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BAKU: Speech by Aliyev at graduation ceremony at military school

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  • BAKU: Speech by Aliyev at graduation ceremony at military school

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    June 23 2006


    [June 23, 2006, 20:37:24]

    Dear cadets, officers and generals!

    Dear graduates!

    Ladies and Gentlemen!

    I cordially congratulate you and wish every success on the coming Day
    of Armed Forces. Moreover, today is a graduation day at the
    Azerbaijan High Military School bearing the name of Heydar Aliyev,
    and I congratulate the graduates on this wonderful occasion. I am
    confident that the graduates will serve honorably in the ranks of the
    Azerbaijan~Rs Army.

    The fact that the School bears the name of the great leader Heydar
    Aliyev puts additional responsibility on those who study in it. The
    great leader has made great contribution to army building in
    Azerbaijan. It is the alumni of the military school after
    Nakhchivanski founded in 1970s that today are honorably and worthily
    serving the National Army of Azerbaijan, and strengthen our military
    potential. The process of army building was continued more rapidly
    under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev after Azerbaijan regained its
    state independence. If to take into account that in the first years
    of independence there was no a single command in the army, one can
    see how severe were the conditions under which the process of army
    building was going then. On the one hand, there were various negative
    factors - economic, political and military crisis, and internal
    confrontation - within the country, on the other hand Armenian
    Aggression against Azerbaijan and loss of lands as a result: in such
    a situation, the army building process, as a matter of fact, started
    from nothing.

    However, it took a short period of time to build a powerful Army in
    Azerbaijan, which today is capable to cope with any task. Our army
    has stronger material and technical basis, and more qualified
    manpower. Of course, great attention is paid to training of military
    personnel. In this context, improvement of activities of the High
    Military School is of great importance. For already several years
    this School has sent its alumni to the Army thereby contributing to
    our army~Rs strength.

    Today great attention is paid to the army building. You feel it, and
    the society feels that. Strengthening of army concerns every citizen,
    it is duty of everybody. First of all, the state should not spare
    attention. We try to develop all the processes in army building. In
    strengthening of the material-technical base of army increase of
    allotted means from the state budget is necessary and we do that. In
    the last three years, the military expenses have increased by 4
    times. In 2003, the expenses allotted for army building made up 135
    million dollars, while in 2006 these expenses are about 700 million
    dollars, and in the coming years we shall increase them. In last
    years, a lot was done in strengthening of material-technical base of
    army, many technics and equipment, modern weapons purchased. And,
    thus, the Army of Azerbaijan has strengthened much. This process will
    be continued. Azerbaijan lives in war conditions and in this case, at
    first, the army building should be paid more attention.

    I often visit the military units, familiarize with the state of
    things, meet the soldiers and I see the preparation is high level. It
    pleases much. The army should have nice condition, best service, at
    the same time, professionalism and fighting spirit. All these are
    available, ether. And education of youth in high patriotic sense is
    also important.

    There are number of factors that defines success and development of
    each country. These factors are available and in Azerbaijan. I
    consider strong economy, good welfare of people, strengthening of our
    sovereignty and existence of strong army will have great influence on
    Azerbaijan~Rs development. Now the country is in progress. This
    progress is available in all fields and perhaps, it bases on strong
    economic reforms, successful oil strategy. Initiator of the oil
    strategy was our great leader Heydar Aliyev. Signing of the ~SContract
    of the Century~T in 1994 on his initiative and as a result of
    development of the oil projects later, today Azerbaijan economically
    depends on nobody. Azerbaijan lives the period of economic progress
    and this policy, the taken measures define our country~Rs long-term
    development strategy.

    Operation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is historical
    event. This is an unprecedented event for our people, country, and
    region, for strengthening of safety measures in region, for regional
    cooperation, for Azerbaijan~Rs strong position in the world community.
    Great leader Heydar Aliyev has initiated these projects. By operation
    of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline the development will envelope
    all the fields in Azerbaijan.

