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The State Of Natural Gas

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  • The State Of Natural Gas


    Energy Tribune, TX
    June 12 2006

    This article is a Web compilation of our annual three-part series
    on natural gas, which was printed in the three most recent issues of
    the Energy Tribune magazine.

    The series examines what we consider to be the most important
    events and emerging issues in global natural gas today. It includes
    installments on the United States, by far the biggest natural gas
    market, and current and emerging suppliers, such as Russia, Ukraine,
    Europe, Iran and Turkmenistan. We also tackle a few of the sleeper
    issues that we think have the potential to affect the future gas
    market in profound ways, focusing on Canada, Qatar and Indonesia.

    The series is designed to give readers a look back at some of the
    most important events in natural gas in the past few years, as well
    as a preview of the unfolding developments that will affect the global
    market for decades to come.


    The long dispute between Russia and Ukraine reached a crescendo on
    January 1, 2006, when Gazprom, Russia's natural gas monopoly, shut
    off gas supplies to Ukraine.

    This not only created problems for Ukraine, but also launched a storm
    throughout vulnerable Western Europe, which gets Russian gas via a
    main transit route through Ukraine. The relationship between Russia
    and Ukraine will likely be the source of future crises. Ukraine's
    Orange Revolution, which followed the 2004 presidential election that
    removed the corrupt Russian darling Viktor Yanukovych and replaced him
    with Viktor Yushchenko, was widely viewed as an affront to President
    Vladimir Putin. His recentralization of power does not leave much
    room for independent-minded former Soviet republics.

    The Gazprom fight is just one of several recent confrontations
    regarding natural gas. Here are a few others: ~UIn 1997, Gazprom
    shocked everybody by importing natural gas from Turkmenistan to
    help fulfill its supply contract with the Netherlands, using the
    pipelines passing through Ukraine. Gargantuan Russian gas reserves
    had been mismanaged or connected improperly, and gas supplies had
    to be augmented. Turkmenistan and Russia have had repeated disputes
    over the pricing of the natural gas, resulting in a complete halt to
    natural gas supplies in 2004.from Turkmenistan.

    ~UIn 2005, Ukraine contracted to buy 812 Bcf of Russian gas at
    $1.41/Mcf, a pittance compared to market price. At the same time,
    Russia agreed to pay Ukraine in the future natural gas transit fees
    of 7.3 cents per thousand cubic feet per 100 miles, a 47 percent
    price increase from 2005.

    ~UIn late 2005, Gazprom agreed to a sell natural gas to RosUkrEnergo -
    ostensibly a Ukrainian company in reality controlled by Gazprom - at
    the market price of $6.51/mcf ($230 per thousand cubic meters). The
    deal caused an uproar in Ukraine and led to the shutdown January
    1, 2006.

    ~UFour days later, Ukraine signed a five-year agreement to buy 580
    Bcf of natural gas from RosUkrEnergo at $2.69/mcf (comprised of less
    expensive natural gas from Central Asia).

    Some things have become abundantly clear. The Russian natural gas
    monopoly is in dire need of modernization, a tall order in Putin's
    Russia. The pipeline routes to Europe will have to grow and diversify
    so that European countries are no longer hostage to the whims and
    quarrels of their eastern neighbors. The importance of these projects
    was accentuated when former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder signed
    on with Gazprom, a move that raised eyebrows throughout the world.

    And still there is China, looming as an even larger potential market.

    There are plenty of ambitious plans and schemes underway now.

    ~UThe Shtokman field in the Barents Sea, one of the biggest gas fields
    in the world, will be connected directly to Europe through the North
    European gas pipeline (NEGP). The only trouble is that there are two
    potential routes, one passing through Belarus and Poland, and the
    other traversing the Baltic Sea and ultimately on to Britain.

    ~UThe Yamal Peninsula will be connected to Europe via pipeline,
    perhaps hooking up with the Barents to the Europe pipeline corridor.

    There has even been talk of ice-breaking LNG tankers that would
    connect the field through the frozen Arctic Ocean.

    ~UIn the east, another giant, the Kovytka natural gas field, could
    eventually provide China with natural gas for the next decade via a
    proposed pipeline, according to a number of analysts the field will
    come online in 2006, when it will begin providing natural gas to
    local markets.

