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Small And Medium Business Develops Actively, Robert Kocharian Says

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  • Small And Medium Business Develops Actively, Robert Kocharian Says


    Noyan Tapan
    Jun 21 2006

    YEREVAN, JUNE 21, NOYAN TAPAN. Issues related to development of small
    and medium business were discussed during the June 21 meeting of Robert
    Kocharian and a number of representatives of the sector. According
    to the RA President's press service, the ministers of agriculture,
    trade and economic development also participated in the meeting.

    R. Kocharian noted that small and medium business is developing
    actively, which is evident from the fact that it accounts for 40% of
    GDP and 16% of exports of Armenia. The President called on more than
    20 businessmen representing all the Armenian marzes to hold an open
    discussion to identify the obstacles to SME development and based on
    it, to decide what new steps the Armenian government should take to
    secure a favorable climate for SME activities.

    The meeting participants noted that the sector's development has
    entered a new stage characterized by an increase in the number of
    small and medium enterprises and the process of their technical
    re-equipment. However, there are still problems to be solved,
    particularly, the need to conduct fewer check-ups at small and medium
    enterprises, provide regional businessmen with business advice, to
    train personnel with special education, as well as some legislative

    The problem of long-term credits with low interest rates and the
    need to extend leasing services were also discussed in detail. The
    regional businessmen said that they have difficulty meeting the terms
    of pledged security for receiving a credit, because the value of land
    and property in Armenian marzes is much lower than in Yerevan.

    R. Kocharian informed them that in order to deal with the situation,
    the cost of the state budget-financed program on provision of credit
    guarantees will be increased this year. He welcomed that fact that
    the number of entrepreneurs engaged in small and medium business who
    are in need of credit resources is on the increase.

    The meeting participants also addressed the problem of foreign currency
    fluctuations. In this connection, the President noted that this problem
    affects the business circles in the whole world, and when signing
    contracts, our businessmen should try to insure themselves against it.

    R. Kocharian said the problems raised at the meeting will be discussed
    once again at a special consultation to be held soon in order to find
    final solutions.