    Our economy strengthens. Last year, the economic growth reached the
    highest level in the world and made up 26 percent. In five months of
    current year, the GDP averaged 40 percent. In future, by realization
    of all the economic programs, we shall have greater achievements.
    This strengthens is our economy, involves additional financial
    recourses to the country, and thus, our opportunities increase. Our
    budget now nears 5 billion dollars. Total budget is bigger. State
    budget of Azerbaijan has increased several times in the last years.
    This enables us to resolve all the questions. First of all, in the
    army building. In absence of these economic opportunities, we would
    not be able to allot such a big amount to the army. In future, our
    budget will increase much more. And thus, the army will receive much
    more allotment.

    At the same time, we pay great attention to solution of the social
    problems. As you know, the wages are increased twice in a year, the
    minimum wages, and the wages of different categories of people are
    increased. Yesterday I have signed a Decree on increase of wages of
    the servicemen twice. In whole, on the last three years, the wages of
    servicemen have been increased three times. I consider that it is,
    too, not enough. By increase of our economic opportunities, of
    course, we shall pay more attention to the wages, and not only of the
    servicemen, but also all the people of numerous categories.

    Great structural and construction works are being carried out in
    Azerbaijan. Large project of great importance for the country~Rs
    future are underway. Now, 6 power stations are under construction to
    strengthen energy sector of Azerbaijan. A new water pipeline is being
    laid to Baku. The gas mains are renewed. Only during the last year,
    over 300 schools have been built in the country. More than 10 modern
    hospitals are under construction as well. Yesterday I attended
    opening of the surgery of military hospital and I was deeply pleased
    with such a medical institution in Azerbaijan. This means progress.
    That means successful economic reforms, and growth of industrial

    All our oil programs are being successfully implemented. I said that
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline has been commissioned.
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerum gas pipeline is scheduled to be put into
    operation by the end of the year. It will bring additional revenues
    to Azerbaijan and, at the same time, serve strengthening of our
    position in the region.

    Azerbaijan strengthens its position in the international arena. We
    are members of some international organizations and began to play
    more active role in them. International image, prestige of Azerbaijan
    and respect for us are increasing and it is a reality. Today,
    Azerbaijan, in the true sense of the word, is the country that has
    the firmest positions in the region. Of course, there are various
    factors stipulating this. Among them are economic potential and the
    strength of the army. We know the history very well and learn the
    experience of the successful countries. Strong army is the strong
    state. Our aim is to build the strong army. We do this, we build it
    and we must have the stronger army.

    I want to point out that we have programs to solve the problems that
    Azerbaijan faces. We have many efficient programs of actions. As you
    know, the program on socio-economic development of regions is being
    successfully implemented. 400 thousand new jobs have been created for
    the past three years. Settlement of social problems of the
    settlements surrounding Baku has begun with much money set aside for
    this. Very large amount of funds are allocated to the road
    infrastructure. Much work is being done in Baku, all the centers of
    regions, villages including the repair of the trunk highways.

    In one word, our country is developing. I have no doubt that we will
    fulfill all the tasks that Azerbaijan faces. The successful results
    as well as the work we have done give us every reason to say about
    it. We have prepared concrete and precise programs for every sphere
    and they are being implemented.

    Resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is
    the problem number one for Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, there is no
    progress in this sphere. Indeed, the talks are going on; the talks
    are being held within some framework. However, they are all not
    effective because we cannot achieve any results. The position of
    Azerbaijan has always been constructive. We have been committed to
    the negotiations for over ten years and it demonstrates our
    constructivism. Although, our lands are under occupation and over 1
    million Azerbaijan became refugees and IDPs as a result of the policy
    of ethnic cleansing that Armenia pursues against Azerbaijan,
    nevertheless, we are trying to use all the available peace
    opportunities. Therefore, Azerbaijan~Rs stance in the negotiations is
    very constructive. Unfortunately, Armenia~Rs non-constructive stance
    does not allow us to resolve this conflict.

    We are committed to the international legal standards. This conflict
    and all other international issues should be settled only within some
    framework. This problem cannot be solved in accordance with anybody~Rs
    desire, in particular, if this desire does not reflect the reality
    and is beyond the framework of the international law. International
    law applies to all countries. If international rules, norms of
    behavior, decisions of international organizations are not observed
    and the decisions do not result in taking measures, then, it will
    break all international rules of behavior since the world is governed
    in accordance with some rules. All countries are members of the
    United Nations and UN is the world~Rs major organization. This
    organization has adopted four resolutions on the Armenia-Azerbaijan
    conflict, which openly state that armed occupation forces should
    unconditionally leave the occupied territories. Unfortunately,
    Armenia disregards this and does not comply with these resolutions.

