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Tigran Torosian: Work Of Spring Session Of National Assembly Proceed

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  • Tigran Torosian: Work Of Spring Session Of National Assembly Proceed


    YEREVAN, JUNE 23, NOYAN TAPAN. 103 laws were adopted at the regular
    plenary sittings of the spring session of the RA National Assembly,
    other 13 were adopted at the special session. 36 international
    agreements are certified. NA Speaker Tigran Torosian informed
    about it at the June 22 press conference, summing up results of
    the session. According to him, the above-mentioned proves that the
    NA work proceeded in a normal way. By the outbalancing part of the
    adopted laws, amendments were made in the acting laws, "but it does
    not humble the done work." According to him, the necessity of a
    part of changes appeared as a result of using the laws and of the
    other part was connected with the constitutional amendments. The NA
    Speaker expressed satisfaction on that occasion that during the short
    period of time followed adoption of the constitutional amendments,
    the Parliament has already adopted 8-9 laws coming out of the latter
    ones, what is rather hopefull. During the summer the Government will
    aslo go on working in the direction of the drafts arising of the
    constitutional amendments, putting them in the official circulation of
    the Parliament, according to the schedule affirmed beforehand. By the
    way, another special session of the National Assembly will, perhaps,
    be convened in early July.

    Responding journalists' questions, the NA newly elected Speaker foresaw
    that the re-arrangements at the Parliament may be considered finished,
    and new re-arrangements are not expected at the autumn session, so the
    Parliament will finish works within the circle of the already formed
    correlation of forces. As for the staff, according to Tigran Torosian,
    the only goal of the staff must be securing of an effective work of the
    Parliament, and a necessity to review the structure of the NA staff
    will be soon, as a number of services, boards, departments exists
    at the Parliament at present to solve issues of the same field. At
    the same time, the NA Speaker mentioned that possible changes may
    be observed not in contrast to the previous NA Speaker's work,
    but within the context of increasing the effectivity of work of the
    Parliament. According to him, the above-mentioned amendments will
    have no relation to the staff representatives' belonging to this
    or that party. The NA Speaker informed on the occasion of coming
    visits that many visits were envisaged beforehand, but the visits
    to be paid by parliamentary delegations to Armenia and from Armenia
    will be defined only in July. According to the speaker, they must
    be purposeful, and just protocol ones must be excluded or, at least,
    their number must be brought to minimum.