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The Attitude Towards Election Falsifiers Isn't United

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  • The Attitude Towards Election Falsifiers Isn't United

    Anna Israelian
    13 June 06

    The parliament began discussing drafts an hour and a half before its
    working day yesterday.

    The deputies were discussing the agenda all day long, and took 20
    minutes breaks before voting. The adoption of the agenda has become a
    Â"difficult processÂ" by the NA deputy chairman Vahan Hovhannisian's
    description because Â"JusticeÂ" was trying for the third time to put
    into agenda its initiations about forming the NA temporary commissions
    examining the infringements in 2003 elections and constitutional
    referendum. Â"We offer the formation of these commissions in the
    following way; to invite the chairmen of all electoral commissions
    and ask them for explanation, - the secretary of "JusticeÂ" group
    Victor Dallakian said and reminded. - The PACE has proposed to form a
    parliamentary commission in connection with the referendum. And those
    who tell tales about European values, let them vote for to these two
    commissionsÂ". While the RPA fraction leader Galust Sahakian has said
    that they will vote against. Aram Gaspari Sargsian marked in this
    way the fact that the parliamentary majority has negative attitudes
    towards the initiation on making responsible the election falsifiers;
    Â" We should suppose that either those deputies are going for the
    following falsifications or the majority will be responsible for
    all which will happen in elections 2007. Tigran Torosian and Vahan
    Hovhannisian were declaring that these would be last elections; if
    we tried to rig the elections again it would be the most shameful
    situation for us. And now how do you mark that they try to prevent
    the falsifications, punish the falsifiers, and the majority is again
    against?Â" The NA chairman Tigran Torosian replied to that question
    mentioning that he shared the anxiety about the coming elections;
    Â"Yes, we, first of all for our country and naturally as the obligation
    of our country towards international organizations must hold the coming
    parliamentary and next elections corresponding to all international
    standardsÂ". But the NA chairman produced as a technical reason that
    even if these issues were included in the great agenda, they would
    be discussed only in autumn session. Â"I think there is no time for
    the commission workÂ". DPA leader Aram Sargsian noticed that even if
    that commission acted in autumn; Â"we'll manage to display clearly
    our attitude towards the falsifiers. Maybe we wouldn't have any other
    result but everybody would understand that falsification was a crime
    and it was punishableÂ". Victor Dallakian affirmed that the mater
    should be voted for including in the agenda. But before voting he
    "played a trick" as he described it late. The "Justice secretary took
    a break for 20 minutes then he proposed to postpone for a month the
    mater of including into agenda the formation of the commission. The
    proposal was refused by voting as 55 members hadn't voted, including
    the oppositionists. Then Victor Dallakian declared that the issues
    of forming the commission are already included in the agenda, as the
    proposals of postponing it weren' t adopted. A long dispute started
    between "Justice" and NA chairmen. Tigran Torosian alluded that
    Vahan Hovhannisian missed the NA code allowing voting the mater of
    postponing. The ULP group leader Gurgen Arsenian asked for a break,
    after discussion Vahan Hovhannisian admitted his mistake; Â"That
    voting doesn't have juridical consequences". And he put for voting
    the mater of including the initiation of forming the commissions in
    the agenda. 12 members were for, including the NA leaders. 85 members
    didn't vote, the oppositionist deputies, too who were continuing to
    insist that the mater of commissions was already in the agenda, so
    they wouldn't take part in the illegal voting. Thanks to all these
    the amendments in the law Â"About State taxesÂ" wasn't included
    into agenda.