    Other international organizations expressed their attitude to this
    matter by their decisions and documents. The Council of Europe has
    adopted the resolution that recognizes Armenia as an aggressor.
    However, this resolution remained ineffectual. GUAM has recently made
    a statement concerning the frozen conflicts. It does not affect
    Armenia. The summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization held in
    Azerbaijan adopted the relevant resolution, which remains
    unfulfilled. Quite important decisions on this matter were made at
    the session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers. However,
    Armenia disregards the decisions of all international organizations.
    In this case, we no longer count on international mechanisms of
    settlement. If the decisions, resolutions of the international
    organizations reflecting reality, justice and international legal
    standards are not complied with, what we should do then?! We will
    never put up with this situation, loss of our lands. We will never
    allow Nagorno-Karabakh to be separated from Azerbaijan it is not the
    subject of negotiations. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is
    recognized all over the world. The United Nations recognized it. The
    world considers Nagorno-Karabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan
    and it is really so from historical, political, legal and other
    points of view.

    Therefore, the subject of negotiations must be connected to restoring
    of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. It is necessary to ensure
    security of all peoples residing in the region. No agreement beyond
    this is impossible.

    And I reiterate that we highly appraise the efforts of international
    community, their decisions. We value activity of the OSCE Minsk
    Group. Indeed, they try to reach agreement. But non-constructive
    position of Armenia, ignorance of the international legal norms
    impedes to achieve any agreement. In this case, Azerbaijan should
    make corrections in it policy. How long shall we participate in
    negotiations? How long shall we expect? Our patience is not endless!

    Today Azerbaijan is quickly developing country. Armenia, neither from
    the point of view of economy, nor military, cannot compete with us.
    Our dominance is a reality. We are still in the beginning of our
    development. Let they think over and over in Armenia, after a year,
    or three and five, where Azerbaijan and Armenia will be. Armenia has
    no chance to develop. They are on the sidelines of all the
    international projects. They have little economic growth chances.
    Half of the country~Rs population has moved. As provided, they have
    difficulty in guarding the contact line. There is lack of living
    forces. On the other hand, there is economically strengthening
    Azerbaijan with strong army, and politically becoming the center of
    region and out economic opportunities.

    Recently I have recollected some figures. I reiterate, that according
    to estimations of the international financial structures, in the
    coming 20 years, only from oil projects Azerbaijan will receive 140
    billion dollars. Nagorno Karabakh is our first number problem and I
    see no problem for Azerbaijan except this one.

    Perhaps, we should use these opportunities ands strengthen our army,
    so that in any case it could return our occupied lands. I have no
    doubt and hope that our policy will lead to this.

    Simply, it is regretful that the time passes, and Armenia gets
    nothing by delaying solution of the problem. The time does not work
    for them, and on the contrary, it works in our favor.

    We, in the country, should use every opportunity. Now we have very
    good conditions economic growth, political stability, civil
    solidarity, unity between power and people, cohesion, strengthening
    of civil society, success of democratization process, strengthening
    or our position in region, effective cooperation with the
    international organizations and leader position in region. That is
    out goal, and that is our present life. And the most important is
    that we see the future clearly, what expects us in the coming years.
    We know that Azerbaijan in short time should be among the most
    developed countries. We have chance, political will, unity of nation,
    its talent, and we shall reach this.

    Azerbaijan will never reconcile with isolation of Karabakh, and it
    will - by peaceful way and military - restore its territorial

    There is another matter. As you know, recently we have set up the
    Ministry of Defense Industry. Of course, should we be not in war
    conditions, we would not need this Ministry. And if the Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict cannot find its solution, we decided to set up a
    strong military industrial complex, and we make necessary steps in
    this direction. I hope in short time Azerbaijan will have strong
    military industry and this, in turn, have great contributions to

    Dear friends,

    Dear servicemen,

    I cordially congratulate you on the forthcoming Day of Armed Forces.
    I congratulate the alumni. Having graduated form the higher school,
    they will worthily serve in the national Army of Azerbaijan and
    strengthen Azerbaijan~Rs defense ability. Thank you.