    United States

    The on-again, off-again Alaska natural gas pipeline has been back
    in the news. First, a very pessimistic Federal Energy Regulatory
    Commission said that further delays on the Alaskan natural gas pipeline
    may make the project "less feasible."

    Then, almost by magic, a wishfully optimistic Alaskan government
    announced an "agreement" between the state and producers. At issue
    was the guaranteed price for the gas at the wellhead and details have
    not been announced on the settlement. While the pipeline is referred
    to now as a "$20-billion project running 3,500 miles from the North
    Slope along the Alaska Highway into Alberta and on to markets in the
    U.S. Midwest," there are many, including the Energy Tribune staff,
    who believe the price tag is still drastically underestimated.

    The far more logical and advanced-stage Mackenzie River Valley pipeline
    is set up to carry up to 1.2 Bcf/d of gas from northern to southern
    Canada and the United States by 2008.

    The U.S. natural gas transmission network slowed its expansion in
    2004. According to the EIA, only six new pipeline systems were placed
    in operation in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, plus the 560-MMcf/d
    Cheyenne Plains Pipeline and a 320-MMcf/d expansion of the southern
    leg of the El Paso Natural Gas pipeline system.

    Phase I of the Columbia Gas System Millennium project, connecting
    Canadian natural gas sources with the eastern United States, will be
    operational by November 2006.

    But by far the most important new activities in natural gas deal
    with LNG. Cove Point has expanded to be the country's largest LNG
    accepting facility with a new 2.5 Bcf storage capacity installed
    in 2005. Expansions are also underway for the Lake Charles and Elba
    Island LNG terminals.

    The most substantial action in the United States, and the one that
    will shape future prices in profound ways and perhaps even stop the
    Alaska natural gas pipeline project, is the one involving new LNG
    accepting facilities.

    Leading the way is Houston-based Cheniere Energy, with three of the
    four large approved permits for LNG terminals in Freeport (1.5 Bcf
    per day), Corpus Christi (2.6 Bcf per day), and Sabine Pass (2.6
    Bcf per day), all in Texas or on the Texas-Louisiana border. The
    fourth permit was awarded to the Sempra Energy Cameron LNG project
    in Hackenberry, Louisiana (1.5 Bcf per day). The EIA reports that
    Sempra also signed a deal with BP in 2003 to supply Indonesian LNG
    to a proposed terminal in Baja California. A floating LNG facility,
    the Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge, has already started receiving loads
    of LNG, but the volume is considerably smaller (0.5 Bcf per day)
    than each of the approved and proposed land-based facilities.

    Estimates vary, but a "middle of the road" forecast by the EIA suggests
    that by 2015 there will be a gap of about 8 Tcf per year (22 Bcf
    per day) between increasing consumption and declining production,
    the overwhelming part of which will be satisfied by LNG imports.


    Iran is a bona fide superpower in natural gas, all the more so because
    its potential has barely been tapped. It is also a complicated case,
    as the Iranian government fluctuates from radicalism to radical
    extremism. Several countries are currently vying for its energy
    riches. And Iran's nuclear ambitions are the cause of ongoing animosity
    with the United States, which is reportedly planning to bomb some of
    its nuclear facilities.

    Despite the friction over nuclear issues, Iran forges ahead on the
    gas front, with plans to develop the huge Pars field (first the south,
    then the north); the Khuff reservoir of the Salman oil field; the Zireh
    field in Bushehr province; the Homa field in southern Fars province;
    the Tabnak in southern Iran; the onshore Nar-Kangan fields; the Aghar
    and Dalan fields in Fars province; and the Sarkhoun and Mand fields.

    Most of Iran's attention has focused on the giant South Pars offshore
    field, which is being developed in 28 phases. The South Pars is
    Iran's largest energy project, and over $15 billion in investment
    has been committed. The participant list is a virtual "Who's Who"
    of the international energy business, including many countries whose
    governments are occasionally at odds with Iran.

    A sample: ~UPhase 1, developed by Iran's Petropars, began producing
    in late 2004. Gas will be shipped north through a pipeline under
    construction by Russian and local contractors. Some of the gas will
    be re-injected into mature oil fields, including the giant Ahwaz and
    Mansouri ones.

