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Bahais' Struggle For Recognition Reveals A Less Tolerant Face Of Egy

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  • Bahais' Struggle For Recognition Reveals A Less Tolerant Face Of Egy

    Mariam Fam

    AP Worldstream
    Jun 22, 2006

    Tucked away in Labib Iskandar's pocket is a neatly folded slip of
    paper with fraying edges that tells the story of a community fighting
    for recognition.

    It's a receipt Iskandar got when he applied for the computer-based
    identification card Egypt had just then begun issuing _ more than
    five years ago.

    Iskandar is a Bahai, a member of a religious community that regards
    a19th century Persian nobleman, Baha'u'llah, as its prophet _ a
    challenge to the Muslim belief that Mohammed is the last prophet. Given
    the pivotal role of Islam in Egyptian life, the government will
    not issue an ID card to a Bahai, but only to members of the major
    monotheistic faiths: Islam, Christianity or Judaism.

    The issue broke into the news in April when a court ruled members of
    Egypt's little-known Bahai community had the right to have their faith
    listed on official documents, sparking an outcry. The Interior Ministry
    quickly filed an appeal, and last month another court froze the case.

    It's still a controversy, however. Some Muslim clerics openly declare
    the Bahai faith is a heresy, and civil rights advocates complain
    this heavy-handed approach threatens to set off clashes like those
    that erupted recently between Muslims and minority Christians in the
    northern city of Alexandria.

    While the dispute directly affects only the country's Bahais _
    perhaps 2,000 of the 72 million Egyptians _ it provides a glimpse
    into how a once cosmopolitan society has sunk into a culture where
    fanaticism outweighs theoretical protections of religious freedom.

    "Before, everything was simpler and everyone knew I was a Bahai and
    had no problem with that," said Iskandar, a 59-year-old engineering
    professor. "There were no biases. Fanaticism started to surface
    only now."

    The family whose suit led to the court ruling on the Bahai faith has
    refused to speak with reporters. But the Bahais' experience in Egypt
    can be seen through Iskandar and his family.

    His birth certificate and original government ID card list him as
    a Bahai.

    His sons have similar birth certificates. But when his oldest son,
    Ragi, 24, applied for his ID card, officials would only agree to
    drawing a line _ to indicate a blank _ in the religion section.

    Later when 19-year-old Hady applied for an ID, he was told he
    must identify himself as a follower of one of the three officially
    recognized religions and never got his papers, Iskandar said.

    "We worry sick about them when they stay out late, especially the
    youngest son, since he has no ID, which could land him in trouble,"
    said Iskandar.

    "Because they're young, they get upset and may say 'let's leave Egypt'"
    _ an option the elder Iskandar rejects.

    "I am an Egyptian. I was born in Egypt ... and I won't leave Egypt,"
    he said.

    The elder Iskandar was allowed to apply for the new computerized ID but
    never got one. His two sons' applications for the new documents were
    not even accepted. At the end of the year, Egypt will not recognize
    the old, paper IDs, replacing them with the computerized ones.

    Iskandar recalled attending Bahai activities until a 1960 presidential
    decree dissolved Bahai assemblies. Last October, he said, his sister
    died and the family couldn't obtain a death certificate because of
    her faith.

    "They don't want to recognize the Bahai faith. Fine, no problem. But
    as an Egyptian citizen, is it my right or not to have a birth
    certificate and an ID card?" he said. "Why do you want me to change
    my religion? Why do you want me to be a hypocrite? I refuse to lie."

    Abdel Moeti Bayoumi, a Muslim scholar, said the Bahais demand for
    recognition on official documents would cement a sectarian system
    that could fracture the country.

    "Believe in whatever you want to believe in, you and your children,
    as long as you do so at home behind closed doors," he said. "Do not
    undermine the public order."

    Bayoumi is a member of the Al-Azhar Center of Islamic Research,
    a leading institution of Sunni Muslim learning. Like many Muslim
    scholars, he believes Bahaism is a splinter of Islam and not a religion
    in its own right. He said the Bahais' beliefs and practices _ including
    considering Baha'u'llah as a prophet _ offend Muslims.

    He added Bahais were lucky the Interior Ministry appealed the April
    verdict because otherwise extremists could have attacked them.

    A statement from Al-Azhar urged Egypt "to firmly stand against this
    group which hurts the religion of God." It urged the government
    to outlaw the Bahai faith, and another statement from Al-Azhar's
    research center, playing on the region's anti-Israeli sentiments,
    argued that Bahaism "serves the interests of Zionism."

    Bahais say their holy sites in Israel are used to discredit their

    Baha'u'llah died in 1892 in Akko in what was then the Ottoman Empire _
    and is now in Israel. The international headquarters for the world's
    5 million Bahais are in Haifa, Israel, and they have other holy places
    in Turkey and Iran.

    Hossam Bahgat, director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights,
    which has monitored the Bahais' case, said Egyptians' ignorance of
    the faith has fueled a "smear campaign."

    "It is another manifestation of the narrow and heavy-handed approach
    with which the Interior Ministry tackles religious affairs. There
    are strong similarities between these events and the clashes in
    Alexandria in terms of lack of tolerance," he said, referring to
    clashes between Muslims and Christians that left two people dead and
    40 wounded in April.

    Political sociologist Hoda Zakareya said Egypt_ which until the 1950s
    was home to significant numbers of Jews, Armenians, Greeks and other
    foreigners_ has grown less tolerant.

    "The religious rhetoric in the mosque and the church has become
    harsher and more conservative," said Zakareya, who is against listing
    religions on IDs at all. "People don't feel secure and don't feel that
    the future is safe. When people are insecure they ... seek refuge in
    their religious identities as a Muslim or a Christian."

    She said the growing influence of Islamic groups, such as the Muslim
    Brotherhood, which aim to galvanize people through religion, not
    nationalism, contributed to the change. "The brotherhood said it
    would reconstruct the fractured collective conscience on religious
    basis. But people are dividing, not uniting, around Islam."

    Iskandar said many Egyptians were dangerously mixing the religious
    and secular.

    "Everyone is acting as if they were God's envoy to the world, labeling
    people believers and nonbelievers. This is not our job," he said. "If
    you think we are nonbelievers, leave it for God to punish us."