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"The EU Cannot Accept Turkey"

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  • "The EU Cannot Accept Turkey"


    [05:08 pm] 16 June, 2006

    During the session the deputies used their right of
    briefings for the last time.The factions of the United
    Labor Party, the Orinats Yerkir Party and the People's
    Deputy obviously had nothing to tell the journalsits
    as they were absent from the briefings.

    Hrayr Karapetyan, the head of the ARF faction,
    referred to the recent announcements about the
    necessity of the cessation of the negotiations of the
    membership of Turkey in the UN and said that the
    diplomatic relations of Turkey and Armenia must not be
    conditioned by the relations with a third country; and
    that's what Turkey does every time the relations
    between the two countries are referred to.

    According to Artashes Geghamyan, the head of the
    National Unity, Europe cannot accept the membership of
    Turkey. He reminded that the inflation rate exceeded
    the established threshold in Lithuania by 0.1% only
    and the EU does not allow Lithuania to enter the EURO
    zone. "Taking into account the present situation when
    the EU has not come to its senses yet after the
    membership of Romania and Bulgaria, all the other
    conversations are a waste of time".

    By the way, Mr. Geghamyan found the decision of the US
    Senate about not supporting the construction of the
    railway Kars-Akhalqalaq-Tbilisi-Baku extremely
    important. He said that it can contribute to the
    regulation of the relations between Armenia and

    Head of the Justice faction Stepan Demirchyan said
    that we must have friendly relations with our
    neighbors but never at the expense of our national

    The deputies also referred to the xenophobic
    sentiments in Russia and the cases of murder of
    Armenians. Stepan Demirchyan announced that we must
    not stand the situation and that the RA authorities
    must raise the issue.

    According to Artashes Geghamyan, they would have done
    it long ago if it weren't for the statistic data
    brought by the Russian authorities - 2396 people have
    committed suicide in Armenia for the last five years.
    Who is guilty for it? "And if the murder of three
    Armenians for the last month gives us a chance to say
    that Russia is not our friend, then we can note that
    the authorities of our own country are our enemies",
    Artashes Geghamyan said.

    The deputies were also worried about the exchange rate
    of the Armenian dram. "The dollar inflation is
    definitely artificial: how come the fuel becomes more
    expensive and the dollar becomes cheaper?" Hrayr
    Karapetyan announced. And Stepan Demirchyan announced
    that the dollar inflation contributes to the enhancing
    of poverty and not vice versa, as some claim.