    ~UIn early 2003, Phases 2 and 3 came online, developed by a consortium
    led by French Total and including Malaysia's Petronas and Russia's

    ~UPhases 4 and 5 came online in October 2004 and are being managed
    by Italy's Eni and Petropars.

    ~UPetropars and Norway's Statoil are managing Phases 6 through
    8. The project is scheduled to come online by 2007, and some of the
    gas is slated for injection in the Agha Jari oilfield. NIOC will
    be the operator. In May 2003, Iran signed a $1.2-billion deal with
    a Japanese-led consortium for an onshore processing facility for
    these phases.

    ~UPhases 9 and 10 are being handled by South Korea's LG Corp., and are
    scheduled to come online in 2007. The deal is valued at $1.6 billion.

    ~UPhase 11 will be used for LNG and is expected to come online in
    2010. Total leads Pars LNG along with NIOC. The company was asked to
    provide its final conditions for the $1.2-billion project. China's
    CNPC is seeking a 10 percent stake and India's ONGC has also expressed
    an interest.

    ~UPhase 12 is called NIOC LNG. Both Eni and Statoil have expressed

    ~UA Shell-led group, Persian LNG, hopes to handle Phase 13, also
    intended to be LNG plus LPG by 2010. This is a $4-billion project,
    involving NIOC and Spain's Repsol and its Argentine subsidiary YPF.

    ~UPhase 14 is intended for gas-to-liquids development. Both Statoil
    and Shell have expressed interest.

    ~UPhases 15 and 16 were initially awarded early this year to a
    consortium led by Norway's Aker Kvaenerbut; however, apparently the
    phases will be re-bid according to an announcement by the Iranians.

    The remaining phases have yet to be tendered.

    Other deals:

    Last year, Iran signed a $1.2-billion contract with a consortium
    of two foreign and two domestic companies to gather associated gas,
    previously flared or re-injected, from the Nowruz, Soroush, Hendijan,
    and Behregansar fields. This is an attempt to monetize "stranded
    gas." In addition, BG and NIOC have plans to develop a $2.2-billion
    LNG plant at Bandar Tombak on the Persian Gulf.

    Iran has also been quite active in pipelines, starting with a pipeline
    to Turkey inaugurated in 2002. However, questions about this deal
    remain, primarily because Turkey views itself as a transshipment hub
    for gas to Europe instead of a destination for Iranian gas.

    Shortly afterward, Greece and Iran signed an agreement to extend the
    pipeline from Iran to Turkey into northern Greece.

    In 2004, Austria's OMV signed an agreement with the National Iranian
    Gas Export Co. (NIGEC) for a possible $5-billion gas pipeline, dubbed
    Nabucco, that will go from Iran through Turkey to Austria. A final
    decision on the Nabucco line was supposed to come before the end of
    2005, but was delayed because of the Iranian nuclear dispute. Nabucco
    is still scheduled for inauguration in 2011.

    Embroiled in conflicts with Russia, Ukraine has offered two alternative
    routes for Nabucco toward Western Europe. The routes would cross
    Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine. In any case, Iran signed a deal in
    2005 to sell up to 1 Tcf per year of natural gas to Ukraine.

    There are even more grandiose plans in the works, such as an India
    pipeline. Iran and Pakistan have signed an MOU for a possible
    1,600-mile, $4-billion gas pipeline from Iran to Pakistan and
    potentially, on to India. The idea is to eventually link Iran with
    China through pipelines. Despite years of negotiations, the three
    countries have not been able to agree on pricing. But there is
    widespread belief that the pipeline will be built.

    Iran is also flexing its muscles as a regional power with countries
    of the former Soviet Union. Armenia and Iran have agreed on a
    barter deal whereby Iran will supply Armenia with natural gas and
    Armenia will supply Iran with electricity. Iran is also considering
    importing natural gas from Azerbaijan and is already importing gas
    from Turkmenistan with the first pipeline in Central Asia to bypass
    Russia for use in Iran's north

    More important, Iran will figure prominently in the enormous emerging
    LNG trade. For starters, Iran plans to build three LNG plants at
    Assaluyeh using South Pars gas.

    In October 2004, Iran signed what is perhaps the largest energy deal
    ever- a $100-billion, 25-year contract with China's Sinopec to export
    LNG to China. The deal also included the construction of a refinery for
    natural gas condensates and the development of the Yadavaran oilfield.

