sovereignty by
    countries based on a political decision cannot be considered as a
    precedent. A precedent is, first of all, a category of law and not
    politics. Therefore, we have to emphasize, first of all, the legal
    aspect of the problem to represent the precedent in a worthy manner.

    Yet, it is evident, the Great Powers say the conflict has its
    specific character, attaching the conflict resolution to political
    aspects. There is a great number of such precedents and it is necessary
    to represent them as a regularity. If we give an example of Eritrea,
    Eastern Timor, etc., one cannot say there are precedents, but we
    must say all this is considered a regularity in the modern field of
    international relations, in which Karabakh should be also included. We
    have to be guided by this formula. But, at the same time, we must
    represent the legal bases up to the mark. Undoubtedly, Karabakh
    has more powerful bases for international recognition, it is a more
    legitimate state than in all the above-mentioned cases.