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International Genocide Memorial May Be Constructed In California

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  • International Genocide Memorial May Be Constructed In California


    14.06.2006 17:57

    YEREVAN (YERKIR) - The Armenian National Committee of America Western
    Region expressed it support this week for AB 1210, legislation that
    calls for the construction of an International Genocide Monument in
    Sacramento's State Capitol Park.

    The California State Legislature took the first step this year
    in working to construct an International Genocide Memorial in the
    State's Capitol.

    Authored by State Assembly member Lloyd Levine, AB 1210 was introduced
    in 2005 and is currently in the Senate Appropriations Committee. If
    passed, the legislation would call for the establishment of an
    International Genocide Memorial Commission to determine the design,
    construction, and dedication for a memorial, on the grounds of Capitol
    Park, to honor genocide victims.

    The State of California has a longstanding history in protecting the
    rights, history and culture of all its citizens, including those who
    are survivors and descendents of genocide and crimes against humanity.

    An International Genocide Monument in the State Capitol would not
    only serve as a symbol for remembrance of past genocides, but also as
    a tool to educate thousands of students who visit the State Capitol
    annually for class trips.

    If constructed, the monument would recognize crimes perpetrated
    against the Sudanese in Darfur and the Tutsis in Rwanda, the Armenians,
    and the Jews, among others.

    Noting the ANCA-WR's support of AB 1210, Chairman Steven Dadaian said,
    "The passage of this legislation that would bring about a permanent
    reminder of past atrocities, is especially important in the face
    of genocides that are still shamefully denied today, such as the
    Armenian Genocide."

    On behalf of all Armenian Americans, the ANCA-WR commends the
    California legislature and Assembly member Levine's leadership
    for their efforts to create an enduring symbol of remembrance and
    recognition in California for all victims of genocide and injustice,
    reported the ANCA.