    Last year, the Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) and NIGEC signed a
    30-year deal for an annual 7.5 million metric tons of LNG starting in
    2009 or 2010. NIOC offered Indian companies the chance to participate
    in the development of the Yadavaran and Jufeyr oilfields.


    Turkmenistan's energy industry, comprised mostly of natural gas, is
    trying to move out from under the weight of its former Soviet master.

    This is a formidable task. The only obvious way is to forge diverse
    routes through the Caspian region and beyond. This means bypassing
    the Russian natural gas pipeline system. Until the late 90s, routes
    through Russia were the only means of moving gas, and 2 Tcf of natural
    gas was piped through the Central Asia Center gas pipeline.

    But in 1997, Russia's Gazprom cut off Turkmenistan's access to the
    pipeline over - what else? - payment disputes.

    The dispute was temporarily resolved and Turkmenistan exports resumed
    to both Russia and Ukraine. Turkmenistan and Gazprom agreed to increase
    gas shipments to 2 Tcf per year with the potential to increase the
    annual volume to 3.5 Tcf. Also, Ukraine signed an agreement with
    Turkmenistan for gas shipped through Russia. The deals are supposed
    to last through 2006.

    We already mentioned the pipeline to Iran, the first natural gas
    pipeline in Central Asia to bypass Russia. This pipeline could possibly
    extend to provide gas to Armenia through Iran.

    In the late 90s, Turkmenistan was pushing for the Central Asia Gas
    pipeline to carry natural gas through Afghanistan to Pakistan (and
    possibly on to India). Unocal got involved but the project was killed
    ostensibly because of the war in Afghanistan. After the removal
    of the Taliban regime, Presidents Karzai (Afghanistan), Niyazov
    (Turkmenistan), and Musharraf (Pakistan) reactivated the idea and a
    study is currently in progress.

    Turkmenistan is actively pursuing other options, but most of these
    deals have fallen apart. MOUs are signed only to be killed or abandoned
    once reality sets in. For example, in 1999 Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey,
    and Turkmenistan signed an agreement to build the Trans-Caspian Gas
    Pipeline (TCGP) from Turkmenistan, through Azerbaijan and Georgia,
    to Turkey. But the 1,020-mile TCGP now lies dormant.

    Nothing is more ambitious than the project contemplated by ExxonMobil,
    Japan's Mitsubishi, and China's CNPC for the construction of the
    world's longest natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to the Chinese
    coast. The pipeline would eventually extend to Japan. Don't hold your
    breath on this one.

    Subscribe now to see a pipeline map for Turkmenistan.


    Just four or five years ago, U.S. gas supply forecasts invariably
    predicted that Canada, the main source for imported gas, would
    continue providing its share. The conventional logic was that, if
    U.S. demand were to increase by 2 percent, Canadian imports would
    increase accordingly. If any one source of U.S. gas, e.g., shallow
    offshore, were to lag behind (as it did then), logic dictated that
    Canadian gas would step in to fill the void. This assumption was,
    of course, preposterous, and recent voices have said so unambiguously.

    Analysts now believe that Canadian natural gas production has
    already peaked at 18 Bcf/d, and that production from the Western
    Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), which today provides 14 Bcf/d,
    will decline to 9 Bcf/d by 2020 and to 6 Bcf/d by 2024.

    Production in the WCSB has already shifted from Alberta toward new
    fields in British Columbia, where recent estimates suggest there are
    recoverable reserves of almost 45 Tcf of natural gas.

    In the maritime provinces of eastern Canada, there has been
    substantial recent activity. Major natural gas production started in
    Nova Scotia in 1999, and that is where much of current activity is
    concentrated. Offshore fields in Newfoundland are expected to come
    online late this year or early next year. Canada's eastern provinces
    are bringing in natural gas production at a very opportune time.

    No Canadian project is more anticipated than the venture that will
    bring arctic gas from the Mackenzie Delta region. The gas is slated
    to start flowing by 2010 if the Mackenzie gas pipeline is completed
    on schedule. But it will take more than one pipeline to make up for
    declining production in the WCSB. Even the wildest estimates for the
    development of the Mackenzie region do not have production/pipeline
    capacities exceeding 5 Bcf/d.

