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They Aren't Interested In The NA, Karabakh And Dollar

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  • They Aren't Interested In The NA, Karabakh And Dollar

    Aram Abrahamian
    13 June 06

    If you think that the Armenians worry about the NA chairman's
    resignation, the current failure of Karabakh negotiations in Bucharest
    or Dollar inflation, you are mistaken. Anyway, according to the APR
    Group phone polling /from 7-9 of June among 652 Yerevan citizens/
    our citizens aren't interested in it.

    The sociologists have asked the citizens to mention the most important
    events of last period and 37% of them first of all mentioned the
    victory of Armenian chess players in the Chess Olympiad in Turin, 24,8%
    mentioned the crash of A320 airbus, 22,9% mentioned Andre's success
    in Eurovision. The above-mentioned political or Â"political-economicÂ"
    events have gathered less than 5 %. And even the violence used against
    Armenians in Russia are in the first place for 5,4%. I wouldn't hurry
    to accuse people of being "heartless" or "lumpened".

    Maybe the reason is that people became sure during 15 years that
    they don't have any lever for having influence on the policy and
    being interested in a thing which has no connection with you, isn't
    reasonable at least. By the way mentioning the reason of considering
    important the chess players and Andre 54,8% and 19, 5% of citizens
    said that it was the proud and honor of the Armenian nation. It is
    also important that 92,5% of citizens who consider important Andre
    belong to feminine gentle.

    We asked APR Group tube interested what Yerevan citizens think of
    violence used against Armenians in Russia. First of all we should
    mention that 35% wasn' t informed about it or wasn't engaged in
    that problem. And the opinions of the reasons of that violence were
    different. 27,8% citizens think that it is a policy which Russia
    carries out, 19,8% is sure that those are accidental cases, 16%
    refer it to Russian chauvinism and 15,1% think that it is a slander
    addressed by other countries against Armenian-Russian relations.

    Some citizens being very sorry for those incidents anyway suppose
    that it will help repatriation and some part of the eldest generation
    remembered that they had met Russian chauvinism since the Soviet
    period. And indeed, I myself living first 30 years of my life in Soviet
    "international" period heard " Armyashka" word at that time.
