AZG Armenian Daily #112, 17/06/2006
The leaders of 25 European states and governments
initiated a summit in Brussels, on June 15. The issue
of the future of the European structures is being
discussed at the summit. Notwithstanding Germany~Rs
objections, the Europeans already think of making a
new agreement that will replace the European
Constitution disapproved by the French and the Dutch.
Romano Prodi, chairman of CE, hinted at the Paris
meeting with president Jacques Chirac of France that
the legislative experts should think of a new text for
the constitution. Chirac gave no response.
Jose Manuel Barroso, chairman of the European
Committee, stated in an interview with Le Figaro that
a number of European states, including France,
supported the idea of elaborating a new text for the
European Constitution. "But at present, we haven~Rt
achieved common agreement, yet" he said.
Barroso stated that the Committee will try to find
alternative solutions. Most likely, the CE will give
time to the European states to think over this
opportunity till 2007, till the presidential elections
in France, defining certain indicators for the coming
two years.
Wolfgang Schuessel, EU chairman, stated that Europe
needs new constitution that would replace the Nice
Agreement in 2009. Only Germany objects to the idea of
a new constitution, trying to prolong the expire date
for constitutional draft law disapproved last year.
Some of the diplomats state that "the German Idealism"
is already irritating.
By Petros Keshishian
The leaders of 25 European states and governments
initiated a summit in Brussels, on June 15. The issue
of the future of the European structures is being
discussed at the summit. Notwithstanding Germany~Rs
objections, the Europeans already think of making a
new agreement that will replace the European
Constitution disapproved by the French and the Dutch.
Romano Prodi, chairman of CE, hinted at the Paris
meeting with president Jacques Chirac of France that
the legislative experts should think of a new text for
the constitution. Chirac gave no response.
Jose Manuel Barroso, chairman of the European
Committee, stated in an interview with Le Figaro that
a number of European states, including France,
supported the idea of elaborating a new text for the
European Constitution. "But at present, we haven~Rt
achieved common agreement, yet" he said.
Barroso stated that the Committee will try to find
alternative solutions. Most likely, the CE will give
time to the European states to think over this
opportunity till 2007, till the presidential elections
in France, defining certain indicators for the coming
two years.
Wolfgang Schuessel, EU chairman, stated that Europe
needs new constitution that would replace the Nice
Agreement in 2009. Only Germany objects to the idea of
a new constitution, trying to prolong the expire date
for constitutional draft law disapproved last year.
Some of the diplomats state that "the German Idealism"
is already irritating.
By Petros Keshishian