    There are two potential problems facing Canadian arctic gas projects
    that may prevent them from replenishing Canadian needs (and,
    by extension, the needs of the U.S.). First, there will be major
    competition for this gas among the heavy oil producers in Alberta and
    Saskatchewan. Ironically, production of Canadian oil also requires
    consumption of natural gas for thermal recovery and processing.

    Second, the attractiveness of arctic pipelines (including the rival
    Prudhoe Bay gas pipeline schemes) will clearly be affected by LNG

    Petro-Canada and TransCanada are constructing the 500-MMcf/d LNG
    terminal at Gros Cacouna in Quebec, and in 2004 Petro-Canada signed a
    deal with Russia's Gazprom to provide LNG for the terminal from the
    giant Shtokman field. Other LNG plans in eastern Canada, if built,
    will provide 4 Bcf/d of LNG by 2008.

    Subscribe now to see a pipeline map for Canada.


    It is a quirk of geology that Qatar, a small Middle Eastern country
    with no oil production to speak of, contains 910 Tcf of proven natural
    gas reserves, third only to Russia and Iran. Qatar's offshore North
    Field is the largest natural gas field in the world. The country has
    other relatively large fields, but none comes close to the size of
    the North Field. Qatar is an obvious source of LNG, and two consortia
    are already exporting LNG, with many new additions on the way.

    Qatargas is a joint-venture between Qatar Petroleum (65 percent),
    Total (10 percent), ExxonMobil (10 percent), Mitsui (7.5 percent) and
    Marubeni (7.5 percent), and launched its first shipment of LNG to Japan
    in 1999. Qatargas LNG operates three trains, with a total capacity
    of 9.2 million metric tons per year (1.3 Bcf/d.) Qatar Petroleum and
    ExxonMobil dominate Rasgas, Qatar's second LNG consortium. Rasgas has
    four LNG trains that make up a total of 13.2 million metric tons per
    year (about 1.9 Bcf/d). A fifth LNG train is scheduled for completion
    in 2007.

    Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil agreed in 2003 to proceed with RasGas
    II, scheduled for two massive LNG trains that will each provide 7.8
    million metric tons per year, for a total of 15.6. These will be
    the largest LNG trains in the world. The trains will come online in
    2008 or 2009, after which massive quantities of LNG are slated to be
    exported to the United States.

    Qatar Petroleum and ConocoPhillips have signed a deal for Qatargas III,
    a project that will produce 7.5 million metric tons per year, beginning
    in 2009. Qatargas IV is a project involving Shell and is expected
    to come online in 2009 or 2010. Both Qatargas ventures will provide
    LNG to the U.S. market. Meanwhile, Qatar continues to export gas to
    Japan and Korea, and has recently added India as a future client.

    Qatar's push into gas-to-liquids continues. This month, Qatar Petroleum
    (a 51 percent owner) and the South African industrial giant Sasol
    will inaugurate their Oryx GTL plant, which is slated to produce
    34,000 bpd of GTL, primarily diesel. QP, Sasol, and Chevron are now
    planning to triple the size of Oryx to more than 1000 bpd.

    Subscribe now to see a pipeline map for Qatar.


    Indonesia's fortune is the exact opposite of Qatar's. The country
    has gone from being the world leader in LNG, when Japan and South
    Korea were its main customers, to suffering a rapidly declining market
    share. In fact, Indonesia cannot even meet its contractual obligations
    these days.

    It was bound to happen. A country with a population of about 250
    million and economic growth of more than five percent annually needs
    energy, and although Indonesia has long been an exporter of petroleum
    and natural gas, its domestic needs are catching up. Theoretically,
    Indonesia shouldn't even be a member of OPEC because it has become
    a net importer. For the last two years, the country's LNG-exporting
    facilities in Arun, in the troubled Aceh province have been operating
    below capacity because Indonesia cannot maintain the required
    production for export.

    BP may be Indonesia's only salvation. The company's Tangguh project,
    in Papua province, is supposed to reverse the trend in Indonesia's
    declining LNG fortunes. The project will involve two trains with
    a total capacity of 6.6 million tons per year by 2008, and there
    are plans to double the capacity at a later time. Contracts have
    already been signed with China's Fujian Province and South Korea's
    POSCO industries.

    For maps and tables: