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Ankara, Baku, And Tbilisi At Pains To Draw Armenia Into An Anti-Arme

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  • Ankara, Baku, And Tbilisi At Pains To Draw Armenia Into An Anti-Arme


    Regnum, Russia
    June 22 2006

    Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gul met in Baku with
    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to discuss participation of
    Armenia in the project of the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway
    construction. The Presidents who talked to each other for 40 minutes
    did not make any official statement to the press following it. As
    Anatolia News reported, they negotiated on the further development
    of the railroad that was planned to connect Turkey with Azerbaijan
    through Georgia.

    The Turkish FM said that, to overcome difficulties impeding realization
    of the project, ministers of transport of Azerbaijan, Turkey,
    and Georgia have to look for a decision. He said that Georgia has
    "serious doubts" regarding the project. Gul suggested help to Georgia
    in order to clear these doubts. "Armenia is also welcome to join in
    the project if she likes," Gul said. He also mentioned that private
    Kazakhstani companies have shown interest to the railway project.

    As Turkish Daily News reported, the Azerbaijani President reacted
    positively to the Ankara's invitation of Armenia to join the project.

    Ilham Aliyev said that efforts should be taken to realize the
    project without gaining external credits. Georgian officials in a
    conversation with one of Ankara's envoys cautiously reacted to the
    declared readiness of Turkey and Azerbaijan to let Armenia in. They
    argued that if Armenia joins the project, the necessity of building
    the railroad would become obsolete since there was already a direct
    railroad connecting Armenia and Turkey (Kars-Giumri) that was
    inoperative due to political discord.

    The Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railroad aims to connect Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. Agreement of understanding between the two countries was
    signed on December 28, 2004. A work group was created, and a meeting
    of transport ministers of the two countries was held in Istanbul
    in September 2005. Ministers of transport of Azerbaijan, Georgia,
    and Turkey discussed the developments at the project and concrete
    steps of its implementation.

    Realization of the project will complete isolation of Armenia,
    since it will further decrease the chances of launching the existing
    Turkey-Armenia-Georgia-Abkhazia-Russia railroad.